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+ Washington State Mathematics Fellows Heather DorseyJanuary 22 nd.

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1 + Washington State Mathematics Fellows Heather DorseyJanuary 22 nd

2 + Agenda Formative Assessment Cycle and Thinking through a lesson Putting the Shifts into practice—How do we implement Rigor and SMP #3? Understanding different Learning Designs Planning next steps LUNCH 12:30ish-1:30ish

3 + Purpose of the Fellows To be a part of and support a system that focuses on math making sense for all students. --Leadership in the Extended Community This requires all of us to be intentional about putting the shifts into practice to reflect the CCSS vision both around the student making sense of the mathematics and demonstrating that understanding. –Leadership of Others and Self The Fellows will use a formative assessment cycle that will support change in practice and experiences students have with the mathematics. –Leadership of Self

4 + Plan for the year Four regional meetings One state-wide meeting (for a subset of the Fellows) Meetings centered around: Leadership of Self Learning together and learning of new resources Engaging in a formative assessment cycle Leadership of Others Reflecting on leading adult learners—Professional Development Clips Planning next steps Leadership in the Extended Community Providing feedback to the state-wide system Planning next steps

5 + Reflect on the PD you accomplished since our last meeting or that you are planning Discuss with your group: What did you do? Who was your audience? How did it go? What were your challenges? OR What are you planning on doing? Who will your audience be? What challenges do you see arising?

6 + Formative Assessment is….. Leadership of Self and Others Complete this definition on a notecard or post-it. Share in your group. Who has the ‘right’ definition?

7 + Independently, choose the three with which you most agree Rank order by 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd strongest agreement Share your top choices with your group Attempt to find agreement with your #1 9 Ways of Looking at Formative Assessment

8 + So, who wrote what? 1. Wikipedia 2013 2. FAST SCASS 2008 3. Rick Stiggins 2005 4. Robert Marzano 2010 5. Brookhart and Moss 2009 6. Wiliam and Black 1998 7. Margaret Heritage 2007 8. James Popham 2008 9. James Popham 2008—this is SBAC’s definition

9 + Four Attributes of the Formative Assessment Process “The essential purpose of formative assessment is to move students’ learning forward while their learning is still in the process of developing.” -Margaret Heritage Formative Assessment: An enabler of Learning Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence

10 + Clarify Intended Learning Helps students and teachers understand expectations and goals (what students will learn, not activities) Learning friendly targets and success criteria which indicate the measureable behavior Clarify Intended Learning

11 + Smith “By being clear on exactly what students will learn, you will be better positioned to capitalize on opportunities to advance the mathematics in the lesson and make decision about what to emphasize and de-emphasize.” -Margaret S. Smith Thinking through a Lesson Clarify Intended Learning

12 + Elicit Evidence No single way to elicit evidence: Interaction Appropriate questions Focused observation Analyzing student work Can be planned or spontaneous Informal assessment activities by: Teacher, Self-assessment, or Peers Elicit Evidence

13 + Smith “The questions you ask during instruction determine what students learn and understand about mathematics.” -Margaret S. Smith Thinking through a Lesson Elicit Evidence

14 + Interpret Evidence Used to determine where the students are in relationship to the learning target Informs adjustments to instructional plans Can be interpreted by: Teacher, Student, or Peers Interpret Evidence

15 + Act on Evidence Provide Timely, Descriptive and Actionable Feedback Give active steps students can take to move toward the learning target Have students self-assess and use peer assessment Help students be aware of strategies they can use to move learning forward (draw a picture, work backward, reread a text) Adjust Instruction Mini tutoring groups Flexible student group work Act on Evidence

16 + Heritage “The important thing about formative assessment is that it is not a test, nor an instrument, but rather an approach to teaching and learning that uses feedback as its centerpiece in a supportive classroom context.” -Margaret Heritage Formative Assessment: An enabler of Learning Act on Evidence

17 + Formative Assessment Process Chalk Talk What tools/processes have you used to engage in each of the attributes of the formative assessment process? Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence

18 + Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol Leadership of Self and Others Consider your thoughts and implications for the article. Complete the task Articulate the Goal Anticipate the Responses Create questions that assess and advance students’ thinking

19 + Lunch

20 + The Three Shifts in Mathematics— Leadership of Self and Others Focus: Strongly where the standards focus Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades Rigor: In major topics, pursue with equal intensity: Conceptual understanding Procedural skill and fluency Application

21 + Answer getting vs. Learning Mathematics USA “How can I teach my students to get the answer to this problem?” Japan “How can I use this problem to teach the mathematics of this unit?”

