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Beyond The Course Book A workshop led by David Evans.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond The Course Book A workshop led by David Evans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond The Course Book A workshop led by David Evans

2 Blue Sky Thinking

3 Serendipity Searching for one thing and finding something completely different Horace Walpole 1717-1797

4 Serendipity Penicillin & Alexander Fleming Newton & the apple Velcro & George de Mestral Christopher Columbus & America

5 The shoulders of giants “If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” - Sir Isaac Newton

6 The Nest

7 Add Subtract Substitute Re-arrange

8 Creative Combinations

9 “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” Pablo Picasso

10 Manet- Picasso

11 What do they do in other classes that we don’t do in English lessons? Experiments Go outside Projects Paint and draw Sing and play instruments Wear different clothes


13 Using your sub-conscious Preparation Incubation

14 Oleg and Alexei were born on the same day of the same year to the same mother and the same father, but they aren’t twins. How is this possible?

15 They’re triplets.

16 Make one word by re-arranging these letters: n-e-w-d-o-o-r.

17 Make one word by re-arranging these letters: n-e-w-d-o-o-r One word

18 Using your sub-conscious Preparation Incubation Intimation Illumination Verification The Art of Thought, Graham Wallas, 1926

19 Five Kinds of Creativity Blue Sky Thinking Serendipity The Nest Creative Combinations Using The Sub-conscious

20 Pop Music In The Classroom

21 Umbrella - Rihanna 1.Is it about fashion? 2.Is it about love and friendship? 3.Is it about the weather?

22 Umbrella - Rihanna 1.What will she do when the sun shines? 2.How long will she be a friend? 3.What’s the weather like now?

23 Umbrella Because when the sun shines, we'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath, I'm gonna stick it out to the end Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella

24 Thrift Shop – Macklemore & Lewis 1.Is he rich or is he poor? 2.What’s he wearing? 3.Does he like the way he looks? 4.And what is a thrift shop?

25 Thrift Shop 1.Is he rich or is he poor? 2.What’s he wearing? 3.Does he like the way he looks? 4.And what is a thrift shop? I'm gonna pop some tags Only got twenty dollars in my pocket I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up This is awesome I wear your granddad's clothes I look incredible I'm in this big coat From that thrift shop down the road

26 Two Song Jumble 1. Jumble the lines from the choruses of two famous songs. 2. Tell the class the name of one of the songs and get them to identify the lines and put them in the correct order. 3. Play the song so that they can check if they are right. 4. Ask them to identify the other jumbled song and put the lines into the correct order. Then, play them that song so they can check.

27 Two Phone Songs

28 Hey I just met you And this is crazy But here’s my number So call me maybe? - Carla Rae Jepsen

29 Two Phone Songs Hey I just met you And this is crazy But here’s my number So call me maybe? - Carla Rae Jepsen I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone baby it's all wrong Where are the plans we made for two? - Maroon 5

30 Pictures For Words Write out a few lines from a famous song, but replace a number of key words with pictures. Ask the class to write down the missing words, then listen to the song to check.

31 don’t fail me now Take me to the finish All my it breaks every step that I take But I’m hoping at the gates They’ll tell me that you’re Walking through the streets Is it by X or design? I feel so 1 on a Friday night Can you make it feel like If I tell you you’re mine It’s like I told you,

32 Feet don’t fail me now Take me to the finish line All my heart it breaks every step that I take But I’m hoping at the gates They’ll tell me that you’re mine Walking through the city streets Is it by mistake or design? I feel so alone on a Friday night Can you make it feel like home If I tell you you’re mine It’s like I told you, honey Born To Die – Lana Del Rey

33 Song Bingo

34 The Princess of China - Coldplay King Queen Prince Princess Mother Father Palace Castle Diamond Star Crown Ring

35 The Princess of China - Coldplay I could've been a princess, you'd be a king Could've had a castle and worn a ring But no, you let me go And stole my star La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la You stole my star La, la la la la laaaaaa

36 Songlines 1. Play a song to the class. As they listen, students should draw whatever comes into their heads. 2. Each student swaps drawings with a partner. The partner has to describe the drawing and relate it to the song.

37 Don’t just teach… scamper Substitute Change the context Adapt Magnify Personalise Eliminate Rearrange

38 To make a better fit with your teaching objectives To change the pace To keep yourself fresh To keep the class on its toes

39 Using the course book creatively

40 Personalise Reaction Opinion What would you do? Your past / present / future

41 Adapt Alter the intro Add different activity types (eg group - pair) Make links to other units Link to homework or projects

42 Eliminate Because of… Limited time Limited curriculum But remember the importance of… Recycling New perspectives on familiar ideas

43 Substitute When you know something else will work better When you know something else will be more appropriate But check to make sure you’re not sacrificing something important

44 Magnify Focus on what’s important for your class Simplify and exaggerate

45 Change the… What is it similar to? What does it remind you of? (Use your experience, as well as books, movies and lines from songs) What would this be like if it happened here?

46 Don’t just teach… scamper Substitute Change the context Adapt Magnify Personalise Eliminate Rearrange

47 Now, move one line so that this false arithmetic statement becomes true. III = III + III III = III = III

48 Now, move one line so that this false arithmetic statement becomes true. III = III + III

49 Move one line so that this false arithmetic statement becomes true. IV + III + III

50 Move one line so that this false arithmetic statement becomes true. IV = III + III VI = III = III

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