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Published byCecelia Totten Modified over 10 years ago
Test Security and Confidentiality 2013-2014 State Assessment Training
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS & TERMINOLOGY Test Security Training Spring 2014
Viewing this presentation does not replace your obligation to attend Test Administration trainings, sign the security oath, and read all Test Administration manuals. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Legal Policy, Texas Education Code, and Texas Administrative Code Governing Test Security and Confidentiality Texas Education Code (TEC) Chapter 39, Subchapter B Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 19 Subchapter 101, Assessment Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) Federal law protecting the privacy of student education records Texas Penal Code 37.10 – Tampering 2014 Test Security Supplement Test Security Training Spring 2014
Security and Confidentiality Security – Maintaining test security is the responsibility of all testing personnel Do not view inappropriately, duplicate or electronically capture, discuss, score, discard, or misplace a test or answer document Never review, discuss, or alter student responses ALL testing personnel must be trained and sign an oath before handling testing materials Confidentiality – Protect the contents of: Test content Students’ personal information and responses Online assessments Test Security Training Spring 2014
Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality Sign one Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for each role. 2014 Oaths of Test Security and Confidentiality Principal Campus Coordinator Test Administrator (Noncertified) Testing Personnel STAAR Alternate Test Administrator TELPAS Rater TELPAS Verifier TELPAS Reading Test Administrator Campus Technology Coordinator Test Security Training Spring 2014
Secure vs. Nonsecure Secure Test Materials – Students’ answer documents (both pre-code and hand- grid) Test booklets Online test content Reference Charts, Graph Paper and Scratch Paper (if examinee writes on them) Nonsecure Test Materials – Test Administrator Manuals Unused Reference Materials (no student work written on them) Blank Answer Documents Test Security Training Spring 2014
TEA Test Security Training Modules TEA provides three online training modules: Module 1 - Active Monitoring Module 2 - Distribution of Test Materials Module 3 - Proper Handling of Secure Materials Link to TEA Security Modules: Test Security Training Spring 2014
What is a Testing Irregularity? An incident resulting in a deviation from documented testing procedures. Irregularities can: lead to consequences for the testing personnel involved prevent a student’s test from being scored TEA divides testing irregularities into two categories: Serious Irregularities – purposeful, deliberate, intentional Procedural Irregularities – clerical, accidental (human error) Test Security Training Spring 2014
Serious Irregularities Test Security Training Spring 2014 2013 Security Supplement, p. 19 High Schools only
Penalties for Prohibited Conduct Any person who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation of test security and confidentiality, and any person who fails to report such a violation, may be subject to the following penalties: Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas education certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term; Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand; Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term; or Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently. Test Security Training Spring 2014 19 TAC §101.65
Penalties for Prohibited Conduct Release or disclosure of confidential test content could result in criminal prosecution. Irregularities resulting in a breach of test security or confidentiality may result in the invalidation of students’ assessments. Test Security Training Spring 2014 TEC §39.0303 Section 552.352 Texas Government Code Section 37.10 Texas Penal Code 19 TAC §249.15
How to Avoid Serious Irregularities Do not assist students, tell them to check their work again, or advise them to write a longer composition. Students’ responses are off-limits Do not tamper with a student’s answer document - erasing stray marks or “cleaning up” answer documents is not allowed Collect all reference materials and scratch paper following a test. It must be shredded if written on by students. Do not duplicate, record, or capture electronically any secure test content Do not review used test booklets to check for strategies Test Security Training Spring 2014
Procedural Irregularities Test Security Training Spring 2014 Improper Accounting for Secure Materials: A Test Administrator did not return testing materials, check in, and account for all materials following each day’s administration Testing personnel lost completed answer documents or test booklets How to Avoid: Account for all test booklets, answer documents before, during, and after testing Ensure that no answer documents were left in test books accidentally Never mix state test materials with district test materials
Procedural Irregularities Individualized Education Program (IEP) Errors: Test Security Training Spring 2014 Accommodation errors – a student is given an unapproved or undocumented accommodation or was not provided a prescribed accommodation Test Version errors – a student is administered a general STAAR test instead of a STAAR Modified or vice-versa A LEP student who was exempt from one or more TELPAS domains was rated in that domain How to avoid: Know who your special education and ELL/special education testers are. Know their tests and what accommodations they should be provided Pay attention to supplemental aids. Make sure you have what you need for testing Review your testing rosters and materials with Coordinators prior to the day of the test(s).
