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Chapter 6: Litigation Documents

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1 Chapter 6: Litigation Documents
Summons, Complaint, Answer & Discovery Documents

2 §6.1 The Summons Process = Service of Process Summons & Complaint
Presenting the summons & complaint to defendant

3 Fulfills due process requirements
Summons Fulfills due process requirements Noticing a defendant requires: 1. original complaint and copy of summons filed with court 2. summons issued by court 3. summons & complaint both served on defendant 4. process server must be over 18 & not a party to action 5. affidavit of service, called Return of Service, filled out by process server 6. file Return of Service filed with the court Service by Publication Generally, requires court order

STATE OF CONFUSION JOHN DOE, ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) SUMMONS ) Phillip Duncan, ) Defendant. ) _____________________ ) NOTICE!! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WIThIN 20 DAYS. READ THEINFORMATION BELOW. TO THE DEFENDANT(S): A civil complaint has been filed by the Plaintiff against you for the relief set forth in the Complaint. 1. If you intend to defend this lawsuit, within 20 days after this Summons is served on you, exclusive of the day of service, you must do the following: a. File with the Clerk of this Court, whose address is shown below, a formal written response to the Complaint in accordance with the rules of the Court with the appropriate filing fee. b. Serve a copy of your request upon the attorney whose name is shown below. 2. Unless you respond, your default will be entered upon application of the Plaintiff and this Court may enter a judgment against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint, which could result in the taking of money or property or other relief requested in the Complaint. 3. If you intend to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your response may be filed on time. 4. The State of Confusion, its political subdivisions, agencies, officers, employees, board members, commission members and legislators, each have 45 days after service of this Summons within which to file an answer or other responsive pleading to the Complaint. CLERK OF COURT ____________________________ By: _____________________________________ Sue M. Daily Attorney for Plaintiff

5 §6.2 The Complaint Five Elements: 1. Caption 2. Jurisdiction
3. Cause of Action 4. Ad Damnum Clause 5. Subscription

Caption DISTRICT COURT OF CLARK COUNTY STATE OF CONFUSION JOHN DOE, ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) SUMMONS ) Phillip Duncan, ) Defendant. ) ______________ ) Court Hearing Matter » Names of Parties » Title of Document »

7 Jurisdiction Types of jurisdiction: In personam In rem Quasi in rem
Address of π/Δ In rem Place of controversy Quasi in rem Note: Federal Complaints require (Jurisdictional Statement) 1. Plaintiff is now and at all times relevant has been a resident of El Paso County, Colorado. 2. Defendant is now and at all times has been a resident of Kiowa County, Colorado. 3. The accident in controversy occurred in Denver County, Colorado. 4. The defendant owns property in Denver County, Colorado, which is subject to attachment for damages awarded plaintiff in Green v. Jones …

8 (Allegations All Defendants)
Numbering Paragraphs Fact Pleading vs. Notice Pleading Notice Pleading = Notice of claims Fact Pleading = Set forth prima facie case in CM Verified Complaints Plaintiff attests to validity General Allegations (Allegations All Defendants) I. Plaintiffs are and at all times have been residents of Clark County, State of XXX. II. Defendants are now and at all times relevant have been residents of Clark County, State of XXX. III. On or about October 23, 3004, Defendant was driving a taxi, in which Plaintiff(s) were passengers. Defendant, traveling north on Sahara Blvd., was traveling 60 m.p.h. in a 30 m.p.h. zone.

9 Cause of Action Claim for Relief Examples: Negligence »
Negligence per se Breach of Contract Trespass Etc. “Defendant had a duty to properly obey traffic laws of the state and county where the accident occurred, and by failing to do so acted in a negligent manner.”

10 Ad Damnum Clause = Prayer for Relief = Wherefore Clause
Wherefore, Plaintiff prays for judgment against the Defendant as follows: For general damages in excess of $10, according to proof; For loss of earnings and earning capacity according to proof; For medical expenses, future medical expenses and all incidental expenses according to proof; For interest from the date of accident to the time of judgment; For costs of suit incurred herein; For attorney fees incurred herein, and For such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.

11 Subscription Signature line __________________ Attorney Name
State Bar No Firm Name Address Attorney for Plaintiffs/Defendants

12 §6.2 Tort Causes of Action Tort = Civil Wrong Intentional Torts:
Defamation, Libel, Slander Wrongful (False) Imprisonment Malicious Prosecution/Abuse of Process Trespass & Nuisance Assault Battery Misrepresentation Conversion Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Negligent Torts: Negligence: Duty, breach, damages Negligence per se: Violation of law Wrongful Death

13 Contract Causes of Action
Contract = Agreement between parties Breach of Contract Bad Faith Breach of Fiduciary Duty

14 Establishing Causes of Action
General Allegations Jurisdictional statements Facts General Allegations (Against All Defendants) I. Plaintiffs are and at all times relevant have been residents of Clark County, State of Confusion II. Defendants are now and at all times relevant have been residents of Clark County, State of Confusion III. On or about October 23, 2004, Defendant was driving a taxi, in which Plaintiff(s) were passengers. Defendant, traveling north on Sahara Blvd., was traveling 60 m.p.h. in a 30 m.p.h. zone. IV. At the intersection of Sahara and Paradise Road, Defendant failed to stop for a red light. V. Defendant’s taxi subsequently struck a vehicle traveling south bound on Paradise Road. The vehicle which was struck possessed the right of way.

