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Tendon and Ligament. Roles of Ligaments and Joint Capsules u Assist in Stabilization of Joint u Restrict Movement u Prevent Excessive Motion.

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Presentation on theme: "Tendon and Ligament. Roles of Ligaments and Joint Capsules u Assist in Stabilization of Joint u Restrict Movement u Prevent Excessive Motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tendon and Ligament

2 Roles of Ligaments and Joint Capsules u Assist in Stabilization of Joint u Restrict Movement u Prevent Excessive Motion

3 Roles of Tendons u Attach muscle to bone u Transmit tensile loads u Position of muscle relative to joint

4 Mechanical Behavior of Tendons and Ligaments u Both are viscoelastic tissues u Visco - a small amount of load results in quite a bit of deformation (relative) u Elastic - refers to Elastic Region u Importance of viscoelastic qualities?

5 Properties of Tendon u can sustain high tensile loads u flexible to allow changes in direction of muscle pull

6 Properties of Ligament u guides movement u resists applied force

7 Mechanical Properties of Tendon and Ligament u Strength u Stiffness

8 Damage to Tendon and Ligament u When load is great enough to cause injury, damage is dependent on: u rate and u amount of load

9 Load-Deformation Curve for Tendon and Ligament u (0,0) - A: Toe Region u A - B: Elastic Region u B: Yield Point u B - C: Plastic Region u C: Ultimate Failure Point

10 Comparison of Bone to Tendon and Ligament u Identify similarities and differences between these tissue types.

11 Mechanical Properties of Tendon and Ligament u Strength u Stiffness

12 Injury Mechanisms u Injury occurs when tissue is loaded beyond its physiological range. u Microfailure occurs before the yield point is reached.

13 Injury Mechanisms cont. u When yield point is exceeded, the ligament begins to undergo gross failure. u Results in abnormal joint displacement u Displacement results in...

14 3 Clinical Categories of Ligament Injury u Negligible Clinical Symptoms (Grade 1) u no joint instability can be detected clinically u Severe Pain (Grade 2) u joint instability can be detected clinically u strength and stiffness decreases by 50% u instability can be masked by muscle involvement

15 3 Clinical Categories of Ligament Injury cont. u Severe Pain (Grade 3) u severe pain experienced during the injury with less pain after the injury u joint is completely unstable u most collagen fibers have ruptured

16 Noyes Study (1977) u Rhesus monkeys u 8 wks immobilization u returned to mobilization u at 12 mo. mechanical properties were comparable to non-immobilized ligaments. u Drumroll?

17 Additional Factors Important in Tendon Injury u Amount of force produced by muscle u Stress comparison between tendon and muscle u Loading Rates

18 Factors Affecting Biomechanical Properties of Tendon and Ligament u Aging u Pregnancy u Mobilization vs. Immobilization u NSAIDs

19 Osteoarthritis u Researchers suggest that a deficiency in mechanisms that minimize peak forces may cause osteoarthritis.

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