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NCSC Alternate Assessment National Center and State COLLABORATIVE

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Presentation on theme: "NCSC Alternate Assessment National Center and State COLLABORATIVE"— Presentation transcript:

1 NCSC Alternate Assessment National Center and State COLLABORATIVE
Testing Window: March 30 – May 15, 2015 February, 2015

2 Agenda Intro to the Alternate Assessment and NCSC
Eligibility for Alternate Assessment Test Design Student Supports: Accessibility and Accommodations Registration for Test Coordinators, Students, and Teachers Special Forms Requests Summary of Dates Contact Information

3 NCSC Alternate Assessment
Every student takes one of these state assessments : PARCC (most students) NCSC Alternate Assessment (significant cognitive disabilities) ~1100 students statewide, K-12 (1% of student population) ~300 teachers statewide.

4 Eligibility for the Alternate Assessment IEP Team Guidance on Eligibility for Alternate Assessments Eligibility Determinations should be completed before the start of each new school year. Determinations need to be recorded by the districts in the December census. Three Criteria (Page 8, Step 1): Disability significantly impacts cognitive function and adaptive behavior. Student’s instruction is aligned to CCSS/CCCs and uses adapted grade-level content that focuses on essential knowledge and skills. Student is unable to apply academic skills in home, school, and community without intensive, frequent, and individualized instruction in multiple settings.

5 Participation Criteria Form (page 9)
The IEP Team Assurances are a little bit different than in past years.

6 Change in Standards for All Tests
Common Core State Standards GLEs and GSEs AAGSEs NECAP PARCC NCSC RIAA As a brief refresher, we all know that the GLEs and GSEs that the NECAP and the RIAA were aligned to have been replaced with the CCSS. In the case of the NCSC alternate assessment, the addition of the Core Content Connectors serve as guidance for item development and alignment. The NECAP and the RIAA themselves have been replaced by the PARCC and the NCSC assessments. Core Content Connectors

7 NCSC History Collaborative of states have been developing this assessment over the last four years. Pilot Tests (March, 2014 and October, 2014) Very few technology problems during pilot tests Technology requirements: Pilot 1: ~60 students participated Pilot 2: ~180 students

8 Comparing RIAA and NCSC
Test Type: Portfolio Adaptive Grade Levels: 2-8 and 10-11 3-8 and 11 Content Areas: Reading, Writing, Math, Science ELA and Math Timing: Year-long Month-long in Spring Standards: AAGSEs: grade spans CCSS: discrete grade levels Eligibility: Remains the same Teacher time: Demanding: Develop assessment activities, write narratives. Lighter: some preparation for accommodations and materials for each item. Scoring: Teacher scores activities Teacher scores some CRs Results: Highly individualized content and activities (valid group comparisons are difficult) Standardized content with item supports, assessment features, and accommodations (valid group comparisons will be easier) Also to review, here is a quick chart to compare the two assessments.

9 NCSC Test Design Structure Supporting Students’ Accessibility

10 ELA Test Sessions Approximately 90 minutes total
NCSC ELA Sessions Reading Session 1 Reading Session 2 Writing Literary and informational reading passages and associated Selected- Response Reading items Open-Response Foundational Reading items (Grades 3 and 4 only) Selected-Response Writing items and one Constructed-Response Writing item

11 Mathematics Test Sessions Approximately 90 minutes total
NCSC Mathematics Sessions Mathematics Session 1 Mathematics Session 2 Selected-Response Mathematics items Constructed-Response Mathematics Completion items in selected grades

12 Preparing for the Test Training (Test coordinators and teachers pick ONE): Online training modules In-person training Reading materials: Test Administration Manual Directions for Test Administration Sample items Preparing test: Manipulatives Practice scribing protocol, answering items Creating word boards, eye gaze boards, loading pictures into AT devices, etc. Substitutes: Are they needed? Teachers who participated in the pilot tests found subs helpful for preparation; only some found it helpful for administering the test; dependent on the needs and requirements of the students. The amount of

13 Timing and Scheduling Suggestions
Base test times (both sessions): Approximately 90 minutes for ELA Approximately 90 minutes for Math Student uses computer or paper copy fairly independently: Student requires support to use computer; frequent breaks; Student requires eye gaze board, braille, help using AT, frequent breaks; Based on teacher feedback from Pilots 1 and 2

14 RI Teacher Data: Mathematics
How long did it take the student to complete the entire mathematics test (do not include time for pausing, only engagement with the test)? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Time to Complete 30 Minutes or Less 3 5.5 5.6 31-60 Minutes 22 40.0 40.7 46.3 61-90 Minutes 18 32.7 33.3 79.6 Minutes 7 12.7 13.0 92.6 More than 120 Minutes 4 7.3 7.4 100.0 Total 54 98.2 Missing System 1 1.8 55

15 RI Teacher Data: Reading
How long did it take the student to complete the entire reading test (do not include time for pausing, only engagement with the test)? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Time to Complete 30 minutes or less 3 5.3 31-60 minutes 16 28.1 33.3 61-90 minutes 21 36.8 70.2 minutes 15 26.3 96.5 More than 120 minutes 2 3.5 100.0 Total 57

16 Student Supports

17 Accessibility of NCSC 1. Item Supports 2. Assessment Features
3. Accommodations

18 Embedded Item-Level Supports
Grade-level Core Content Connector Tier 4. Fully aligned to CCC/CCSS Tier 3. aligned to CCC Tier Supports Scripted items graphic organizers not completed limited graphics Tier 2. somewhat aligned to CCC Tier Supports: scripted items (includes modeling) simplified language but longer text equations provided some graphics graphic organizers not completed Tier 1. Essential Understanding Tier Supports: scripted items (includes modeling) simplified language text slightly longer graphics in text and items graphic organizers partially completed small integer values The test items are developed according to four levels (tiers) that include varying levels of supports for students. However, the content of the item remains aligned with the CCC/CCSS. The item may assess a small part of a standard (an essential understanding) or it may assess the standard fully but still incorporate various supports. Tier Supports: scripted items (includes modeling) modified/shortened texts graphics in text and items graphic organizers partially completed three item options small integer values