22 + Shift Three: Rigor Equal intensity in conceptual understanding, procedural skill/fluency, and application The CCSSM require: Solid conceptual understanding Procedural skill and fluency Application of skills in problem solving situations In the major work of the grade, this requires equal intensity in time, activities, and resources in pursuit of all three 22

23 + Highlighting Aspects of Rigor in the Standards Conceptual Understanding: 3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. Procedural Skill and Fluency: 5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. Application: 7.NS.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. 23

24 + 3 Components of Rigor Leadership of Self and Other s As a group: Review your standards for you domain of focus and categorize them based on the aspects of Rigor: K-2 NBT 3-5 NF 6-7 RP 8 EE Alg 1 Interpreting Functions Geo Trigonometric Functions Alg 2 Building Functions

25 + Digging into Conceptual Understanding Conceptual knowledge of mathematics consists of logical relationships constructed internally and existing in the mind as a network of ideas…by its very nature, conceptual knowledge is knowledge that is understood --John Van de Walle (2004)

26 + Connecting it to Practice Leadership of Self and Others As you watch the video consider: The role of the teacher in supporting conceptual understanding and SMP #3 The students’ actions that build their conceptual understanding and demonstrate SMP #3

27 + Implementing the CCSS Change The new standards require students to achieve more rigorous content outcomes, apply their content knowledge in authentic situations, solve problems, engage in critical and creative thinking, work collaboratively with their peers, and demonstrate or present their learning. To achieve this vision, allocation and application of professional learning resources must change. … The success of the Common Core State Standards depends on educators’ capacity to make the instructional shifts the standards require. — Killion, J. & Hirsh, S. (2012). Meet the promise of content standards: Investing inprofessional learning, p. 3. Oxford, OH: Learning Forward.

28 + Professional Learning Elmore finds that the work lies in the face-to- face interactions among people responsible for student learning around the work, in the presence of the work Instructional Core StudentContentTeacher

29 + Learning Forward Standards Professional Learning Continuous learning in daily practice. Small teams, collective responsibility Immediately applicable and relevant Briefly review the overview of the standards and consider how they relate to your experiences.

30 + 1. Read about the Tale of Two Schools. Walk and Talk 2. As a pair, chart the similarities and differences between the two scenarios. 2. Predict which professional learning scenario will result in a higher level of implementation. Explain why. Why do we need Standards for Professional Learning? 7

31 + Learning Forward Standards Learning Communities Leadership Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes

32 + Jigsaw on learning designs Purpose: To learn several processes that can be used in a learning team 7 Divide the cards among team members Read your cards and prepare to explain the learning design to your group Share its description and use with your group

33 + Teacher Leaders Drive Instructional Excellence What do you Agree with? What do you want to Argue with? What do you want to Aspire to? What steps are needed between now and April to move you toward your aspirations? 3x5 card: What do you need from me to help you work with your administrator?

34 + From Research to Classroom Practice— Leadership of Others and in the Extended Community Take a few moments to consider your year and your role as a CCSS-M Fellow Sketch out a plan/commitments for implementing/deepening formative assessment for instruction in classroom - how do we know we are on the path to success? Talk with your group for ideas Focus on what you will do between now and April 30 th Connect with Principal Chalk Talk PD Clip Thinking Through a Lesson PD Clip Rigor PD clips 3As PD clip One of the Learning Forward Protocols Utilize an idea connected to the focus domain

35 + See you at 9:00 am on April 30 th Remember to: Implement your plan Email to Heather before April 30 th Your student data from the Task Your “Leading Professional Learning Plan” Clock Hours—register for Course ID 46611

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