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K-NEAREST NEIGHBORS AND DECISION TREE Nonparametric Supervised Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "K-NEAREST NEIGHBORS AND DECISION TREE Nonparametric Supervised Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 K-NEAREST NEIGHBORS AND DECISION TREE Nonparametric Supervised Learning

2 Outline  Context of these algorithms  K-nearest neighbors (k-NN)  1-nearest neighbor (1-NN  Extension to k-nearest neighbors  Decision Tree  Summary

3 Outline  Context of these algorithms  K-nearest neighbors (k-NN)  1-nearest neighbor (1-NN  Extension to k-nearest neighbors  Decision Tree  Summary

4 Context of these Algorithms  Supervised Learning: labeled training samples  Nonparametric: mathematical representation of the underlying probability distribution is hard to obtain Figure: various approaches in statistical pattern recognition

5 K-Nearest Neighbors  Implicitly constructs decision boundaries  Used for both classification and regression Figure: various approaches in statistical pattern recognition

6 Decision Tree  Explicitly constructs decision boundaries  Used for classification Figure: various approaches in statistical pattern recognition

7 Outline  Context of these algorithms  K-nearest neighbors (k-NN)  1-nearest neighbor (1-NN  Extension to k-nearest neighbors  Decision Tree  Summary

8 K-Nearest Neighbors  Goal: Classify an unknown training sample into one of C classes (can also be used for regression)  Idea: To determine the label of an unknown sample (x), look at x’s k-nearest neighbors Image from MIT Opencourseware

9 Notation  Training samples:  x is the feature vector with d features  y is a class label of {1,2,…C}  Goal: determine for

10 Decision Boundaries  Implicitly found  Shown using a Voronoi Diagram

11 1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN)  Consider k = 1  1-NN algorithm  Step 1: Find the closest to with respect to Euclidean distance Find that minimizes  Step 2: Choose to be

12 Extensions of 1-Nearest Neighbor  How many neighbors to consider?  1 for 1-NN vs. k for k-NN  What distance to use?  Euclidean, L 1 -norm, etc.  How to combine neighbors’ labels?  Majority vote vs. weighted majority vote

13 How many neighbors to consider?  Noisy decision boundaries  Over-smoothed boundaries K Too SmallK Too Large k = 1 k = 7

14 What distance to use?  Euclidean distance – treats every feature as equally important  Distance needs to be meaningful (1 foot vs. 12 inches)  Features could be insignificant  Scaled Euclidean distance

15 Distance Metrics

16 How to combine neighbors’ labels?  Majority vote: each of k-neighbors’ votes are weighted equally  Weighted majority vote: closer neighbors’ votes get more weight  Ex. Weight w i = 1/distance 2 (if distance = 0, that sample gets 100% of vote)  Note: for regression,

17 Pros and Cons of k-NN  Simple  Good results  Easy to add new training examples  Computationally expensive  To determine nearest neighbor, visit each training samples  O(nd) n = number of training samples d = dimensions ProsCons

18 Outline  Context of these algorithms  K-nearest neighbors (k-NN)  1-nearest neighbor (1-NN  Extension to k-nearest neighbors  Decision Tree  Summary

19 Decision Tree  Goal: Classify an unknown training sample into one of C classes  Idea: Set thresholds for a sequence of features to make a classification decision

20 Definitions  Decision node: if-then decision based on features of testing sample  Root node: the first decision node  Leaf node: has a class label Figure: an example of a simple decision tree

21 Decision Boundaries Explicitly defined

22 Creating Optimal Decision Trees  Classification and Regression Trees (CART) by Brieman et al. is one method to produce decision trees  Creates binary decision trees – trees where each decision node has exactly two branches  Recursively split the feature space into a set of non- overlapping regions

23 Creating Optimal Decision Trees  Need to choose decisions that best partition the feature space  Choose the split s at node t that maximizes  Terms:  = left child at node t  = # records at t L / # records in training set  = # records of class j at t L / # records at t

24 Creating Optimal Decision Trees  C4.5 by Quinlan is another algorithm for creating trees  Creates trees based on optimal splits  Trees are not required to be binary

25 Creating Optimal Decision Trees  Splits based on entropy  Suppose variable X has k possible values  p i = n i /n = estimated probability X has value i  Entropy:  Candidate split S partitions training set T into subsets T 1, T 2, …T k  Entropy is the weighted sum entropies at each subset

26 Creating Optimal Decision Trees  Information gain:  C4.5 selects the candidate split S that creates which maximizes the information gain

27 Pros and Cons of Decision Trees  Simple to understand  Little data preparation required  Results are easy to follow  Robust  Handles large datasets well  Practical algorithms based on heuristics which may not give globally-optimal trees  Require pruning to avoid over-fitting data ProsCons

28 Outline  Context of these algorithms  K-nearest neighbors (k-NN)  1-nearest neighbor (1-NN)  Extension to k-nearest neighbors  Decision Tree  Summary

29 Summary  Compare a new data point to similar labeled data points  Implicitly define the decision boundaries  Easy, but computationally expensive  Use thresholds of feature values to determine classification  Explicitly define decision boundaries  Simple, but hard to find globally-optimal trees K-Nearest NeighborDecision Tree

30 Sources on k-NN  “A study on classification techniques in data mining”. Kesavaraj, G.; Sukumaran, S.. Published in ICCCNT.  MIT Opencourseware, 15.097 Spring 2012. Credit: Seyda Ertekin.  learning-and-statistics-spring-2012/lecture-notes/MIT15_097S12_lec06.pdf  Oregon State – Machine Learning Course by Xiaoli Fern   Machine Learning Course by Rita Osadchy   University of Wisconsin - Machine Learning Course by Xiaojin Zhu  intro_to_ML.pdf  UC Irvine – Intro to Artificial Intelligence Course by Richard Lathrop  slides/2014wq171-19-LearnClassifiers.pdf

31 Sources on Decision Tree  University of Wisconsin- Machine Learning Course by Jerry Zhu   Discovering Knowledge in Data: An Introduction to Data Mining. Larose, Daniel, T. (2005)  “Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review”  Jain, Anil. K; Duin, Robert. P.W.; Mao, Jianchang (2000). “Statistical pattern recognition: a review”. IEEE Transtactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 22 (1): 4-37

32 Any questions? Thank you

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