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S CIENCE E XIT P ROJECT By Mindy Zhou & Nuonan Shi 851.

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Presentation on theme: "S CIENCE E XIT P ROJECT By Mindy Zhou & Nuonan Shi 851."— Presentation transcript:

1 S CIENCE E XIT P ROJECT By Mindy Zhou & Nuonan Shi 851

2 P ROBLEM S TATEMENT What kind of fruit will expired more fast than other fruit? Purpose My purpose for this project is that Nunan and I want to find out which fruit will expired fast than other fruit, and why it was faster than other fruit?

3 R ESEARCH Apple, orange and banana, which is the fast metamorphism of fruit? References 1. or_an_apple_to_go_bad 2. 122130434AApDw5q 3. hen-good-bananas-go-bad/ 4.

4 H YPOTHESIS Banana will be the fast metamorphism of those 3 kind of fruit. Materials 1.Apple 2.Orang 3.Banana 4.knife

5 P ROCEDURE 1.Take a piece of apple 2.Take a piece of orange 3.Take a piece of banana 4.Put them on the table 5. Make a record, wait for them metamorphism

6 D ATA A NALYSIS Hours Apple Orange Banana 4 hoursNo moistureEpidermis changes to dry Color changes deep 8 hoursPulp color change deep Changes to wrinkle Color is deeper 12 hours Apple shin change to wrinkle Orange shin change to wrinkle Banana changes dark 16 hoursTo shrink Banana goes bad 24 hours Apple inside change deep color Dry and shriveled 28 hoursApple changes dark Orange goes bad 32 hoursApple goes bad



9 C ONCLUSION All in all, my hypothesis is correct based on my experiment data. When Nunan and I finished this experiment we want do a new question base on this experiment about the bugs affect fruits or not.

10 A BSTRACT At the end, my hypothesis was correct base on my data. When Nunan and I learned a lot from this project, we learned how to do experiment with others without complain and choose what kind of topic is easy to do this kind project. Also we learned use computer to find the detail that we need/helps us to do this project. This project makes us use our hands to do the experiment and it was fun.

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