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Taking the Terror Out of Testing Writing Camp
DeRenne Middle School
An expository essay… Give facts Explains Gives steps in a process
Presents ideas in logical order or correct sequence
A persuasive essay… You are asked to prove something. Give reasons why
Present arguments against your reasons; Show them to be false Take a stand Ask or call for an action
Let’s practice identifying different types of prompts.
Identify the genre: persuasive or expository?
Writing Situation Your class has been given the opportunity to design a brand new television show for children. It could be a news show, a talk show, a game show, a cartoon, or any kind of show you want for children. Directions for Writing Write a report to be read to your class in which you explain your idea for the new children’s television show. Be sure to include specific details so that your classmates will understand what the new show will be like.
What did you say? Which word is important?
Writing Situation Your class has been given the opportunity to design a brand new television show for children. It could be a news show, a talk show, a game show, a cartoon, or any kind of show you want for children. Directions for Writing Write a report to be read to your class in which you explain your idea for the new children’s television show. Be sure to include specific details so that your classmates will understand what the new show will be like. Did you say expository? You are right!
Let’s Practice! What type of prompt is this?
Writing Situation Your favorite television show has been cancelled. The president of the television network has announced that he might change his mind about canceling the show if enough people write letters to complain about his decision. Directions for Writing Write a letter to the president of the television network to convince him or her to bring back your favorite show. Include specific details to support your position.
What did you say? What word was important?
Writing Situation Your favorite television show has been cancelled. The president of the television network has announced that he might change his mind about canceling the show if enough people write letters to complain about his decision. Directions for Writing Write a letter to the president of the television network to convince him or her to bring back your favorite show. Include specific details to support your position. Did you say persuasive? You are right!
How can I understand an expository prompt?
Specific topic Topic Music is a very important part of life. Most people enjoy some type of music. Think about your favorite type of music. Write an essay explaining why you like that particular type of music. Everyone has gotten lost at some point in life. Sometimes even the best drivers can get lost at times. Write a essay explaining how you would direct a lost man to get back to the interstate highway from your neighborhood. Writing Situation Topic Specific topic Writing Situation YOU WILL FIND THESE WORDS IN THE PROMPT EXPLAIN or TELL HOW
How can I understand a persuasive prompt?
Specific topic Topic Your school is sponsoring for the Red Cross a blood drive. Your classmates are not sure they wish to participate. Write a speech to persuade them to join. Smoking is a dangerous habit to start. Some of your kid brothers friends have taken up smoking and want him to start too. Write a convincing letter to your kid brother to not take up this habit. Writing Situation Specific topic Topic Writing Situation YOU WILL NOTICE THE WORDS PERSUADE, CONVINCE OR TELL WHY SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING.
Let’s practice understanding prompts!
Tasks: Copy each prompt below. Next, label each part (topic, narrow topic, writing situation). Finally, identify each prompt as expository or persuasive. Be prepared to share. Prompts: Everyone hates taxes. Once again, the local government is considering a tax raise. Write a letter to the editor of the Savannah Morning News telling why citizens in Chatham County should or should not support a tax increase benefiting the local public schools. Most teens love hamburgers. The school’s cafeteria wish to sell them to attract more support. The manager is looking for the perfect recipe. Write a letter to the manager. Tell her how to make the perfect hamburger.
How did you do? Topic Specific topic Everyone hate taxes. Once again, the local government is considering a tax raise. Write a letter to the editor of the Savannah Morning News telling why citizens in Chatham County should or should not support a tax increase benefiting the local public schools. Most teens love hamburgers. The cafeteria wants to sell them to attract more support. The manager is looking for the perfect recipe. Write a letter to the manager. Tell her how to make the perfect hamburger. Writing Situation Persuasive Specific topic Topic Writing Situation Expository
Task # 1-The Prompt First, determine what type prompt you have. You should read your prompt at least “three” times. Expository--explain, tell how Persuasive---persuade or convince
What kind of prompt do we have?
The Prompt Write this prompt down in your journal and identify the topic and the writing situation. Be prepared to share. You are excited about leaving middle school. There are many good and bad things about being in the middle school. Explain, write an essay to your teacher, about what these things are.. What kind of prompt do we have? Did you say expository? You’re right!
How did you do? Topic You are excited about leaving middle school. There are many good and bad things about being in the middle school. Explain, write an essay to your teacher, about what these things are. Specific topic Writing Situation
Next, we will use scratch paper to brain storm
Next, we will use scratch paper to brain storm. Then, we will make a 4-Square Organizer or The Essay Frame for this essay. This is called prewriting!
Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Wrap-up 4 Square Model Tell me more.
