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Prof. Shlomo Navarro Green Storage Ltd. Israel October 14, 2014

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1 Effects of modified atmospheres on insects with special reference to silo-bags
Prof. Shlomo Navarro Green Storage Ltd. Israel October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

2 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Modified atmospheres and hermetic storage take advantage of the basic fact that Storage insects are aerobic organisms requiring oxygen for their survival October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

3 Action of modified atmospheres on insects
1- Desiccation 2- Anoxia 3- Hypercarbia October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

4 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
A moth larva with spiracles along the body October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

5 What is hermetic storage?
hermetic storage is a type of biogenerated MA It consists of generation of an oxygen-depleted and carbon dioxide-enriched interstitial atmosphere by the respiration of the living organisms in the ecological system of a sealed storage. October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

6 Organisms that contribute to the generation of MAs
Insects and mites Aerobic microflora Anaerobic microflora Seed germ October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

7 Aerobic fungi, seed germ
Bio-generation of MAs in relation to the atmospheric gas composition and the humidity of their environment Aerobic conditions High oxygen Low carbon dioxide Anaerobic conditions Low oxygen High carbon dioxide <65% RH Insects & mites 65 to 85% RH Aerobic fungi, seed germ >85% RH Anaerobic bacteria October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

8 First challenge in MA and hermetic storage
Maintaining a well sealed storage structure October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

9 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Night Day Cooled air contracts Heated air expands October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

10 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Atmospheric pressure October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags 10

11 At high atmospheric pressure At low atmospheric pressure
External atmosphere moves in Inside atmosphere moves out October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

12 Parameters to determine GASTIGHTNESS of the structure
1- Leaks of the structure. Can be assessed using pressure test. 2- Permeability of the membrane, particularly in flexible structures. Should be measured in a laboratory. October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

13 Second challenge in MA and hermetic storage
Preventing permeation of oxygen through the flexible liners October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

14 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Oxygen permeability requirements [mL/(m2 24 h)] of liners in relation to various storage capacities (m3) and oxygen ingress rates (%/24 h) for successful application of hermetic storage of dry grain. October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

15 Third challenge in MA and hermetic storage
Absorption and adsorption of carbon dioxide by the commodity A – Carbon dioxide distribution B - Exposure period C - Aeration period October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

16 Recommended ranges for variable pressure test carried out in structures destined for gaseous treatments to control storage insects. < Variable pressure test decay time (min) 250 to 125 Pa Type of gaseous treatment Structure volume in cubic meters 95% Full Empty structure <500 3 1 5 . Fumigants 500 to 2,000 4 2 2,000 to 15,000 6 3 <500 6 3 Controlled atmospheres 500 to 2,000 7 4 2,000 to 15,000 1 1 6 <500 1 5 Modified atmospheres including airtight storage 500 to 2,000 1 2 6 2,000 to 15,000 1 8 9 October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

17 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Phosphine loss from an empty structure of 7.5 m3 capacity in relation to half-life pressure decay time. Phosphine loss should not exceed 100 ppm/day. 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 PH3 loss (ppm/day) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Minutes for half-life pressure decay Shaded Exposed October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

18 Fourth challenge in MA and hermetic storage
Liner durability: Insect damage Rodent damage Weather damage, mainly UV. Mechanical damage October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

19 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Low O2 ingress level, is difficult to maintain in rigid structures, but is achievable in practice using flexible liners October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

20 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Measured CO2 concentration during storage time of three silo-bags with soybeans at 11.5%, 12.9% and 14.9% m.c. and average ambient temperature (adapted from Bartosik, 2008). October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

21 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Calculated O2 and CO2 concentration in silo-bags containing wheat of initial m.c. at 12, 14 and 16% w.b. for locations at Saenz Peסat Pergamino and Balcarce. Initial temperature 25oC (adapted from Baretto et al., 2012). October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

22 Application of BIOGENERATED atmospheres on dry cereal grain
October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

23 The process of hermetic storage
Residual oxygen within the hermetic storage Critical point Insect respiration Oxygen ingress rate 0.05 %/day October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

24 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Modified atmosphere generated by respiration of insects in hermetic storage (calculated theoretical). Based on grain mass containing different infestation levels of insects with an oxygen ingress raאe of O.24%/day. October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags 24

25 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Calculated weight-loss from a grain mass containing initial infestation of 2 insects/kg, at different oxygen ingress rates. Target gas tightness level October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

26 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Target gas tightness to control storage insects in dry cereals, in hermetic storage structures Daily oxygen ingress rate: 1- Below 0.05 % O2/day prevents oscillated oxygen concentration and increased weight loss. 2- Between 0.05 and 0.24 % O2/day allows oscillated oxygen concentration and increased weight loss. October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

27 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags
Conclusions MA or hermetic storage are very promising quality preservation and insect control technologies. There are a number of challenges in the application of MA or hermetic storage: Maintaining a well sealed storage structure. Preventing permeation of gas through the structural membrane (by improved liners). Consider absorption and adsorption of carbon dioxide by the commodity. In flexible storages improve liner durability; to insect damage; to rodent damage; to weather; and to mechanical damage. For silo-bags daily oxygen ingress rate should be below 0.10 % O2/day. For silo-bags oxygen permeability requirements of liners should be below 400 [mL/(m2 24 h)] October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

28 Thank you for your attention !!! Silobags for sealed storage of grain
October 14, 2014 Navarro - Effects of MA on insects in silo-bags

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