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The Story of American Methodism: Part Two The American Revolution and Methodism.

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1 The Story of American Methodism: Part Two The American Revolution and Methodism

2 Religious Freedom as a Principle  The political landscape of Colonial American had to accommodate Pietism, rational philosophy, native born believers, European seekers and numerous religious expressions.  Religious freedom emerges with the concept of denominationalism, groups that exists freely in society.

3 Methodist Movements and the Revolution  Most lay preachers, Anglican clergy and missionary pastors interested in spreading scriptural holiness rather than political rhetoric.  Revolution affects Methodist Societies in specific regions  Wesley’s “A Calm Address to our American Colonies” demanded a royalist response.

4 American Response to Wesley  Wesley characterized in “Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, or the old Jesuit Unmasked” as one who should wear a “hempen neckcloth” (slang for hangman’s noose)  Wesley later agrees that America should “enjoy its own persuasion” and perhaps God’s providence was at work.

5 Colonial Methodist’s Problem  Perceived by most persons as Tory (thanks to Rodda)  Most missionary pastors were Tory Royalists and leave during the revolution  How to support the Anglican Church while supporting the Revolution?  1778: Only Asbury and a few native pastors left

6 Colonial Methodist’s Problem  1778, Judge Thomas White arrested for being a Methodist who had connections with Asbury (who had refused to take an oath of allegiance to Great Britain).  Asbury maintains a low profile throughout the Revolution  American born preachers take the reins of leadership

7 Freeborn Garrettson  Conscientious objector to the Revolution  Accused of being a Tory spy  Refuse to take an oath  Beaten  Imprisoned  Patriotism vs. pacifism

8 The Crisis of 1779  Asbury force into retirement  Ties with England had been (and must be perceived to be) broken  Where would the ordained pastors come from? Wesley? Home- grown?  What was to be the role and authority of Asbury?

9 The Crisis of 1779  At the Annual Conference of Fluvanna County, Virginia it was decided that a presbytery of four ministers would be established.  These four members would ordain one another and then ordain others  Asbury and many Northern societies opposed  Division of North and South

10 The Crisis of 1779  1781: Wesley supports Asbury and the North  Asbury engages in placating the Southern churches  But slavery (Conference of 1780) emerging as major source of tension

11 1784  Treaty of Paris signed, officially ending the Revolutionary War and recognizing the Articles of Confederation (September, 1783)  Wesley declares himself “Superintendent”, a presbyter of apostolic succession

12 1784  Wesley ordains Whatcoat and Vesey  Wesley “sets apart” (apostolos) Dr. Coke as a General Superintendent  Brother Charles appalled!  But Coke had already been ordained; can one be ordained twice?

13 Christmas Conference  December 24 in Baltimore  Lovely Lane Meeting House  Lasts ten days  Sixty pastor of a total of 81 attend  Asbury affirmed as General Superintendent (after being ordained deacon then elder)

14 Christmas Conference  The Methodist Episcopal Church officially formed  Establishment of Cokesbury College in Abingdon, Maryland (named after Dr. Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury, the two General Superintendents)  But the Methodist Societies had yet to become a Church

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