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CAPSA Progress Report. Contents Previous CAPSA Continuity Next CAPSA Date Theme Format Workers Venue.

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Presentation on theme: "CAPSA Progress Report. Contents Previous CAPSA Continuity Next CAPSA Date Theme Format Workers Venue."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAPSA Progress Report

2 Contents Previous CAPSA Continuity Next CAPSA Date Theme Format Workers Venue

3 CAPSA 04 CAPSA 04 identified many problems areas. –Very great need for technology implementation –Must contextualize technology –Technology Sharing – Best Practice –Human Capital Development –Sustainability –Technical and Quality Issues – Advancing Technology

4 Actions so far Sabita Study – research needs RIRAC HMA User Guide available soon APT Programme Bituminous Stabilisation –TG2 being revised –ETB Guideline - problem solving underway Standards and Codes Investigation of flexible pavement engineering course TRH3 – SANRAL SuperSurf Ultrathin Guidelines available soon Will not be solving all of the problems in the interim but will try to ensure old problems that have been solved do not become nightmares.


6 Theme Consolidating Best Practice –HMA –Surface Seals –Bituminous Stabilisation –Component Materials –Structural Design –Asset Preservation & HRD –Delivery & Quality –OHS

7 Format Economic, Learning and Educational –Problem Solving –Minimize Plenaries –Maximise Organised Workshops Many Invited Papers Courses Topics Discussion and Learning

8 Workers Consolidating Best Practice –HMA AT –Surface SealsDR/IvW –Bituminous StabilisationKJ –Component MaterialsBV –Structural DesignFJ/IvW –Asset Preservation & HRDPH –Delivery & QualityJO –OHSPM Organisers LS and PL


10 Possible venues Cruise liner Cape Town Durban CSIR Conference Centre Southern Africa –Botswana –Mozambique

11 Cruise Liner Starlight Cruises – Rhapsody 4 nights, 3 days from Durban –Mozambique channel –To Cape Town Early April 2004 Depart 15h00 on Thursday Return 08h00 on Monday

12 Cost Comparisons Sun City ‘04Cruise ‘07 ConferenceR5 500R4 750 Accommodati on (per room/cabin) R5 000R8 000 FoodR2 000All in TotalR12 500R12 750

13 Cruise Costs Breakeven on 350 double cabins sold –1 delegate per room plus partner Shared room with delegates R10 250 per delegate 4 rates offered depending on the cabin Cash flow a problem Relatively high risk

14 Advantages/Disadvantages Advantages Competitive cost 3 full days of Conference Over weekend – reduced disruption to normal work Excellent networking Fixed cost for accommodation, food and conference theme evenings Encourages partner attendance Disadvantages Increased financial risk Reduced support from important sectors of the market Ability of delegates to motivate attendance

15 We need RPF input into the decision on venue Ship?yes or no If no, what alternative is preferred?

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