19 Accommodations Accommodations must be included in IEPs for the operational test
Assistive Technology Paper Versions of Items Scribe/transcribe Sign Language Translation Braille (grades 3 & 4 only) Students who are deaf/blind*: Special set of directions and test items that includes guidance on tactile graphics and object replacement options. Students must meet the criteria of being deaf and/or blind. * Special test form and instructions for teachers for students who meet this criteria

20 Assessment Features (Test supports available to all students)
COMPUTER PAPER (Teacher-provided) Answer Masking Piece of paper that covers one or more of the answer options; the answers the student has eliminated Alternate Color Themes Color overlays Increase Size of Text and Graphics (Magnification) Adjust size before printing Increase Volume Use separate testing space if not using headphones Line Reader Tool Two pieces of paper on either side of the line the student needs to focus on Text-to-speech (Audio Player) Read Aloud/Re-read Assessment features are those supports that are built in to either the online test platform or they can be provided on the paper version of the test if need-be. All students have access to the assessment features if they need it. Depending on how the teacher administers the test, students can receive equivalent versions of the assessment features either online or on the paper version. Answer masking helps students keep track or stay focused in two ways: One way is to remove distractions so a student can concentrate on reading and understanding one answer at a time. The other way is use it as a way to eliminate the answers they don’t want or believe are wrong so in the end, they are left with the answer they want to pick. The paper version of this would be using paper or sticky-notes to cover answers. Alternate Color Themes change the background of the test and the font color.

21 Registration Structure of the NCSC Online Test Platform
Test Coordinator Registration Student Registration Teacher Registration

22 Organizational Structure of Online Test Platform
Test Administrator: Teachers SCHOOL TC: Principal, Guidance, etc. DISTRICT TC: /Spec. Ed Dir. ,Dist. TC STATE TC: Heather Heineke/Greg Martin State District 1 School 2 Teacher Student CLASSROOM CLASSROOM All teachers can see all students in a school. This shouldn’t be a problem in most schools with one or two teachers. If you have issues with teachers seeing other’s students, an additional organizational structure, classroom, can be added manually. ORANGE: RIDE upload PINK: district/school upload or manually create

23 Data Upload 1: Test Coordinators
District and School Test coordinators identified for PARCC and who have students taking the alternate assessment will be uploaded into the NCSC Online Test Platform by RIDE. Automatic will be sent when account is created. Only schools who have students taking the alternate assessment will have access.

24 Data Upload 2: Student Registration
Student Registration File RIDE will compile using IEP Census “alternate assessment” designation Any students attending outplacement schools will be included in the sending district file. Districts and outplacement schools must work together to verify students DATES: March 6: Student files in District Exchange folders (Greg Martin (RIDE)) s will be sent to district data managers when complete March 13: Corrected files due back in District Exchange folders March 16: State student file uploaded into NCSC online platform After March 16: All changes to student registration is handled by school or district test coordinator.

25 Data Upload 3: Teacher Registration Process
District or school test coordinator will manually register teachers. Step-by-step instructions are being finalized. Teachers cannot access the online training modules until they have an account. Once teachers are registered, instructions for activating their account will automatically be ed.

26 Special Forms Request Requests for the following groups of students:
Students who need Braille tests (Gr. 3 & 4) Students who are Non-verbal (Gr. 3 & 4) Students who are Blind, Deaf, or Deaf-Blind (all grades) Teachers will receive special test administration instructions. Special Forms Request Template ed after this call and due to District Exchange Folder by March 11. RIDE will give to Measured Progress and braille tests and materials will be mailed to schools.

27 Training Requirements & Options

28 Teacher Training: Three Options
Online Training Modules Access is provided for entire testing window once teacher has account. In-person teacher training for teachers and test coordinators who have NOT participated in Pilot 2. Selected Online Modules (Pilot 2 Teachers): only certain modules need to be completed, not all. Module names will be provided directly to Pilot 2 teachers and district TC. Final Quiz: All teachers must take the final quiz and achieve an 80% before the test materials and the student’s tests become available. The important thing to remember is that each teacher giving the assessment either attends the in-person training session or completes the online modules and everyone takes the final quiz. Anyone in the role of state, district, or school test coordinator can see how far the teachers are progressing through the online modules, how the did on each module quiz, and if the teachers got an 80% or not.

29 Summary of Dates: March 6: Student files in District Exchange folders (Greg Martin (RIDE)) March 12: Online Training Modules become available for teachers March 11: Special Forms due to District Exchange folders (Districts) March 13: Corrected files due back in District Exchange folders (Districts) March 16: State student file uploaded into NCSC online platform (RIDE) After March 16: All changes to student registration is handled by school or district test coordinator. March 18 or 19: In-person teacher training. Registration will be sent next week. All training will be at Northern RI Collaborative. March 30 – May 15: NCSC Testing Window

30 Contact Information Heather Heineke, Assessment Greg Martin, Data, Analysis, and Research NCSC Help Desk (866) M-F, 8 – 8:00pm EST

31 Resources… NCSC Wiki for Instructional Resources
RIDE: Common Core Connectors: Click on “NCSC” tab CCSS: Click on “Educators” tab Academic Vocabulary Module Text Dependent Questions Module Close Reading Module for teachers of students with disabilities.

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