Procedural Irregularities Eligibility Errors: Test Security Training Spring 2014 Eligible students are NOT tested. This includes TELPAS ratings and reading test Ineligible students WERE tested Newly enrolled students who must retake an EOC or retest in grade 5 or 8 Math and Reading are not provided a retest opportunity How to avoid: Verify your testing roster to be sure you have the correct students taking the correct test in the correct room
Procedural Irregularities Monitoring Errors: Test Security Training Spring 2014 Test Administrator left the room unmonitored when students’ secure materials were available or secure online administrations were visible Student was allowed to carry or remove secure test materials from testing area Test Administrator did not verify that a student recorded his/her responses and accepted a blank answer document Test Administrator did not detect improper use of an accommodation, dictionary, or possession of a cell phone Test Administrator did not ensure students worked independently during testing
Procedural Irregularities How to avoid Monitoring Errors: Test Security Training Spring 2014 Never leave testing students or materials unattended – even after all students have completed testing Monitor students closely during testing to be sure they have no electronic devices or other unauthorized or personal items Notify Administrators and Campus Test Coordinator right away if you see improper student behavior Be sure to remind students to record their answers on the answer document and check the answer document to make sure it is filled out before a student leaves the testing room
Incidents Involving Student Cheating Districts are required to implement any necessary measures to prevent cheating. Proper monitoring is critical If testing personnel suspects a student of cheating on a state assessment, he/she should notify the Campus Test Coordinator immediately. If the District determines that a student has attempted to cheat on a state assessment, either by providing or requesting assistance, we are required to invalidate the student’s test. Additional disciplinary action may be taken at the campus in accordance with district policy. Testing Coordinators will complete the “Locally Determined Disciplinary Actions” form online Student cheating incidents do not require an incident report to TEA unless the district determines that adult testing personnel contributed to, caused, or did not detect the cheating due to inadequate monitoring. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Procedural Irregularities Other Procedural Errors: Test Security Training Spring 2014 Test Administrator failed to issue the correct materials (for example, dictionaries), or students were provided nonallowable materials A student was allowed to test beyond the four-hour time limit or was not provided the full four hours to test Test Administrator failed to use the test administration materials or failed to read aloud the bold, scripted test administration directions verbatim as required Test Administrator did not remove or cover all instructional displays
Procedural Irregularities How to avoid Procedural Errors: Test Security Training Spring 2014 Confirm whether or not a dictionary is allowed for a test or parts of a test Complete the seating chart correctly. Record all start/stop times as required. All testing personnel must sign the seating chart. Do not permit students to test beyond four hours – even just to grid answers. If a Test Administrator reminds a student to mark his/her answers several times and s/he does not, call or request assistance from the Coordinator Remind students periodically of the time they have remaining to test Be sure Test Administrator say what is BOLD, read and attend to tasks in the italicized print, and follow directions in the call-out boxes, Cover all your instructional displays (not your clock)
STAAR Program Policies Test Security Training Spring 2014 STAAR Dictionary Policy Know the types of dictionaries allowed and who can use them on which tests There are differences between the Dictionary Policy and Dictionaries as an accommodation for eligible students STAAR Calculator Policy Know the types of calculators allowed and who can use them on which tests There are differences between the Calculator Policy and Calculators as an accommodation for eligible students STAAR 4-Hour Time Limit Only students eligible for Extended Time (same day) are allowed to test beyond four hours (5 hours for the English I and II exams, effective Spring 2014). Read and follow instructions provided in these policy documents. Understanding these policies will prevent procedural errors.
TESTING IRREGULARITIES 2012-2013 Test Security Training Spring 2014
Reporting of Testing Irregularities 2012 2013 Test Security Training Spring 2014
2012–2013 Incident Reports (approximate numbers) 2012–2013 Incident Reports (approximate numbers) Serious 147 Procedural 4836 Non-violations 229 Total 5212 Serious 147 Procedural 4836 Non-violations 229 Total 5212 Reporting Testing Irregularities Test Security Training Spring 2014
REPORTING IRREGULARITIES Test Security Training Spring 2014
Reporting Testing Irregularities Each person participating in the Texas student assessment program is directly responsible for reporting IMMEDIATELY any violation or suspected violation of test security and confidentiality. Do NOT wait until the end of the day or the last day of the testing week, etc. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Irregularity Statement If it is determined that an incident has occurred, testing personnel will complete an irregularity statement. Everyone involved needs to provide an accurate accounting of what occurred Be specific and thorough List events in sequential order Statements must be completed as soon as possible, preferably the same day as the incident Test Security Training Spring 2014
Irregularity Report Completed by Campus Testing Coordinators Gather your information: Who is involved/responsible? What happened? Where did the irregularity occur? When did it happen? (provide a timeline of events) Why did the irregularity occur? (critical in preventing a repeat offense) Test Security Training Spring 2014
Irregularity Statement New in 2014, campus test coordinators must additionally complete the Plan of Action specifying the steps the campus will take to prevent a reoccurrence of the irregularity. Information provided in district reports, particularly the Plan of Action, will be used by TEA in an audit of selected districts to verify that corrective actions have been implemented. Test Security Training Spring 2014