Also, One reason, Reason 1 Reason 2 Tell me more. detail detail Introduce your topic/thesis. State your point. In addition, Reason 3 In summary,, detail Wrap-up 4 Square Model The center box states your thesis. Three boxes tell reasons why. The last box is the wrap-up.
ESSAY FRAME INTRODUCTION My first sentence will be: _____a quotation ______a question _____an unusual fact ______an anecdote _____a humorous statement Write first sentence:______________________________________________________ My topic sentence for my introduction:_______________________________________ BODY Paragraph 1 Supporting Detail_______________________________________________________ Transition word or phrase to be used:_____________ Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Supporting Detail________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION My ending will be ____a call to action _____a question ____a prediction _____a summary _____an anecdote ______a question My restated/reworded topic sentence will be___________________________________
TASK # 2-Organization Be prepared to share!
Create a 4-Square Organizer or The Essay Frame. Develop a plan. -One Paragraph for intro- -Three paragraphs for the body -One paragraph for the conclusion. 2. Jot down a few transitions (words or phrases that connect ideas or introduce the topic-such as one, if, although, however, finally, in conclusion, first, second, next, additionally, consequently. Use the organizer provided. Be prepared to share!
Introductions for expository and persuasive essays should….
Grab the reader’s attention. Or -- Let the reader know what you’re going to talk about. Or--Show a plan for what you’re going to be talking about in the three body paragraphs. Or --State what the audience will learn in this essay.
Sample Introduction Although I have taken many wonderful vacations, my trip with my two best friends to New York City is one I’ll always remember. This was a fantastic trip because of the sights we saw, the people we met, the plays we enjoyed, and the laughs we shared. Each part of the plan will be developed into paragraphs. What’s the topic? What’s the plan?
Leads Action - A loud crash in the night woke me out of a sound sleep, and I began to quiver! Shaking, my mind churning I wobbly pulled myself from bed and turned the handle on the bedroom door. Dialogue - Where's Dad! Spot's been hit by a car! His face was white as a sheet! Setting - Above the lights of the city, I could see for miles; calming lights, as far as you could see. I will never forget the sight of that beautiful far-away city. Reflection - I still remember the feeling of floating across the strong, smooth surface, the icy wind biting at my face.
Task # 3 After you make your organizer, start writing your introduction. Leave space at the top for two more lines. You might come back later to insert a little background information in the introduction. Remember to grab interest and show the plan of your paper in the introduction.
How does the writer grab your attention?
My Introduction Have you ever thought about what are the good and the bad things about middle school? There are good things like changing classes and more freedom. Some of the bad things are the CRCT and harder tests. Stay with me as I explain the good and bad things about being in middle school. How does the writer grab your attention?
Let’s start on the body. Go back to your 4-Square for the second paragraph. For example,
Fun Things -different teachers -PBS Day More Freedom - lunch - friends
Does the writer explain and/or give examples?
First, I will tell you about the good and fun things about being in the seventh grade. You get to meet different teachers. So, if one teacher is strict, like Ms. G., you are only with her for one hour. If another teacher is like Ms. Robles, you will enjoy a fabulous time with her. Another thing I enjoy is the PBS Day. Every month, we have a day to celebrate good behavior with a school-wide fun day. Next, you can get your own food instead of having the lunch ladies get it for you. I like spending time with my friends so if there are not in one of my classes, I can see them at lunch. Transition words help! Does the writer explain and/or give examples?
Look back at your outline for the third paragraph. For example,
Bad things -CRCT -not like elementary school -compare to stale bread -more test and harder -stress stomach hurts -math makes me sick
Next, there are a few bad things you go through in middle school
Next, there are a few bad things you go through in middle school. First of all, you have to take the CRCT. In fifth grade, you didn’t have to worry about passing this kind of thing. In the seventh and the eighth grades, you must pass or get left back. The CRCT is like eating stale food because it can hurt you, and it can be boring. The tests get harder as you go on. We have so many of them that they can cause a major stress and make you feel like your stomach was just pulled out. Also, at my elementary school, we got out fifteen minutes earlier. Sitting in math class for those extra minutes makes me feel terrible inside. Did you find the transitions? What are the key ideas? How does he explain his key ideas? What is the metaphor?
Look back to your outline before writing the fourth paragraph
Look back to your outline before writing the fourth paragraph. For example, things that are both good & bad Field Trips -miss school -might be boring PE -clothes sweat -fun to play and compete Homework -too much -pull up grades
Finally, there are both good and bad things about middle school
Finally, there are both good and bad things about middle school. First, field trips are extremely exciting because you can talk and miss time from school. However, it’s bad if you go somewhere boring or can’t sit with your friends. Everybody loves P.E. because we play real sports with competitiveness. But sadly, when we’re leaving PE, my clothes get sweaty and it doesn’t feel good. Everybody knows the pluses and minuses of homework! We have so much homework it just takes the energy out of you, which is bad. What is good about it is that the more homework you have the better chance you have to pull up your grades. Did you find the transitions? What are the key ideas? How does he explain his key ideas?
