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SC DHHS Birth Outcomes Initiative Data Subcommittee.

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1 SC DHHS Birth Outcomes Initiative Data Subcommittee

2 Members Aunyika Moonan - ORS and SC Hospital Association Chris Finney - ORS Heather Kirby - ORS Shea Sutton - DHEC Daniela Nitcheva - DHEC Laurel Eddins - SCDHHS Dr. Tom Hulsey, MUSC Ad hoc, Dr George Helmrich (GHS) & Dr. Laura Goetzl (MUSC).

3 Goals Document baseline rate of ‘Elective Cesarean’ deliveries in South Carolina and monitor changes over time; by hospital Assist other subcommittees with access and interpretation of data needs Respond, as requested, to meet data needs for any BOI activity

4 Reduce the Number of ‘Elective Cesarean’ Deliveries between 37 and 38 weeks gestation Approximately 1/3 of these deliveries are ‘Elective’ Increased admission to NICU Longer length of hospitalization Increased costs

5 Steps to Monitor Elective Cesarean Merge UB04 Hospitalization Data (ORS) with Vital Records (DHEC) to obtain gestational age for each delivery Baseline: 2009 & 2010 Subset to 37 and 38 weeks gestation Identify associated ICD9 codes with each delivery

6 Identify Elective Cesareans Specifications Manual for Joint Commission National Quality Measures (v2010B2) Table 11.05 provides ICD9 (+ V) codes for 78 conditions that are Medical Indications for Induction or Cesarean (these were emailed yesterday by the Hospital Association ) Cesareans without one of these codes is operationally defined as ‘Elective’

7 Exclusions Excludes stay over 119 days; Excludes ages 64; Excludes specific categories indicating Medically Indicated Cesarean Deliveries

8 Next Steps Resolve Discrepancies with Gestational Age reporting methods Resolve exclusions from the ‘Medically Indicated’ list Maintain the high level of inter-agency collaboration initiated by DHHS (BOI) Maintain active involvement of physicians and hospitals to continue joint ownership

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