15 §6.5 The Claim: 3-Step Cause of Action
Caption Claim: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF: Negligence 3-Step Cause of Action: Incorporation Paragraph “Plaintiff hereby incorporates and realleges Paragraphs 1 through 7, as though fully set forth at length herein.” Cause of Action “Defendant had a duty to properly obey the traffic laws of the state and county where the accident occurred, and by failing to do so acted in a negligent manner.” Alleges Damages “As a result Defendant’s negligent conduct stated above, Plaintiff has suffered specific damages, including but not limited to medical expenses and lost wages.”

16 Proper Court Paper Open line indicators Pleading Paper
/// indicates that the last lines on the page have been intentionally left blank Pleading Paper Numbered legal paper Standard: 28 lines Used for: pleadings, discovery, other court documents

17 §6.8 The Answer Answer: Responses: Defendant’s response to Complaint
Answer each paragraph of the complaint E.g., “Defendant hereby admits allegations contained in paragraphs 1, 4, 5 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.” Responses: Admit Deny Neither admitted or denied due to lack of knowledge/information

18 Affirmative Defenses & Counterclaims
Defendant admits that event occurred, but denies liability No damages claimed Counterclaims: Defendant’s claim for damages against Plaintiff

19 All discovery is conducted under oath
Discovery = period to “Discover” facts Plaintiff serves discovery on defendant Defendant serves discovery on plaintiff Purposes of discovery: To clarify issues Eliminate surprise Limit the length of the trial All discovery is conducted under oath

20 Discovery Techniques Interrogatories Requests for Admissions
Written questions Requests for Admissions Asks opponent to admit certain facts E.g., “Admit that you were the driver of the vehicle, license number 123 TYU, on November 4, 2004 at 10:00 p.m.” Requests for Production and Inspection of Documents Asks other party for documents (medical records, etc.) Depositions Oral questions

21 Discovery is continuing in nature
§6.12 Interrogatories Interrogatories = written questions Limited Discovery: Some states limit the number of interrogatories or provide form interrogatories Format Caption Instructions Include instruction providing that interrogatories are continuing in nature Interrogatories (Questions) Discovery is continuing in nature

22 §6.13 Answers to Interrogatories
Procedure: Date Stamp Interrogatories Tickle date due (and prior) Responding: Attorney responds Client responds by him/herself Client responds with help Objections: Interrogatories may be objected to based on relevance, burden, etc. Extension of Time Should be requested IN ADVANCE of due date

23 §6.14 Interrogatory Techniques
Use formbooks & templates Technique One: Personal information Technique Two: Financial information Technique Three: Facts

24 §6.16 Requests for Admissions
Request for admission of facts Establishes facts for trial E.g., “Admit that you are the owner of a blue Chevrolet, license no. 897 IUO” Responding to Requests Date stamp Tickle due date If response is not timely (30 days), the request is deemed admitted!!!!

25 §6.17 Request for Admissions: Responses
Admitted Denied Neither admitted nor denied due to lack of sufficient information with which to respond Specific reason must be given Neither admitted nor denied due to vagueness of the request Omit a response NOT a good idea May be deemed admitted

26 §6.18 Request for Admission Techniques
Use formbooks & templates Technique One: Verify or corroborate interrogatories E.g., Admit or that you have been an employee of the U.S. Postal Service for eight (8) years. Technique Two: Gives choices, or degrees of liability Technique Three: Force the party to commit

27 §6.20 Requests for Production
Production of: Documents (medical reports, etc.) Pictures, designs/drawings Contracts Corporate records Discoverable Materials: Materials relevant to litigation that: Do not violate 5th amendment Are not privileged Request for Production: 21. Produce any and all documents that evaluate compliance by the defendant with the terms of the July 16, 2001 contract which is in dispute in this litigation.

28 §6.22 Non-Discoverable Material
Attorney work-product Material produced in anticipation of litigation Privileged information Attorney-client privilege: Applies to paralegal and other staff: 1. Communication must be private 2. Must remain private 3. Must fall within scope of paralegal’s duties Production of Documents: Withhold attorney-client documents Withhold document prepared in anticipation of litigation

29 §6.23 Responding to Production
Date Stamp Requests Tickle date due (and prior for preparation) Producing Documents: Request documents from client Review them carefully For privileged matters, other non-discoverable docs Review for discrepancies Motion to Compel Other party may file a Motion to Compel for force answers/responses if answers are non-responsive, privileged is claimed, etc.

30 Request for Production: Inspection
Inspect documents produced 1. Be thorough 2. When in doubt, copy Inspecting is like looking for a needle in a haystack, so remember it’s an important job: Your inspection could win or lose the case!!!

31 Verification of Discovery
Answers to discovery must usually be verified Verification State of Nowhere ) ) County of Who ) I, _____, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That I am the Plaintiff in the above-entitled action; that I have read the foregoing ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES and know the contents thereof; the same is true of my own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief and, as to those matters, I believe them to be true. _______________ Name SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of ______. ____________ NOTARY PUBIC in and for said County and State

32 §6.24 Depositions Depositions = oral questions Setting:
Both attorney’s present Court reporter transcribes testimony Deposition testimony is under oath

33 §6.25 Preparing for the Deposition
1. Set the deposition Contact attorneys, witness Agree on time and place (generally) Send follow-up letter memorializing agreement 2. Send Deposition Notice and Subpoena Subpoena witness to be deposed 3. Prepare deposition questions Resources: Pleadings Discovery documents Research sources (Am.Jur. Pleadings and Practice, etc.)

34 §6.26 Deposition Follow-Up
Transcript Review Deponent should review transcript Sign under oath Deposition Index Alphabetical index of subjects covered in deposition Generally a matter of computer software

35 §6.28 Deposition Summary Deposition Summary = Digest Purpose: Methods:
Relate relevant material 2. Don’t alter the context of the material 3. Avoid editorializing in the summary Methods: 1. Topical Summary 2. Page-by-Page Summary

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