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Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts Learning task 4 maintenance and repair of important engine parts Yu YongYan April.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts Learning task 4 maintenance and repair of important engine parts Yu YongYan April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts Learning task 4 maintenance and repair of important engine parts Yu YongYan April 18, 2015

2 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 Task 4 … Task 1 Friction & wear, corrosion, and crack Task 2 How to detect and determine the cause of failure Task 3 How to repair those failures

3 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 3 Cylinder head (气缸盖) Cylinder liner (气缸套) Piston (活塞) Piston ring (活塞环) Crankshaft (曲轴) Bearing (轴承)

4 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 1. Function of piston 活塞的作用 Function Ⅰ to compose combustion chamber 活塞作用一,组成燃烧室

5 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 Other components of combustion chamber 组成燃烧室的其他零件 Cylinder cover Cylinder liner Piston Ring

6 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 Function Ⅱ to compress the suction air 活塞作用二,进气压缩 Compression temperature —— 500-700 ℃ Compression pressure —— 4-8MPa Compression speed —— 600r/m

7 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 Fiction &wear Corrosion Crack Fiction &wear Corrosion Crack High pressure High temperature High speed Inferior fuel oil High pressure High temperature High speed Inferior fuel oil

8 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 2. Crack on piston 活塞裂纹 2.1 Thermal crack on the top surface 活塞顶部容易出现热疲劳裂纹 High temperature Strong and changeful mechanical stress

9 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 2. Crack on piston 活塞裂纹 2.2 Mechanical crack in the cooling space 活塞冷却侧容易出现机械疲劳裂纹 Strong and changeful mechanical stress Crack through 严重的话会产生穿透性裂纹

10 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 3. Crack detection 裂纹检测 3.1 Non Destructive Test 无损检测 Observation 观察法 Dye Penetration Test 着色检测 Magnetic Test 磁粉检测 Ultrasonic Test 超声波检测

11 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 Dye Penetration Test 着色检测 Cleaner 清洗剂 Penetrant 渗透剂 Imaging agent 显像剂 Imagine you are a surveyor

12 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015

13 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 Cooling water Lubrication oil Exhaust gas 3. Crack detection 裂纹检测 3.2Daily Observation 日常检查

14 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 4. Crack repair 裂纹修理 Machining, grinding---- 光车,打磨 Welding , adhesive , metalock ---- 焊接,胶粘,金属扣合 Renewal ---- 换新

15 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015 Piston----  Function  Crack  Crack repair Ⅰ to compose combustion chamber Ⅱ to compress the suction air Thermal crack on top surface Mechanical crack in cooling space Machining, grinding Welding , adhesive , metalock Renewal

16 Learning task 4 ----maintenance and repair of important engine parts 4/18/2015

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