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This happened The amazing story of Jacqueline It could happen with anyone...

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Presentation on theme: "This happened The amazing story of Jacqueline It could happen with anyone..."— Presentation transcript:


2 This happened The amazing story of Jacqueline It could happen with anyone...

3 Hello! This beautiful girl is me. Come with me to meet my amazing story and how it can help save lives. >>>

4 This beautiful girl here is me. I'm happy with the affection of my parents. >>>

5 Here I live a normal life. >>>

6 Here I am with some new friends at a birthday party... >>>

7 Sunday, 19th September, 1999. I was 20 years old then. Four friends and I were returning home. >>>

8 In the other lane there was a vehicle being driven by a handsome young man, who was driving after having a few beers. However, since he was a ‘great driver’ he had never been involved in any serious accidents... >>>...until that day.

9 >>>

10 The car in which we were burned down. >>>

11 Two of my friends died there, in the flames. >>>

12 This is the father of one of them. >>>

13 But not only my friends and their families and friends’ happiness that died on that day... >>>

14 I died. And in the worst way you can die: in life. >>>

15 >>>

16 My ears, hair, nose, face, arms, fingers, eyes died... With more than 60% of my body burned, I died in the mirror. >>>

17 And I die in pain each passing day... >>>

18 My body hurts, despite all the help I get from my father and all people... >>>

19 ... and my the soul hurts, even with all the care received. >>>

20 Drinking, driving, pain. >>>

21 So far, in four years, more than 50 surgeries. >>>

22 This poor guy was just like you: a normal person with his dreams, loves, ambitions, desires, friends... His only mistake was driving after drinking. >>>

23 Save yourself from the guilt. >>>

24 Save yourself from the pain. >>>

25 Save yourself from despair. >>>

26 Save yourself from this nightmare. >>>

27 The solution for barring further cases like this is in your hands; with what you will do after having a drink. >>>

28 Jacqueline Saburido THE DECISION IS YOURS. >>>

29 This message is for you to save someone's life. Help create a new consciousness without alcohol. Talk to your friends and family about what you saw here. You can save a life depending on the way you go. Save lives!

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