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Section 3 Joints of upper limb
Joints of should girdle Sternoclavicular joint Bones: sternal end of clavicle, clavicular notch of sternum, and first costal cartilage Articular capsule: strong reinforced by ligaments An articular disc is attached to the capsule, dividing the joint into two cavities. Movements:
Bones: acromion and acromial end of clavicle
coracoacromial ligament Acromioclavicular joint Bones: acromion and acromial end of clavicle Movement: rotation of scapula on clavicle Coracoacromial arch formed by coracoacromial ligament, coranoid process, and acromion, that prevents the shoulder joint from superior dislocation acromion coranoid process
Joints of free upper limb
★Shoulder joint (ball and socket) Bones: head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula Capsule: Thin and lax, especially lower part Tendon of long head of biceps brachii passes though the cavity
Accessory structures Movements:
Glenoid labrum: fibrocartilaginous ring on periphery of glenoid cavity Coracohumeral ligament:runs from coracoid process to greater tubercle Movements: flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, medial and lateral rotation, circumduction
Bones: lower end of humerus, upper ends of radius and ulna
★ Elbow joint Bones: lower end of humerus, upper ends of radius and ulna Humeroulnar joint : formed by trochlear of humerus and troclear notch (hinge) Humeroradial joint: formed by capitulum of humerus and head of radius (ball and socket) Proximal radioulnar joint: formed by articular circumference of radius and radial notch of ulna Capsule: thin and lax anteriorly and posteriorly, strongly thickened on either side by collateral ligaments
Movements: flexion and extension, pronation and supination
Ligaments: Radial collacteral ligament: attached to lateral epicondyle and annular ligament of radius Ulnar collacteral ligament: attached to medial epicondyle to medial border of trochlear notch Annular ligament of radius: attached to anterior and posterior margins of radial notch of ulna, surrounds the head of radius Movements: flexion and extension, pronation and supination
Joints between radius and ulna
Proximal radioulnar joint Distal radioulnar joint: formed by head of ulna, ulnar notch of radius and an articular disc Interosseous membrane of forearm: a fibrous membrane between the shaft of radius and ulna
Joints of hand ★ Radiocarpal joint (ellipsoid) Bones Carpal articular surface of radius and articular disc below the ulna Proximal row of carpal: scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum, but not pisiform Capsule: lax and strengthened by surrounding ligament Movements: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and circumduction
Carpometacarpal joints: Carpometacarpal joint of thumb(saddle)
Intercarpal joints Carpometacarpal joints: Carpometacarpal joint of thumb(saddle) Bones: trapezium and base of first metacarpal Movement: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and opposition Intermetacarpal joints Metacarpophalangeal joints Interphalangeal joints
Section 4 Joints of Lower limb
Joints of pelvic girdle Sacroiliac joint Bones: auricular surface of sacrum and ilium Capsule: very tight and strengthened by ligaments
★ Sacrotuberous ligament: runs from lateral margins of sacrum and coccyx to the inner margin of ischial tuberosity ★ Sacrospinous ligament: runs from ischial spine to lateral margins of sacrum and coccyx These two ligaments convert the sciatic notches the greater and lesser sciatic foramina
Sacrospinous ligament
Greater sciatic foramen Sacrotuberous ligament Lesser sciatic foramen
Pubic symphysis Obturator membrane Obturator canal
Articulation: symphysial surface and interpubic disc (fibrocartilage) Ligaments: superior pubic ligament and arcuate pubic ligament Obturator membrane Obturator canal
Obturator canal Obturator membrane
Bony pelvis Composition: formed by paired hip bones, sacrum, coccyx, and their articulations In anatomical position, anterior superior iliac spines and pubic tubercles on same vertical plane, while the tip of coccyx and superior border of pubic symphysis on same horizontal plane Terminal line: formed by promontory of sacrum, arcuate line, pectin of pubis, pubic tubercle, upper border of pubic symphysis Two portions: a greater pelvis and a lesser pelvis
Lesser pelvis pelvic inlet (terminal line): Pelvic outlet : formed by tip of coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament, ischial tuberosity, ramus of ischium, inferior ramus of pubic, symphysis Pelvic cavity Pubic arch, subpubic angle
Main difference between male and femal pelvis
Main difference between male and femal pelvis
Female Pelvic inlet Pelvic outet Pelvic cavity Pubic arch 90~1000 70~750
Main difference between male and femal pelvis
Female Overall Narrow and long Wide and short Iliac ala More vertical More horizontal Inlet Oval or heart shaped Round Subpubic angle Acute angle (about 70~750) Right angle (about 90~1000) Pelvic cavity Deep narrow Shallower, wide Outlet Small Larger
Joints of free lower limb
★ Hip joint Bones: acetabulum and femoral head Articular capsule attachments Above: margins of acetabulum and transverse acetebular ligament Below: in front to intertrochanteric line; behind, to the neck of femur above 1cm above the intertrochanteric crest
Accessory structures Acetabulum labrum, transverse acetebular ligament
Ligaments Iliofemoral lig. Ligament of head of femur Pubofemoral lig. Ischiofemoral ligament Zona orbicularis Movement: flexion-extention, adduction-abduction medial and lateral rotation, circumduction Acetabulum labrum Ligament of head of femur Transverse acetebular lig.
Pubofemoral lig. Iliofemoral lig. Ischiofemoral lig. Zona orbicularis
★ Knee joint Bones: lower end of femur, upper end of tibia and patella Articular capsule: superapatellar bursa, deep infrapatellar bursa, ala folds
Accessory structures Patellar lig. Fibular collateral lig.
Extra-ligaments Patellar lig. Fibular collateral lig. Tibial collateral lig. Oblique popliteal ligament Fibular collateral lig. Tibial collateral lig. Patellar lig.
- Intra-ligaments Anterior cruciate ligament Posterior cruciateligament
Medial meniscus (C-shaped) lateral meniscus (O-shaped)
Movements: flexion and extension; flexed knee joint may be passively rotated Medial lateral
Tibiofibular syndesmosis
Tibiofibular joint Crural interosseous membrane Anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments
Joint of foot Talocrural joint (ankle joint)
Bones: lower ends of tibia and fibula, talus Articular capsule: thin and lax in front and behind, and supported on each side by strong collateral ligaments
Ligments Medial lig. Lateral lig. Movements: dosiflexion (extension) and plantar flexion (flexion); when the ankle joint is fully plantar flexed, small amounts of abduction, and adduction are possible(wrench)
Intertarsal joints Tarsometatarsal joints Intermetatarsal joints Metatarsophalangeal joints Interphalangeal joints
Arches of foot Medial longitudinal arch: formed by calcaneus, navicular, three cuneiforms and first to third metatarsal bones, head of talus is the keystone of this arch
Lateral longitudinal arch:
formed by calcaneus, cuboid, fourth and fifth metatarsals; cuboid is the keystone of this arch
Tranverse arch: formed by cuboid, three cuniforms and all metatarsals; the intermediate cuneiform is the keystone of this arch Function: give to foot strength stability and resilience; protect plantar vessels and nerves
Normal arch Flatfoot
Section 5 Joints of skull
Continuous joints: sutures, synchondrosis or synosteosis
Temporomandibular joint
Aticulating surfaces Mandibular fossa and articular tubercle, above Head of mandible, below Capsule: thin and lax in front and behind; strengthened by the lateral ligament Articular disc: separates surfaces, forming upper and lower compartments within joint Movement: mandible may be elevated or depressed, protruded or retracted; rotation may also occurs as in chewing( a slight amount of side to side movement is also permitted)
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