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Acts 2.  50 days after the Passover (death of Jesus)  Always first day of the week, Lev. 23:15-16  On this particular Pentecost: ◦ Apostles are baptized.

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Presentation on theme: "Acts 2.  50 days after the Passover (death of Jesus)  Always first day of the week, Lev. 23:15-16  On this particular Pentecost: ◦ Apostles are baptized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acts 2

2  50 days after the Passover (death of Jesus)  Always first day of the week, Lev. 23:15-16  On this particular Pentecost: ◦ Apostles are baptized with the Holy Spirit – Empowered to be infallible eyewitnesses ◦ Christ’s commission to preach gospel began ◦ The church of Christ is established 2

3  Three manifestations, Acts 2:2-3 ◦ Sound: Like a rushing wind ◦ Sight: Divided tongues on each man ◦ Language: Spoke at the Spirit’s direction 3

4  The reaction, Acts 2:5-13 ◦ Drew a crowd, 2:5-6  Needed to hear the gospel (1:8) ◦ Amazed, confused, wondering, 2:6-12  Hearts prepared to listen ◦ Accused of drunkenness, 2:13  Some always pervert the evidence for truth and accuse the righteous 4

5  Inspired explanation of this event, Acts 2:14-21 ◦ Fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy, 2:16; Joel 2:28-32  Divine presence and message, 2:17-18  Divine confirmation and judgment, 2:19-20  Divine offer of salvation, 2:21 5

6  God approved Jesus, Acts 2:22 ◦ Miracles (mighty works): Source of power ◦ Wonders: Effect they had on people ◦ Signs: Testimony of divine approval, Jno. 3:2; 5:36  Reasonable and reasoned approach: Even His enemies did not deny His miracles, Jno. 11:47 (Matt. 12:24) 6

7  You killed Jesus, Acts 2:23 ◦ God knew the crucifixion would happen ◦ Determined purpose and foreknowledge, Lk. 22:22  No accident; God was not taken by surprise (Lk. 24:25-27, 46)  Delivered by the Jews to the Romans 7

8  God raised up Jesus, Acts 2:24-32 ◦ Fulfilled prophecy, 2:24-31  David, 2:24-29, 31; Psa. 16:8-11  God’s oath to David, 2:30; 2 Sam. 7:12-13 ◦ Eyewitnesses, 2:32  The apostles with miraculous, confirming signs (Mk. 16:20) 8

9  God exalted Jesus, Acts 2:33-35 ◦ Proof: Presence of Holy Spirit, 2:33  Jesus promised this, Jno. 14:12; 15:26  Holy Spirit is now with them (tongues) ◦ At God’s right hand, 2:34-35 (Psa. 110:1) 9

10  Conclusion: Application, Acts 2:36 ◦ Clear, concise, conclusive and convincing ◦ Not delivered with anger or contempt  Intended to convict the sinners of their sin, and save them, Jno. 16:8-9 10

11  Effect of the truth on good hearts, 2:37  Plea of convicted believers, 2:37  Remedy is stated, 2:38-40 ◦ Repent and be baptized for remission of sins, 2:38 ◦ Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, 2:38 ◦ Promise of salvation is available to all, 2:39 ◦ Many words of exhortation, 2:40  Response of convicted believers, 2:41 11

12  Saved were added to the church, 2:41, 47  Faithful continuance, 2:42-43 (single-mindedness)  Unity of believers, 2:44-46  Favor with God and all the people, 2:47 12

13  Records a great day in the history of the world and the purposes of God in Christ  Today: Same problem and solution exists ◦ Same problem: Sin ◦ Same message: Gospel of Christ ◦ Same solution: Believe, repent, be baptized  “All things are ready, come to the feast” (Lk. 14:15-18) 13

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