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Large Business Perspective on Teaming with an 8a Company Georgette Alexander-Morrison Orbital Sciences Corporation February 12, 2014 1National 8a Winter.

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Presentation on theme: "Large Business Perspective on Teaming with an 8a Company Georgette Alexander-Morrison Orbital Sciences Corporation February 12, 2014 1National 8a Winter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large Business Perspective on Teaming with an 8a Company Georgette Alexander-Morrison Orbital Sciences Corporation February 12, 2014 1National 8a Winter Conference

2 Outline  Working with a Large Business  Your Company and Your Strengths  Teaming  Finding Teammates  The Proposal  Contract Execution 2National 8a Winter Conference

3 Working with a Large Business  There are two primary reasons for teaming with a Large Business  Large Business as a prime requires niche subcontractors  Small Business −as a prime - needs a Large Business for capabilities or −as a subcontractor - needs a prime for a contract vehicle 3National 8a Winter Conference

4 Working with a Large Business Large Business Teaming – One Process  Large Business is the Prime  Need niche or specialty small businesses and/or  Need small (adjective or not) businesses to fulfill procurement requirements  In services contract opportunities  Full and Open opportunities usually have −Small Business Utilization requirements −Small Business Subcontracting goals  Large Businesses may have existing Small Businesses with whom they have previously partnered  New businesses are often needed −Difficulty in finding adjective small business with specific capabilities ◦ e.g., a WOSB with embedded code experience −Use of region-specific such as HUBZone  Small Businesses need to know how to make their presence known to Large Businesses −Match capabilities/status to procurement −Resource capability to support proposal effort 4National 8a Winter Conference

5  Orbital reviews known subcontractors and capabilities and searches for new Small Businesses  Existing teaming arrangements on competitors or other contracts for that customer  Company websites  Customer small business databases  SBA databases – useful for identifying specialty (adjectival type) small businesses −NOTE: Keep your company’s listing up to date with past performance, customers, NAICS, and descriptions  Orbital holds a teleconference or meeting to discuss teaming idea with the Small Business  Large Business will usually have a brief presentation that is specific to procurement  The presentation will accent (further details an following charts) : −the small business need coupled with specific capability −interface to date with the customer −any employees with important background/connections with customer 5National 8a Winter Conference Working with a Large Business Large Business Teaming – One Process

6 Working with a Large Business How to Select a Small Business for Teaming?  Small Businesses Are Selected as a Teammate Because They Improve the Large Business’ Chance of Winning  Decision is based upon What We Know of the Small Business  SB Offering −Provides a unique and needed skill set (maybe one that the prime can not supply) −Has “something special” (e.g. research, technology, software) and applicable to the opportunity (e.g. cyber security experience, collaboration tools)? −Is a “difficult to find” adjective small business (SDVOSB, HUBZone)  SB Experience / Past Performance −Performs similar services on relevant contracts −Experience is a good past performance reference −On the incumbent team or currently supporting the current effort −Currently has a prime contract or subcontract with this customer  SB Cost Effectiveness −Costs/rates low and will reduce the prime’s overall cost  SB Knowledge −Knows the customer −Has information on the incumbent’s performance 6National 8a Winter Conference

7 Working with a Large Business A Small Business Needs A Large Business  Small Business is pursing an opportunity  We will concentrate on the case where the SB needs the Large Business as a subcontractor  Why would the Small Business need a Large Business  Capabilities  Past performance  Customer knowledge  Once the need is identified, the Large Business may pursue the large or visa versa  Discussions can begin  Large Businesses will evaluate their probability of winning following a process similar to the Large Business Prime situation  Because the Small Business is the prime, Large Business may place more importance on the Small Business’ ability to be as cost effective as possible 7National 8a Winter Conference

8 Working with a Large Business A Small Business Needs A Large Business (continued)  Large Business will want to know: what is the small business’ objective for pursuing the contract?  Growth  Extension of current capabilities  New customer or current customer  R&D applications  Large Business will want to know if the Small Business has done their homework: Research the procurement and the customer  Met and talked to the customer(s)? What do they want?  Is it a re-compete of an existing contract or a new effort?  Has the size grown? Compare original value vs. current funding levels −If a federal contract, use the Federal Procurement Data System - Next Generation ( to review the funding  Is the incumbent performing well? −Review Award Fee Letters (submit FOIA requests) −Review press releases (safety issues, audit results) −Talk to people via customer meetings, other contractors at that location, contractor councils or meetings in the local area  Give the Large Business your elevator speech.  Be prepared and be ready to use with potential other teammates and customer(s)  2 – 3 minute max summary of your company, the procurement, and why they are a great match 8National 8a Winter Conference

