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1.Loose vs. Periodic & Close Reading 2.The Paradox of the American Dream 3.Musical Inspiration 4.American Dreams, Rediscovered. 5.“Dream Deferred”“Dream.

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2 1.Loose vs. Periodic & Close Reading 2.The Paradox of the American Dream 3.Musical Inspiration 4.American Dreams, Rediscovered. 5.“Dream Deferred”“Dream Deferred” September 14, 2011: Today’s Agenda Homework: Begin “American Dream Fishbowl” Prep- GPS pg. ___. Read except from Black Boy and answer connection questions to Summer readings.

3 “Ring My Bell”

4 Loose Sentences The moon rose. The man was dead. She liked the song. They had a good time. Write a loose (cumulative) sentence at lest twenty words long using each of the basic statements. Do not change the basic statement; just add to it.

5 Periodic Sentences Mary left the room. Hate is based on fear. The man was dead. The circus was his life. Using the following basic statements, write four periodic sentences at least fifteen words long:


7 Manifest Destiny


9 America as an Eden...

10 Optimism…

11 S e l f R e l i a n c e

12 So, how has the dream evolved?

13 The Dream Becomes a Nightmare This hopeful view of America, this “land of opportunity,” has its dark side— - racial strife, disillusionment, discrimination, corruption, marginalization and materialism.

14 Paradoxically, the American dream contradicts itself as it reveals a certain degree of truth. America is viewed as a “land of opportunity,” but at what costs? The American Dream Paradox As people come to America in pursuit of their personal dreams, they ultimately destroy the hopes, dreams, and ambitions of others

15 Paradox: A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature. Examples?? American Dream McDonald’s Juxtaposition: an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast. Writers may use to make a point or emphasize something. GPS pg. 52- add entry Examples?? Malcolm X -- he juxtapositions the strong imagery of the diner next to the commanding statements about Americans. X “Less is more…”


17 Use the lyrics to follow along. What is the artist’s attitude toward the American Dream? What would you cite to prove it?

18 “American Dreams, Rediscovered” Read with INSERT Three Tenets of the American Dream Concl usion Minor claim Major Claim SYLLO GISM

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