Now, we are ready for the fifth paragraph – the conclusion which will summarize our main points or key ideas in the body. For example, Good and bad things freedom changing classes CRCT test going to school longer tests Good and Bad Homework PE fieldtrips
In conclusion, middle school has both good and bad features
In conclusion, middle school has both good and bad features. It is great to experience more freedom and to change classes. Unfortunately, there is the challenge of other things like the CRCT, going to school longer, and quizzes and tests. Finally, sometimes middle school can be both a blessing and a curse. Homework, P.E., and field trips fall into both categories. What are your transitions? Does the writer sum up what he written? Does he refer back to the introduction.
Put it all together and write!
Does this give you an overall review of what we’ve studied for writing? Now, put your essay together. Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Tasks: 1. Log into Write to Learn. 2. Type in your draft. 3. Use the editing features. 4. Click the “feedback” button once. 5. Print one copy of your essay and submit it to your teacher.
Today you, wrote three body paragraph with explanations, examples, & evidence following the topic statement or key statement. used strong action words used vivid adjectives used metaphors reread & proofread to improve and clarify.
DAY THREE Processing and Proofreading
What is proofreading? Proofreading is what we call it when we read and correct something that has been written.
Things we look for… We check to see if we have a topic sentence.
We check to see if we have written complete sentences that make sense. We check to see if we have capital letters in the right places. We check to see if our sentences have correct punctuation marks at the end.
Topic Sentence The topic sentence of a paragraph states the main idea and attracts the reader's interest. For example… I like zebras. Don’t eat pizza! My name is Brian Jones.
Choose the topic sentence that best fits the paragraph.
________________________ I am nine years old and am in the third grade. I like chocolate ice cream and swimming in the lake. A. I am a soccer player. B. My name is Matthew Magee. C. How old are you?
Choose the topic sentence that best fits the paragraph.
________________________ I am nine years old and am in the third grade. I like chocolate ice cream and swimming in the lake. A. I am a soccer player. B. My name is Matthew Magee. C. How old are you?
Complete sentences A complete sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought (and has a subject and a verb). For example… I have two new friends. That boy needs a new pair of shoes. What is your favorite thing to eat?
Choose the answer that is written correctly.
A. While he worked on the computer. B. On the computer Eric spends his time he likes to play. C. Eric spends his spare time playing on the computer. D. As Eric spent his vacation.
Choose the answer that is written correctly.
A. While he worked on the computer. B. On the computer Eric spends his time he likes to play. C. Eric spends his spare time playing on the computer. D. As Eric spent his vacation.
Capital Letters Capital letters are used at the beginning of each sentence and for proper nouns. For example… Do you understand me? He has a new Nintendo. My sister’s name is Susanna. We live in Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Which part of the sentence has a capitalization error?
Last night | I saw Mrs. | jones at the | school talent show. A. Last night B. I saw Mrs. C. jones at the D. school talent show.
Which part of the sentence has a capitalization error?
Last night | I saw Mrs. | jones at the | school talent show. A. Last night B. I saw Mrs. C. jones at the D. school talent show.
Ending Punctuation Please sit down. Did you hear me?
A period is used at the end of a statement or command. A question mark is used at the end of a question. An exclamation point is used at the end of an exclamatory sentence. For example… Please sit down. Did you hear me? I said, “Sit down!”
Choose the answer that shows the best punctuation for the underlined part.
The girls raided the kitchen they were hungry after the long training run. A. kitchen they B. kitchen. They C. kitchen, they D. kitchen; They
Choose the answer that shows the best punctuation for the underlined part.
The girls raided the kitchen they were hungry after the long training run. A. kitchen they B. kitchen. They C. kitchen, they D. kitchen; They
Proofreading Results! When you have checked for A topic sentence,
complete sentences, correct capitalization, and correct punctuation, you will have a well-written essay!
Practice: Proofreading and Editing
Review your printed draft and proofread it. Make corrections using the “Editing Sheet.” Find a peer to edit your paper using the “Editing Sheet.” Share your findings. Tasks: 1. Return to Write to Learn. 2. Add your final corrections. 3. Click the “Submit” button once. 4. Print a new copy for your teacher. Be prepared to share.
DAY FIVE The Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Strategies
Claim State your argument. Example
I am going to try to convince you that chocolate is a healthy snack
Big Names Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing. Example Former U.S. president Bill Clinton thinks that junk food should be taken out of vending machines.
Logos Facts, numbers, and information can be very convincing. Example
A Snickers bar has 280 calories and 30 grams of sugar. That’s not very healthy.
