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Civil Infrastructure Research Answering critical infrastructure questions Neil Hoult and Ian Moore, Department of Civil Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Infrastructure Research Answering critical infrastructure questions Neil Hoult and Ian Moore, Department of Civil Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Infrastructure Research Answering critical infrastructure questions Neil Hoult and Ian Moore, Department of Civil Engineering

2 Outline Three example projects: Deteriorated culvert testing Rehabilitated culvert testing with novel sensors Field test of a bridge Future facilities

3 Deteriorated Culvert Testing Objectives: Determine capacity of deteriorated culverts Impact for partner: Optimize rehabilitation / replacement strategies Partners: Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)

4 Culvert Deterioration (Courtesy of Taher and Moore, 2011)

5 Experimental Specimens a) Heavily deteriorated b) Lightly deteriorated Invert Crown SP

6 Thickness distribution for corroded culvert Invert

7 Thickness distribution for corroded culvert mm

8 The Buried Infrastructure Lab Built with CFI, MRI and industry funding

9 Loading set-up Simulated vehicle loading

10 Failure mechanism of heavily deteriorated specimen Local Bending Local Buckling

11 Results: Predicted vs. experimental forces in structure – Lightly deteriorated specimen Force in Structure (kN/m) Force in Structure (kip/ft) Vehicle Load (kips) Vehicle Load (kN)

12 Rehabilitated Culvert Testing Objectives: Determine capacity of rehabilitated structures Impact for partner: Develop accurate procedures for rehabilitation design Partners: KWH Pipe Lafarge Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Ontario Concrete Pipe Association

13 Fibre Optic Sensors Purchased with CFI, MRI and industry funding Optical Backscatter Reflectometer (OBR 4600) developed by Luna Technologies Allows for distributed measurements of strain Characterize behaviour in a way that has not been possible

14 Pipe Rehabilitation using slip lining

15 Novel Measurements – HDPE Liner

16 Bridge Field Testing Objectives: Develop tool for assessment and damage detection in bridges Impact for partner: Extend bridge service lives Partners: Ministry of Transportation Ontario Transport Canada

17 Test Site: Black River Bridge

18 Fibre optic layout

19 Fibre optic vs strain gauge measurements

20 Bridge response

21 Future Facilities Funded by CFI, MRI and industry Geotechnical Testing – water and sewer pipes, culverts Deep burial and erosion simulator Pipe deterioration facilities High speed distributed strain measurement (?) Structures Moving load simulator Deterioration facilities Bridge component testing

22 Thanks! Funding and support provided by: Canada Foundation for Innovation KWH Pipe Lafarge Ministry of Transportation Ontario National Cooperative Highway Research Program Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Ontario Concrete Pipe Association and M-Con Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Transport Canada Research conducted by: Bryan Simpson, Ryan Regier and Van Thien Mai Assisted by: Graeme Boyd, Andre Brault, Adam Hoag, Keelin Scully, Trevor Smith, Paul Thrasher, Brian Westervelt and anyone I have forgotten!

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