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3.4 - 1 Example 1 GRAPHING FUNCTIONS OF THE FORM  (x) = ax n Solution Choose several values for x, and find the corresponding values of  (x), or y. a.

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Presentation on theme: "3.4 - 1 Example 1 GRAPHING FUNCTIONS OF THE FORM  (x) = ax n Solution Choose several values for x, and find the corresponding values of  (x), or y. a."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.4 - 1 Example 1 GRAPHING FUNCTIONS OF THE FORM  (x) = ax n Solution Choose several values for x, and find the corresponding values of  (x), or y. a. Graph the function. x  (x) – 2– 2– 8– 8 – 1– 1– 1– 1 00 11 28

2 3.4 - 2 If the zero has even multiplicity, the graph is tangent to the x-axis at the corresponding x-intercept (that is, it touches but does not cross the x-axis there).

3 3.4 - 3 If the zero has odd multiplicity greater than one, the graph crosses the x-axis and is tangent to the x-axis at the corresponding x-intercept. This causes a change in concavity, or shape, at the x-intercept and the graph wiggles there.

4 3.4 - 4 Turning Points and End Behavior The previous graphs show that polynomial functions often have turning points where the function changes from increasing to decreasing or from decreasing to increasing.

5 3.4 - 5 Turning Points A polynomial function of degree n has at most n – 1 turning points, with at least one turning point between each pair of successive zeros.

6 3.4 - 6 End Behavior The end behavior of a polynomial graph is determined by the dominating term, that is, the term of greatest degree. A polynomial of the form has the same end behavior as.

7 3.4 - 7 End Behavior of Polynomials Suppose that ax n is the dominating term of a polynomial function  of odd degree. 1.If a > 0, then as and as Therefore, the end behavior of the graph is of the type that looks like the figure shown here. We symbolize it as.

8 3.4 - 8 End Behavior of Polynomials Suppose that ax n is the dominating term of a polynomial function  of odd degree. 2. If a < 0, then as and as Therefore, the end behavior of the graph looks like the graph shown here. We symbolize it as.

9 3.4 - 9 End Behavior of Polynomials Suppose that ax n is the dominating term of a polynomial function  of even degree. 1.If a > 0, then as Therefore, the end behavior of the graph looks like the graph shown here. We symbolize it as.

10 3.4 - 10 End Behavior of Polynomials Suppose that is the dominating term of a polynomial function  of even degree. 2. If a < 0, then as Therefore, the end behavior of the graph looks like the graph shown here. We symbolize it as.

11 3.4 - 11 Example 3 DETERMINING END BEHAVIOR GIVEN THE DEFINING POLYNOMIAL Match each function with its graph. Solution Because  is of even degree with positive leading coefficient, its graph is C. A.B.C. D.

12 3.4 - 12 Example 3 DETERMINING END BEHAVIOR GIVEN THE DEFINING POLYNOMIAL Match each function with its graph. Solution Because g is of even degree with negative leading coefficient, its graph is A. A.B.C. D.

13 3.4 - 13 Example 3 DETERMINING END BEHAVIOR GIVEN THE DEFINING POLYNOMIAL Match each function with its graph. Solution Because function h has odd degree and the dominating term is positive, its graph is in B. A.B.C. D.

14 3.4 - 14 Example 3 DETERMINING END BEHAVIOR GIVEN THE DEFINING POLYNOMIAL Match each function with its graph. Solution Because function k has odd degree and a negative dominating term, its graph is in D. A.B.C. D.

15 3.4 - 15 Graphing Techniques We have discussed several characteristics of the graphs of polynomial functions that are useful for graphing the function by hand. A comprehensive graph of a polynomial function will show the following characteristics: 1. all x-intercepts (zeros) 2. the y-intercept 3. the sign of  (x) within the intervals formed by the x- intercepts, and all turning points 4. enough of the domain to show the end behavior. In Example 4, we sketch the graph of a polynomial function by hand. While there are several ways to approach this, here are some guidelines.

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