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FFW  Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1.To whom does audience refer? 2.To what does personal experience refer? 3.To what does persuade.

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Presentation on theme: "FFW  Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1.To whom does audience refer? 2.To what does personal experience refer? 3.To what does persuade."— Presentation transcript:


2 FFW  Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1.To whom does audience refer? 2.To what does personal experience refer? 3.To what does persuade refer? 4.What are conventions ? 5.To what does voice refer?

3 AP TermsAP Terms 1.Audience refers to the person or people who read a written text or listen to a spoken text. 2.Personal experience refers to the actual sensory experience that an author may have, which includes the noting of and response to his physical environment, used to illustrate his point – often used as an emotional appeal (pathos). 3.Persuade is one of the five purposes of writing. Writing to persuade involves attempting to convince the audience to do something or think a particular way.

4 AP TermsAP Terms  4. Conventions are widely used literary devices, styles, or forms.  5. Voice is a rather vague, metaphorical term used to refer to the distinctive features of a particular writer or text. An author’s voice is present in a text, even if the author is not the narrator. Details, diction, imagery, syntax, and tone are often considered the elements of voice.

5 Homework ReviewHomework Review  Go over and discuss categories and/or examples for evidence

6 AP Essay Question #3AP Essay Question #3 Take out your notebooks:  Re-read the prompt.  Dissect the task.  Discuss the introductory material – identify SOAPS Tone  Determine the issue in the prompt.  Decide on what your stand is on the issue.  Brainstorm concrete examples you can use while using the categories given in the example (1-5).  Prioritize examples.  Manage time.

7  Read, annotate, and discuss Scoring Guide  Read, annotate, and discuss essay samples – High Score and Low Score AP Essay Question #3AP Essay Question #3

8 Closure  Question/Answer

9 Homework  1. Write rough draft introduction

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