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William Wordsworth John Muir AUTHORS, BACKGROUND, AND POEMS.

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Presentation on theme: "William Wordsworth John Muir AUTHORS, BACKGROUND, AND POEMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 William Wordsworth John Muir AUTHORS, BACKGROUND, AND POEMS

2  Romantic Poet: poems celebrate nature for its beauty and moral power.  Focus’s on the English countryside, lessons learned from natural setting, encourages the reader to become closer with nature. BIOGRAPHY: WILLIAM WORDSWORTH

3  Published a small collection of poems in 1798, Lyrical Ballads= 1 of the most important poetry collections  Use “the real language of men”  Proto-environmentalist  “We murder to dissect” WILLIAM WORDSWORTH

4  Born in Scotland, immigrated to U.S., then traveled observing nature.  His strict religious upbringing led him to question the fundamental believes, instead finding spiritual fulfillment in the wilderness and a theology of immanence.  Lived in da woods bc yolo JOHN MUIR

5  He roamed California, observing the wonders of the natural landscape.  His poems are popular bc of their contrast between hard concise scientific description of nature and a beautiful loose flowing description focusing on the greatness.  Promoting the preservation of wilderness. JOHN MUIR

6  (1819-1892) Huntington, New York. Quaker parents  Work: journalist, teacher, clerk, volunteer nurse in Civil War  Leaves of Grass 1855, self published, seen as scandalous bc of sexuality and desires.  Homosexual  Him + Emily Dickinson greats of 19 th centaury  Uses grand, effusive verses, capturing energy and enthusiasm of America.  “I contradict myself? So I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.” WALT WHITMAN

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