9 Working with a Large Business A Small Business Needs A Large Business (continued)  The Small Business must know the customer decision point: what’s their bottom line  Price  Technical proposal  Other factors that help a Large Business decide to team with the Small Business  Other companies are on the team and their strengths and capabilities  Win strategies of the small business  Many times, these items aren’t discussed until after the teaming agreement has been mutually accepted 9National 8a Winter Conference

10 Your Company and Strengths  Understand the full capabilities of your company and your current personnel  What are you producing on your current contracts?  What experiences do your staff have that can be applied to a new contract or customer?  Analyze your capabilities for writing a winning proposal for this contract  Is this contract similar to something you already produce or provide services? −You already provide project management services for DOE and this contract provides project management services for NASA.  Is it an extension of complementary capabilities ? −Example: You provide configuration management services and the new customer wants data management.  Compare your small business capabilities with the requirements for the contract  Statement of Work (SOW) Gap Analysis −What does your company technically cover well −Where are the gaps  What areas does your business need additional past performance and who can provide it? −Proposal Consultants – help write your proposal but don’t demonstrate past performance −Teammates (large or small) – can help write the proposal, don’t cost you money, and can give you relevant past performance 10National 8a Winter Conference

11 Your Company and Strengths – The Future  Can your company’s infrastructure and assets handle the new opportunity.  If you have 25 employees now, can you manage adding 100 more? −Payroll −HR −Offices  Do you have the funds to cover the additional operating costs? −Do you have the funds on hand −Do you have an adequate line of credit  Companies must be realistic that  The SB must have the processes, procedures and assets (management systems, task management processes, personnel systems) to successfully manage the new job.  The team and the customer must be convinced that this is not an issue 11National 8a Winter Conference

12 Finding Teammates  Look at the current contracts for that customer’s location  Identify the existing or recent companies providing support to that customer −What kind of work did they do and how well ◦ Check award fee letters, press releases, web sites −Any candidates?  Attend national conferences or conferences at that customers’ location or local area  NASA routinely holds small business forums as part of their outreach activities  Attend local AIAA or AAS conferences  Join Contractor Associations (e.g. at MSFC, ARC, GSFC)  Talk to the customer’s Small Business Officer or Specialists  Procurement personnel have knowledge of the large businesses that are experienced with that customer  JPL’s Small Business Office sponsors a yearly high tech conference, both large and small businesses attend this event 12National 8a Winter Conference

13 Selected Teammates: Things to Consider  NDA executed  Teaming Agreements  Suggestions: review recent legal decisions on what/when these documents apply and what they can contain  Get your lawyer involved. The large business will have their legal and contracts representatives review it. −Be fair −Be direct −Be flexible −Be explicit on the support you need for the proposal −Decide how explicit you want to describe the SOW assignments or support to be granted during execution. 13National 8a Winter Conference

14 The Proposal Execution – Things to Remember Large Business Prime  The Large Business likely has a very capable Business Development group with a method for preparing the proposal  Standard processes/templates  Data submittals via email or Sharepoint or other collaborative site  Schedule  RFP  Pricing discussions  Guides for successful teaming  Meet the deadlines specified in all data requests or immediately counter with a date change that allows time to respond (don’t wait until the day its due)  Have a standard introduction text that describes the Small Business and the capabilities and experience of the company  Have logo ready (multiple file types and transparent backgrounds)  Have resumes for company personnel available  Participate in all ‘tag ups’ and contribute as required  Participate in all reviews of the proposal volumes (as you are invited) or volunteer for additional reviews (use the reviews as a learning process) 14National 8a Winter Conference

15 The Proposal Execution – Things to Remember Small Business Prime  Depending on the age of the company and the experiences, the Small Business’ proposal processes may be very good  Others may need advice from the large business, so use their advice and suggestions  If SB process is not developed, there are actions to take  Consider bringing in support via a proposal manager and production support  Many firms specialize in producing the document; however, these firms usually don’t take on producing the customized content required for a good score  Communication with your teammates is very important  Define the proposal organization and points of contact  Define the submission process  Use a collaborative effort to dissect the draft and final RFP  Define required data calls from the team members −Set a schedule (as soon as possible) −Collect the routine data requirements early (e.g. logos, histories, past performance, introductions, resumes)  Set out for the pricing goals and strategies that your company expects from all teammates (as soon as possible”  Hold regular ‘tag ups’ to keep the team informed of progress and issues 15National 8a Winter Conference

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