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PARTS OF WORD / DISSECTING  The main part of a word is the root (think: tree is rooted into ground; the base)  A prefix can come at the beginning (think:

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2 PARTS OF WORD / DISSECTING  The main part of a word is the root (think: tree is rooted into ground; the base)  A prefix can come at the beginning (think: pre meaning before)  A suffix can come at the end of the word (identifies the part of speech, can change the meaning of the word)

3 PARTS OF WORD / DISSECTING  When we dissect a word, we want to break apart the root from the prefixes and suffixes  Not all word will have a prefix and suffix

4 PARTS OF SPEECH  To really understand the word, you need to understand the connection between suffix and the part of speech  Therefore, we’re going to review the parts of speech

5 NOUNS  Person, Place, Thing, Idea  Concrete Nouns: a noun that the five sense can detect  Puppy – can you smell it? See it? Feel it? Hear it? Taste it? (please don’t)  Abstract Nouns: a noun that the five senses cannot detect!  Bravery – can you smell it? See it? Taste it? Feel it? Hear it? Abstract NounsConcrete Nouns deceit dedication curiosity trust relaxation the President teacher cat airplane bubble bath

6 SUBJECTS, VERBS, DIRECT OBJECTS – AS TOLD BY CHOMPCHOMP  A direct object will follow a transitive verb [a type of action verb]. Direct objects can be nouns, pronouns, phrases, or clauses. If you can identify the subject and verb in a sentence, then finding the direct object—if one exists—is easy. Just remember this simple formula:  subject + verb + what? or who? = direct object  Here are examples of the formula in action:  Zippy and Maurice played soccer with a grapefruit pulled from a backyard tree.  Zippy, Maurice = subjects; played = verb. Zippy and Maurice played what? Soccer = direct object.

7 VERBS  Make statements about nouns; express actions, conditions, or states of being  Intransitive  An action verb that does not have a direct object  Huffing and puffing, we arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to spare.  Arrived = intransitive verb.  Transitive  An action verb with a direct object  Sylvia kicked Juan under the table.  Kicked = transitive verb; Juan = direct object.

8 ADJECTIVES  Descriptive words; describe what kind, which one, how many  Can be used as a word, phrase, or clause 

9 ADVERBS  Change the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs  Answer the questions how, when, where, why

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