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Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03) Staffing the Mobiles Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation Heather Carroll.

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1 Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03) Staffing the Mobiles Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation Heather Carroll Mobile Library Branch Manager Andrew McLuckie Mobile Driver and Library Officer Marika Szendroe Operations Manager

2 Statistics Stock 17,000 Loans170,000 Visits 81,000 Membership 7,000 Queries 9,500 Cardinia Mobile Library: Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03)

3 Cardinia Mobile Unit Current vehicle (prime mover and trailer) purchased through the Community Support Fund Grant in December 1998. Trailer has an expandable capsule, which spans from the steps of the trailer to the back of the trailer. Trailer houses staff work area, public access PCs, promotional material and reference collection. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03)

4 Staffing Selection Current arrangement: Full-time Branch Manager. Core team of staff working a range of hours from 3 days per week to site specific shifts. 12 team members at present. 3 main drivers and 1 relief driver (CEO drives once a month on a Saturday shift). 5 Library Officers and 2 student Shelvers. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03)

5 Staffing Selection Interview process: Panel of 3, including the Mobile Branch Manager, interviews all prospective mobile staff. Possible successful applicant(s) spends a session on the Mobile to see first hand the size, physical working conditions and work area. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03)

6 Orientation and Training 3 Step Orientation: 1.Overall introduction to the service. 2.Tour of branches, including meeting home branch team. 3.Systems training. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03) Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation’s Staff induction program focuses on getting the person out into their branch/department as soon as possible.

7 Orientation and induction for branch and vehicle is conducted by the Mobile Branch Manager. New staff member will always be on with a senior and/or experienced driver with ongoing training. New staff member during their induction is an “extra” to the shift. They meet with the Branch Manager on site to complete their training. If the Branch Manager is not available they nominate a “buddy” to work with their new colleague. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03) On Site Training

8 Lending Services Librarian trains all staff in the library system, policies and procedures. Also supervises the early “live” experiences with other staff and the public. Checklists, easy to use cheat sheets and self- paced learning exercises support this process. Branch Manager receives a checklist of training to date so she knows what has been covered and what areas may need further ongoing training. Lending Services Librarian keeps in touch to monitor progress and also conducts a follow-up training session one month after initial training. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03) Library Systems Training

9 DECA (Driver Education Centre of Australia) for all driver-training needs. Prior to any training, DECA provides a Driver Training Proposal that covers rationale, aims, objectives, course content, duration, location, investment levy, teaching ratio, vehicle(s), resources required, accounts, GST course certification, evaluation and contact details. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03) Driver Training

10 If a staff member expresses interest in obtaining their articulated license, they usually work on the Mobile as a team member and have an understanding of the skills needed. Training is arranged with DECA. In 2003, with the assistance of the Mobile Drivers Grant via Statewide Training, 4 drivers completed a Vehicle Dynamics Course to test their skills in hazardous conditions. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03) Driver Training

11 Appointing a Licensed Driver After the appointment of a new qualified driver, part of the Library Corporation’s Staff Development and Training Plan is to arrange a session with DECA. This session determines skill level of the driver, knowledge of traffic laws, legislation and overall ability. DECA provides a written report on the level of expertise, any areas of improvement and/or new techniques for all drivers. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03)

12 Conclusion A designated team with a full-time Branch Manager has worked extremely well. We acknowledge that fixed sites are not possible in every area of Cardinia Shire, however a viable, responsive mobile service can connect these communities. Mobiles—realities to retail Country Public Libraries Group Victoria (17—18 May 03)

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