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2013 TEST SECURITY & CONFIDENTIALITY. This training does NOT take the place of reading the 2013 District and Campus Coordinator Manual and the 2013 Test.

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2 This training does NOT take the place of reading the 2013 District and Campus Coordinator Manual and the 2013 Test Security Supplement.

3 2013 STAAR ASSESSMENTS GR 3-8 Math GR 3-8 Reading GR 4 and 7 Writing GR 5 and 8 Science GR 8 Social Studies End-of-Course (15 EOC tests ) DCCM pp. O-11

4 2013 ASSESSMENTS STAAR SpanishGR 3-5- STAAR L GR 3-8 EOC No L on Reading and Writing No L on English I,II, III STAAR Modified GR 3-8 EOC No M for English III and U.S. History (2014), algebra II, chemistry, physics STAAR Alternate GR 3-8 EOC No Alternate for algebra II, chemistry, physics TELPASGR K-12All LEP identified students TAKS TAKS-Accommodated GR 11-12ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies TAKS-MGR 11ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies DCCM pp. O-11

5 DCCM UPDATES  Added emphasis on principal’s role  Added instructions from online additional resources to DCCM  Added emphasis in manuals for test administrators to contact CTC immediately and for CTC to contact Testing Department immediately when questions or concerns arise

6 PURPOSE Test Confidentiality  Protecting the contents of all test booklets, online assessments, completed answer documents, TELPAS ratings. Test Security  Accounting for all secure materials and student information throughout all administrations.  Only trained staff with a signed oath are permitted to have access to secure materials. Implement consistent required protocols due to high stakes associated with student performance. To ensure valid test scores and provide standard and equal testing opportunities for all students. Texas Law: TEC § 39.023 and § 39.027 19 TAC, Chapter 101 2013 Test Security Supplement DCCM pp. O-20 – O-21

7  Maintaining inventory of all test materials at ALL times  Physically counting all test material contents as listed on packing list.  ALL test materials accounted for at ALL times by CTC and test administrator  Locked storage with limited access  Any used reference materials destroyed immediately after each administration  Utilize forms to account for materials at ALL times to include:  Material Control Form  TEA Seating Charts  Implement procedures throughout testing to ensure proper storage and accurate tracking of test materials TEST SECURITY DCCM p. O-20

8  Any staff assisting with test materials must be trained and sign an oath.  Tests must be followed in strict accordance per instructions of the manual  Issue manuals prior to training  Collect manuals after testing  No one may view, reveal, or discuss the contents of test information at ANY time unless authorized to do so. If test information needs to be examined, permission MUST be obtained from TEA first.  No one may encourage a student to go back and review test answer choices after a student is finished. CONFIDENTIALITY DCCM p. O-21

9  No one may copy, print, record, make notes, or take a picture of any test information.  No one may provide test answers verbally or non- verbally at ANY time during test administration.  Only students complete calculations, solve, or respond to test items.  No one may disclose the contents of any portion of a secure test at ANY time. CONFIDENTIALITY DCCM p. O-21

10  Oral test administrators are prohibited from responding, recording, writing, discussing, solving, or marking ANYTHING from the test contents.  Oral test administrators are required to sign a separate section of the oath.  Name of test administrator must be on cover of issued test booklet for oral administrations requiring entirety to be read. CONFIDENTIALITY & ORAL ADMINISTRATION DCCM pp. S-12, S-24, S-42

11  All technology staff must be trained and sign an oath.  Online test administrator must read and accept statement of confidentiality when logging in.  Any user names and passwords for training or testing purposes must be kept secure at ALL times. TECHNOLOGY TELPAS Manual Appendix A DCCM pp. O-21, S-10, Appendix C

12 TELPAS Test Security Rating rosters and student writing samples kept in limited-access locked storage. Any scratch paper used during reading test collected and destroyed. Test Confidentiality Protecting the information on rating rosters and online reading test. TELPAS Manual pp. 4-5

13 To provide specific guidance in implementing required protocols. To foster best practices for maintaining the security and integrity of the testing program. TEA SECURITY SUPPLEMENT History 2006First introduced to provide additional guidance of proper implementation of testing procedures 2012Became law [19 TAC §101.3031 (b)(2)] 2013Remains in code and places more emphasis on penalties for violation of security & confidentiality. 2013 Test Security Supplement

14 Policy and Procedure Highlights: Training requirements Materials security Secure storage areas Test session time limits Test scheduling and make-up testing Reference materials and charts Student cheating Testing irregularities Creating a Secure Testing Program: Specific tasks to do before, during, and after testing TEA SECURITY SUPPLEMENT 2013 Test Security Supplement

15 Anyone who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation of test security and confidentiality, and fails to report such violation is subject to:  Restrictions on issuance, renewal, or holding teaching certificate  Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand on certificate  Suspension of teaching certificate for a set term  Revoke teaching certificate PENALTIES TELPAS Manual p. 5 DCCM p. O-22 2013 Test Security Supplement Texas Law: Criminal Prosecution under TEC §39.0303 Texas Penal Code Section 37.10 19 TAC §249.15 In addition, any irregularities in test security or confidentiality may also result in the invalidation of student results.

16  All campus state testing coordinators are: Liaison to the campus Responsible for reporting to Testing Department all violations Responsible for contacting Testing Department of any alleged or suspected violations. STAAR/TAKS/TELPAS COORDINATOR ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Refusing to cooperate with the Testing Department and TEA in an investigation or to properly report any suspected violations is itself a violation and could result in sanctions. 2013 Test Security Supplement

17 1.Act quickly, remain objective, and identify:  What exactly happened  Where and when the incident occurred  Who specifically was involved  How or why the incident occurred 2.Consider and determine what you will do to ensure the incident will not reoccur again 3. Complete required incident form and collect signed statements immediately REPORTING A TESTING INCIDENT 2013 Test Security Supplement

18 IRREGULARITIES Irregularity Any deviation from testing procedures. Non-Irregularities Student or adult in possession of cell phone. Accidental torn test book seals. Fire alarm. 2013 Test Security Supplement

19 To supplement mandatory training on test security and confidentiality. Module 1 – Active Monitoring Explains and demonstrates expectations for active monitoring Module 2 – Distribution of Test Materials Strategies for common errors made when distributing materials Module 3 – Proper Handling of Secure Materials Expectations of protecting contents and examples of errors TEA TRAINING MODULES 2013 Test Security Supplement

20 TEA TRAINING MODULES No login required. Name and email requested. Certificate emailed upon completion. Print certificate. No login required. Provide sign-in sheet of all attendees. Print certificate upon completion.

21 The following persons must complete Modules 1 – 3: STAAR, TAKS, TELPAS Coordinators Principals All certified professionals: Administrative team Teachers TEA TRAINING MODULES Any District Monitors visiting campuses during testing are also expected to complete all 3 Modules.

22 AudienceCampus DeadlineRationale Entire Campus Staff Friday, February 15 th TELPAS writing collection begins on Monday, Feb. 18 th TRAINING & MODULE DEADLINES TEA Online ModulesDeadline 1 – Active MonitoringFriday, February 15 th 2 – Distribution of Test Materials 3 – Proper Handling of Secure Materials High Schools Friday, March 1 st Elementary/Middle/AC Thursday, March 28 th

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