Pathos Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument. Example Your donation might just get this puppy off the street and into a good home.
Ethos If people believe and trust in you, you’re more likely to persuade them. Example Believe me! I’ve been there before. I’m just like you.
Kairos Try to convince your audience that this issue is so important they must act now. Example This is a one-time offer. You can’t get this price after today.
Research Using reliable research can help your argument seem convincing. Example A recent study found that students who watch TV during the week don’t do as well in school.
Task # 1 Dissect the Essay Prompt
You are excited about leaving middle school. There are many good and bad things about being in the middle school. Write a letter to your younger sibling that middle school is or is not the best place to attend. Support your argument with facts and reasons to support your opinion.
Task # 2 Create an Organizer
Persuasive Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Wrap-up Tell me more.
Also, One reason, Reason 1 Reason 2 detail detail Tell me more. Your position/thesis. Take your stand. In addition, Reason 3 In summary, detail Wrap-up The center box states your position. Three boxes tell reasons why. The last box is the wrap-up.
Create your organizer. Be prepared to share.
Middle school is the best grade level.
Persuasive Also, One reason, Classes Sports basket ball football soccer changing teachers semesters Tell me more. Middle school is the best grade level. In addition, Take your stand. Activities In summary, field trips PBS after-school Wrap-up The center box states your position. Three boxes tell reasons why. The last box is the wrap-up.
Task # 3 Follow each step for writing your draft.
Write an introduction with a strong lead-in, state both sides of the issue, your thesis statement telling your side of issue. Write your 2nd paragraph using your first reason with specific examples. Use a persuasive strategy. Write your 3rd paragraph using your second reason with specific examples. Use a persuasive strategy. Write your 4th paragraph using your third reason with specific examples. Use a persuasive strategy.
Writing an Effective Closing
Effective Conclusions…
connect the introduction and the body of the paper with insightful comments. use one or more of the following strategies effectively: Call to Action Provide a Solution/Compromise Prediction. give the reader something to think about.
Sample Prompt Writing Situation
Some teachers at DeRenne Middle School do not accept late homework. Your principal, Mrs. Byers, is thinking of making this a rule. Directions for Writing Take a position on this rule. Write a letter to your principal to persuade him to support your position. 82
Strategies Add a Call to Action
Asks the reader to do something or to make something happen Provide a Solution/Compromise Provides an answer to the problem; or when you create a solution that is in between the two points of view. Make a Prediction Explains what might be the consequences of the action or the inaction
A Call to Action Teachers should accept late work. We are not perfect and make mistakes. Sometimes, our personal lives interfere. Only you, Mrs. Byers, have the authority to alter this insane rule. Change the No Late Homework Rule!
A Solution I think that revoking the No Late Homework Rule is a good idea. If students repeatedly turn work in late, reduce the points or put a limit on how late work can be turned in. Don’t punish us all.
A Compromise Even if you don’t agree with my position, at least take this into consideration: Allow teachers to make a decision about accepting late homework. Teachers can decide the penalty.
A Prediction Our No Late Homework Rule should be illegal. It makes us stressful, hopeless, depressed, and resentful. If this rule continues, many students will be unable to participate in after school activities, discipline behaviors will increase, and grades will drop. Is such a rule worth the problems they inspire? Our No Late Homework Rule should be illegal. It makes us stressful, hopeless, depressed, and resentful. If this rule continues, many students will be unable to participate in after school activities, discipline behaviors will increase, and grades will drop. Is such a rule worth the problems they inspire?
Transitional Phrases for Counterarguments
Certainly…but…in short… Admittedly…on the other hand…so… Of course…nevertheless…as a result… Obviously…on the contrary…finally… It is true that…however…therefore… Sure…however…in addition… 88
Today’s Task Write a closing for your current persuasive essay.
Share it with your teacher.
Good luck with your closing!
Today’s Tasks 1. Log into Write to Learn. 2. Type in your final draft.
3. Use the editing features. 4. Click the “feedback” button once. 5. Print one copy of your essay and submit it to your teacher.
Today’s Goals Revise and edit your essays in Write to Learn.
Publish and submit a copy to your teacher. Be prepared to share one of your essays with a peer. Celebration!
Credits Created by Chris Browning for Arrington Middle School, Birmingham City Schools Maureen Autum Step Up to Writing Program Birmingham City Schools workshops presenters Jerrie Foster, Gail Brown, Theresa Thomas, Jacquelyn Washington, Janet McMiller State of Alabama workshop presentations Rhonda Silmon –Teaching clear thinking before writing. Lecture Demonstration with Rick Shelton & Write Where You Are! Read, Write, Think Modifications, Martha Gelagay, DeRenne Middle School
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