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Differential Geometry of Surfaces

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1 Differential Geometry of Surfaces
Jordan Smith UC Berkeley CS284

2 Outline Differential Geometry of a Curve
Differential Geometry of a Surface I and II Fundamental Forms Change of Coordinates (Tensor Calculus) Curvature Weingarten Operator Bending Energy

3 Differential Geometry of a Curve

4 Differential Geometry of a Curve
Point p on the curve at u0 p C(u) p=C(u0)

5 Differential Geometry of a Curve
Tangent T to the curve at u0 p Cu C(u)

6 Differential Geometry of a Curve
Normal N and Binormal B to the curve at u0 B p Cu Cuu C(u) N

7 Differential Geometry of a Curve
Curvature κ at u0 and the radius ρ osculating circle B p Cu Cuu C(u) N

8 Differential Geometry of a Curve
Curvature at u0 is the component of -NT along T C(u0) C(u1) T N(u0) C(u) N(u1) NT

9 Computing the Curvature of a Curve

10 Computing the Curvature of a Curve

11 Computing the Curvature of a Curve

12 Computing the Curvature of a Curve

13 Computing the Curvature of a Curve

14 Computing the Curvature of a Curve

15 Outline Differential Geometry of a Curve
Differential Geometry of a Surface I and II Fundamental Forms Change of Coordinates (Tensor Calculus) Curvature Weingarten Operator Bending Energy

16 Differential Geometry of a Surface

17 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Point p on the surface at (u0,v0) p S(u,v)

18 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Tangent Su in the u direction p Su S(u,v)

19 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Tangent Sv in the v direction Sv p Su S(u,v)

20 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Plane of tangents T Sv p T Su S(u,v)

21 First Fundamental Form IS
Metric of the surface S

22 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Normal N N Sv p T Su S(u,v)

23 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Normal section N Sv p T Su S(u,v)

24 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Curvature N Sv p T Su S(u,v)

25 Differential Geometry of a Surface
Curvature NT N Sv p T Su S(u,v)

26 Second Fundamental Form IIS

27 Outline Differential Geometry of a Curve
Differential Geometry of a Surface I and II Fundamental Forms Change of Coordinates (Tensor Calculus) Curvature Weingarten Operator Bending Energy

28 Change of Coordinates Sv p Su Tangent Plane of S

29 Change of Coordinates Ss St Sv b θ p a Su
Construct an Orthonormal Basis

30 Change of Coordinates Ss St Sv b θ p a Su First Fundamental Form

31 Change of Coordinates Ss St Sv b T s u t θ v p a Su
A point T expressed in (u,v) and (s,t)

32 Outline Differential Geometry of a Curve
Differential Geometry of a Surface I and II Fundamental Forms Change of Coordinates (Tensor Calculus) Curvature Weingarten Operator Bending Energy

33 Curvature Ss St Sv κT is a function of direction T b θ p a Su

34 Curvature Ss St Sv How do we analyze the κT function? b θ p a Su

35 Curvature E1 E2 φ p Ss St Su Sv a b θ Eigen analysis of IIŜ
Eigenvalues = {κ1,κ2} Eigenvectors = {E1,E2} Eigendecompostion of IIŜ

36 Curvature E1 E2 φ p Ss St Su Sv a b θ α

37 Outline Differential Geometry of a Curve
Differential Geometry of a Surface I and II Fundamental Forms Change of Coordinates (Tensor Calculus) Curvature Weingarten Operator Bending Energy

38 Weingarten Operator E1 E2 φ p Ss St Su Sv a b θ

39 Weingarten Operator

40 Weingarten Operator If κ1≠ κ2
else umbilic (κ1= κ2), chose orthogonal directions

41 Outline Differential Geometry of a Curve
Differential Geometry of a Surface I and II Fundamental Forms Change of Coordinates (Tensor Calculus) Curvature Weingarten Operator Bending Energy

42 Bending Energy

43 Bending Energy Minimizing = Minimizing

44 Conclusion Curvature of Curves and Surfaces
Computing Surface Curvature using the Weingarten Operator Minimizing Bending Energy Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

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