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By: Michael Wittkowske Nicole Herriges Danielle Johnson Nikki Van Riper.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Michael Wittkowske Nicole Herriges Danielle Johnson Nikki Van Riper."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Michael Wittkowske Nicole Herriges Danielle Johnson Nikki Van Riper

2  From the Latin vir, “man” The original interpretation of having manly warlike qualities like courage and martial valor

3  Classical Greek  Medieval Catholicism  Modern Western View  Eastern Asian Cultural View


5  Add Three Theological Virtues to the Classical Greek  Faith  Hope  Charity




9  “the Buddha” means “the Enlightened One”  Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (fifth century BCE)

10 To do no evil To cultivate good To purify one’s mind This is the teaching of the Buddha

11 TTranquility NNonattachment CCompassion TTruthful speech and thought “right livelihood” FFinding a way to live that does not increase your own or others’ suffering; and nonviolence

12 Yin-Yang

13 The founding expression of Taoism

14  “Be still like the mountain and flow like a great river” Lao Tse  Embodies harmony of opposites “there would be no love without hate, no light without dark, no male without female ”

15  Hippocratic Oath (physician’s oath)  Teacher’s must be supportive and accurate with their information  Journalism must remain non-biased  Truck drivers and Airline Pilots must remain alert at all times

16 OOregon, Washington, and Montana have legalized physician assisted suicide CContradicts the Hippocratic Oath “I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect”

17  Self-Centeredness  Action-Guiding  Moral Luck

18  How does professional ethics better our quality of goods and services?  Is living by a theory of virtues worthy?  Is the eastern society’s views more virtuous than our western society’s view?

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