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I can evaluate the effectiveness of an essay in order to understand what is expected for my writing.

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Presentation on theme: "I can evaluate the effectiveness of an essay in order to understand what is expected for my writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 I can evaluate the effectiveness of an essay in order to understand what is expected for my writing.

2 Bell Ringer  Dissect the prompt: Note what the prompt is asking you to do. Note in what form is the prompt asking to write. Note to whom is your audience.  Write a thesis statement for this prompt.

3 Compare Essays  Examine the two essays. Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization ONLY. ○ Remember these essays may have errors, but your task is to look for organization.

4 Partner Activity  With your partner, discuss which essay you chose as the more organized and justify your answer.  As a partner group, decide which essay is more effective (more organized) and justify your group answer.  Score each essay and give reasons for your evaluation. Use the handout as a guide.

5 Compare Essays  Examine the two essays. Evaluate the effectiveness of language ONLY. ○ Remember these essays may have errors, but your task is to look for the effectiveness of language.

6 Partner Activity  With your partner, discuss which essay you chose as having the more appropriate language and justify your answer.  As a partner group, decide which essay is more effective and justify your group answer.  Score each essay and give reasons for your evaluation. Use the handout for a guide.

7 Tips for Taking a Timed Writing Test  Review tips.

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