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Diversity in the Workplace November 12, 2013. Diversity “What we have to do…is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate ourdifferences without.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity in the Workplace November 12, 2013. Diversity “What we have to do…is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate ourdifferences without."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity in the Workplace November 12, 2013

2 Diversity “What we have to do…is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate ourdifferences without fracturing our communities.” -Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State

3 Why discuss diversity? What do we need to do? How do we do it? Diversity

4 Seneca, a first-century Roman philosopher, allegedly said: "Luck is where the crossroads of opportunity and preparation meet.” Why Discuss Diversity

5 Crossroads Traditionalists Baby Boomers Gen X Millennials Washington DC Baltimore, MD Frederick, MD

6 Crossroads

7 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke Be Proactive

8 Diversity “We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.” - Maya Angelou, American author and poet

9 What Do We Need To Do Pro-Active Approach What MUST we do? What SHOULD we do? What COULD we do?

10 Diversity What MUST we do? Understand the law Recognize discrimination Value EOE

11 Diversity What SHOULD we do? Setting the example! How much discussion?

12 Diversity What COULD we do? Celebrate diversity! How much discussion?

13 How Do We Do It Hierarchy and Authority Personal and Work Time Preferred Communication Matures/ Traditionalists Play by the book Enjoy flex timeIn-person Baby Boomers Non- authoritarian Workaholics; work hard, retire early Face time is important Gen X Rules set by individuals Like to work from home Face time is less important Gen Y/ Millennials Respectful of veterans/aware of authority Job for personal fulfillment; stress-free life Virtual

14 Managing Millennials Autonomy: Do what they want when they want; will get job done Millennial – looking for work-life balance Manager – can offer flexing in schedule, process, etc.

15 Managing Millennials Entitled: Want to move up ladder; maybe not on management’s terms Millennial – looking to be recognized and rewarded Manager – design a path for growth; appraisal of their development

16 Managing Millennials Self-Absorbed: Concerned with how they’re treated, not how they treat others Millennial – tasks are seen as a means to an end; need praise Manager – take interest in employee; find points of connection

17 Diversity We all have biases Human Nature? …Maybe! But what really makes us human is the ability to use our rational minds to bring about change… …even in ourselves!

18 Diversity “Know Thyself” The Pythia (The Oracle of Delphi) - A proverb carved into the temple of Apollo

19 Making Diversity Work Seven steps for defeating bias in the workplace: 1.Understand your own biases

20 Making Diversity Work Seven steps for defeating bias in the workplace: 2. Triage your biases

21 Making Diversity Work Seven steps for defeating bias in the workplace: 3. Identify the secondary gains of your biases

22 Making Diversity Work Seven steps for defeating bias in the workplace: 4. Dissect your biases

23 Making Diversity Work Seven steps for defeating bias in the workplace: 5. Identify common kinship groups

24 Making Diversity Work Seven steps for defeating bias in the workplace: 6. Shove your biases aside

25 Making Diversity Work Seven steps for defeating bias in the workplace: 7. Fake it till you make it

26 The Origin of Your Biases Group Differentiators Ethnicity Disability Country of origin Gender Race Religion Sexual orientation Age

27 The Magic “IF” “The capacity for participating in or relating to another person’s feelings.” - Sondra Thiederman, Ph.D., expert on workplace diversity What emotions or experiences—positive or negative— have you had that are, to some substantial degree, like those experienced by someone who otherwise seems different from yourself?

28 Fake It Till You Make It Think about what you think about… It’s ok…admit it (at least to yourself) It doesn’t make you a bad person Having biases doesn’t mean you have bad character

29 A Quick Review… Crossroads: we have a unique opportunity Proactive: acceptance is not enough Why: because it is right, legal, ethical, and profitable What: must, should, could How: be respectful, overcome biases, understand differences


31 Contact Information Lisa Hammer, PMP: (301)667-3915 David B. Newman, PMP: (240)446-6231

32 Customized Seminars and Consulting Services Reliable - Dynamic – Relevant "No one would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm." - Charles Kettering, American inventor

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