ASSESSMENT PROGRAM CHANGES Test Security Training Spring 2014
Change to Testing Irregularities Sharing answers to the online calibration activities or practice rating activities from the online training center is now classified as a serious irregularity Coordinators must ensure raters are aware of the agreement statements that they must accept before completing online training courses and calibration activities Test Security Training Spring 2014
Key Assessment Program Updates Combined Reading/Writing format of English I and English II EOC tests in spring 2014 About ¾ as many items in a little less than ⅔ the amount of time as the separate R, W tests Source: TEA, Redesign of the STAAR English I and English II Assessments, accessed from link provided at on 1/14/14. ELLs must take English I, but for certain ELL students,only English II is required for graduation (19 TAC §101, Subchapter AA) 60 consecutive days = 1 year in US schools Test Security Training Spring 2014
Assessment Updates Cont’d Transition provisions on English I – II EOC tests 44,350 new English I “transition passers” 34,547 new English II “transition passers” Phase ‐ in 1 extended through 2013 ‐ 14 ( still unclear what this means for remainder of phase-in schedule) Federal requirement to “double ‐ test” advanced pre ‐ high school students with STAAR grade level and EOC tests Pending TEA waiver request, updated Jan. 27, 2014: Scores of MS students will NOT be “banked” for HS accountability Final year of STAAR Modified administration Revised TELPAS Reading cut scores, in effect for spring 2014, aligned to level of reading proficiency needed for STAAR (no phase ‐ in) Test Security Training Spring 2014
Assessment Related Updates SSI requirements in effect GPC manual renamed: the SSI manual Participation in EOC test satisfies SSI requirement for students enrolled in 5th and 8th grades Applies in both subjects to 5th and 8th grade students who take STAAR L in mathematics EOC test failers must be given accelerated instruction prior to next administration of the test New TEA rules: substitutions for EOC tests for graduation purposes Test Security Training Spring 2014
Assessment Related Updates NEW THECB rules related to Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Limited Phase ‐ in cut scores on the new TSI All earlier tests (AccuPlacer, Compass, etc.) eliminated for TSI purposes Same criteria as before on the SAT and/or ACT Performance at Level 2 on English III and/or Algebra II EOC tests… when available Test Security Training Spring 2014
Assessment Related Updates Courses in ELA and Math that districts must OFFER (§28.014) to 12th grade students: whose EOC test scores have not met college readiness standards whose coursework, college entrance exam scores, or TSI scores indicate lack of readiness for entry ‐ level college coursework Districts must ENROLL (§39.052(b ‐ 2)) students at the end of 11th grade, who are “unlikely” to pass one or more EOC tests, in corresponding content area college preparatory courses Test Security Training Spring 2014
SCORING AND REPORTING Test Security Training Spring 2014
Assessment Related Updates Test Warnings/Student Data May occur if not all applicable information is provided PEIMS ID Last name and first name Date of Birth Gender Grade (EOC) May occur if information is present but doesn’t match student directory in the Texas Assessment Management System – PEIMS ID matches but two out of three of the last name, first name, or DOB do not Test Security Training Spring 2014
Assessment Related Updates Test Warnings It is critical to resolve test warnings (current year and previous year) as students will not receive a growth measure, will have incomplete cumulative history, or the record will not appear in the student portal. Test Security Training Spring 2014
TEST ADMINISTRATION SCENARIOS Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios True or False: Test administrators must ensure that students have recorded all responses before the end of the time session period. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios True or False: Breaks are not allowed during the administration of STAAR assessments. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios Can a certified paraprofessional administer a test? Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios True or False: Test administrators must communicate (orally or in writing) the amount of time left in one –hour intervals. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios Are ELL students in grades 5 and 8 held to SSI requirements for both math and reading? Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios After testing is complete, a parent reports to you that their child told them that their teacher offered assistance to another child in the classroom during the test. What do you do ? Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios A student arrives the day of the test and has a broken arm and says he can not write. What do you do? Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios True or False: A student may read the test aloud to self. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios True or False: A test administrator may translate directions in the native language of an English language learner. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios True or False: A test administrator may remind students to stay on task. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios If it has been determined that an ELL student will use a bilingual dictionary and have extra time, which test should the student take? Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios Who qualifies for the Special English I Provision? Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios True or False: If it is not in the best interest of a student to complete an assessment (newly arrived ELL), you may decide to submit the test for scoring without requiring the student to complete the test. Test Security Training Spring 2014
Test Administration Scenarios If a student has accommodations predetermined by the LPAC but does not use the accommodations while testing, do you record the linguistic accommodations for this student? Test Security Training Spring 2014
Thank you Thank you for maintaining test security and confidentiality. This enables our students to have the best testing opportunity possible. Test Security Training Spring 2014
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