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2 ENGINE HISTORY Year Name Engine Fuel 
1860 Jean Lenoir 2 Stroke Petroleum 4% 1867 Otto & Eugene Langen 2 Stroke Gas 14% 1876 Otto 4 Stroke Petrol 14% 1886 Bentz 4 Stroke Gas 7% 1890 Herbert Akroyd Stuart 4 Stroke Poor Quality 14% 1896 Rudolf Diesel 4 Stroke Poor Quality 25%

3 CORE VALUES Real Reliability Low fuel consumption
Low lube oil consumption Low NOx emission Low maintenance cost State of the art Technology

Air Fuel Engine Design Water Electricity Lube Oil


6 FUEL Thermal Cracking v/s Catalytic Cracking

Density Typical value : 940 kg/m3 to 991 kg/m3 Influence : • Measurement of fuel - Specific fuel consumption • Centrifuging efficiency • Indicates fuel ignition quality (when fuel viscosity is known) Viscosity Typical value : 160 cst to 730 cst Influence : • Fuel handling - unloading, pumping, separating • Fuel handling - heat input - auxiliary consumption • Maximum temperature limitations • Fuel atomization • Loading on fuel injection equipments, camshaft • Indicates fuel ignition quality (when fuel density is known)

8 Ash FUEL - CHARACTERISTICS Carbon residue
Non-combustible, un burnt inorganic material • Consists of iron, vanadium, sodium, nickel,aluminium, silicon, zinc • Max. permissible - 0.2% by mass Influence : • Vanadium & Sodium cause hot corrosion • Most affected parts - exhaust valve, piston crown,valve guide Carbon residue Carbon content in fuel - left out after complete combustion of fuel. • Max. permissible - 22% wt. Influence : • Fouling & deposits on piston crown, exhaust passages, turbocharger nozzle ring • Faster deterioration of lubricating oil.

9 Cold Corrosion Fuel – Sulphur effect Piston Ring Surface Temperature
Cold corrosion by formation of sulphuric acid S+O2+2H2O = H2SO4+H2 Piston Ring Surface Temperature Most affected parts - cylinder liner, inlet valve, valve guide • Accelerates hot corrosion Faster depletion of lube oil TBN • Less calorific value - high fuel consumption

Ashphaltenes Highly aromatic hydrocarbon molecules • High Carbon-Hydrogen ratio, High molecular weight • Very poor ignition quality - longer ignition time • Occurs in fuel due to - Incompatibility caused by blending residual fuel with distillate fuel. Excessive sludge - Fuel loss Large size particles will not completely vaporize, leading to incomplete combustion Deposits in engine exhaust ducts, nozzle ring and rotor blades Restricted exhaust gas flow due to deposits and leads to under performance of turbocharger and vibrations • Major Effect - High fuel consumption

Aluminium & Silicon • Highly abrasive • Max. permissible - Al+Si – 80/ 30 ppm Influence : • Abrasive wear of piston rings, piston ring grooves, cylinder liners • Abrasive wear - mostly on fuel injection pump elements, fuel injector nozzles. Water Water normally comes during handling &transportation • Max. permissible - 1% in storage & 0.3% at engine inlet • Lower calorific value of fuel • Cavitations in pumps • Vapour lock in system, pressure fluctuation Fuel ignition quality • Larger ignition delay • Sudden pressure rise - excess loading • Late burning

Pour point - Storing / Handling of fuel Sp. Gravity - Fuel consumption - economy Viscosity - Heating - auxilliary consumption - Atomization CCAI value - Starting trouble, Knocking - Fuel consumption, Deposits Sulphur - Cold Corrosion, TBN depletion Water - Corrosion, Cavitation, Wear

Al + Si - Abrasive wear Na + V - Hot Corrosion Ash Excessive deposits, - Nozzle blocking Contamination - FIP sticking, Deposits Asphaltenes Stability, Precipitation Fuel Treatment - Separation temperature Fuel pr. & flow - System adjustment

14 Hot Corrosion Exhaust Valve Piston Crown

15 Sulphur in Fuel LOSS OF FUEL: 63,000 kg/year EXAMPLE:
For every 1 % increase of sulphur in the fuel you loose 1 % in net heat value : 2.1 g/kWh EXAMPLE: Output kW Operating hours per year h Fuel consumption kg/kWh kg/kWh x 5000kW x 6000 = 63,000 kg/year LOSS OF FUEL: 63,000 kg/year

16 Ash in Fuel LOSS OF FUEL: 6300 kg/year EXAMPLE:
For every 0.10 % increase of ASH content in the fuel you loose 0.04 MJ/kg in net heat value : 0.21 g/kWh EXAMPLE: Output kw Operating hours per year 6000 h Fuel consumption g/kWh kg/kWh x 5000kW x 6000 = 6300 kg/year LOSS OF FUEL: 6300 kg/year

17 Classification of Heavy Fuel ( ISO 8217)
Fuel Characteristics Unit Max. Limits RME RMG 380 deg C kg/m deg C cst Flash point deg C Pour point deg C Carbon residue % Ash %wt Water % vol

18 Classification of Heavy Fuel ( ISO 8217)
Fuel Characteristics Unit Max. Limits RME RMG 380 Sulphur % mass TSP % mass Vanadium mg/kg Sodium mg/kg Aluminium + Silicon mg/kg CCAI

19 Classification of Distillate fuel ( ISO 8217)
Fuel Characteristics Unit DMB/DMC (LDO) DMA (HFHSD) deg C kg/m deg C,max cst – 6.0 Flash point deg C Pour point deg C 0W/6S -6W/0S Carbon residue % Ash %wt Sulphur % wt Total Sediments % vol Al + Si ppm

20 Revision of annex VI of MARPOL 10 october 2008
into a SECA area Global cap 2010 2012 2015 2020 2025 4.5 % 1.0 % 0.1 % ( distillate) 1.5 % 3.5 % 0.5 % (90% distillate ?) In october 2008, IMO[1] has decided to modify sulphur levels in (S)ECAs [2] and worldwide (2020 or 2025) [1] IMO : International Maritime Organisation, part of UNO, in charge of preparing future regulations on international maritime traffic [2] (S)ECA : « (SOx) Emissions Control Area", maritime area where vessels are obliged to burn low S fuels or limit emissions of NOx. ECA areas are adopted by IMO after submission by memberstates showing an environmental benefit (on cost/health criteria) IMO also formally accepted « scrubber » technology on a principle of equivalence to the use of low S fuel (EGCS = exhaust gas cleaning system) Reduction of NOx emissions Tier III stands for : ECAs newbuilds after 2016

21 (Sulphur) Emission Control Areas
Possible ECAs (US-Canada) most likely to start 2012 or 2013 ; distance 200 miles from the coast 2nd SECA North Sea + English Channel started in 2007 1st SECA Baltic Sea started in 2006 Other : Mediterranean ? Japan ? ??? Existing SECAs (2)

22 Revision of ISO 8217 Mid next year ISO should issue the next revision under the pressure of IMO who wants some «improvements» specially on health & safety issues What will change? metal content (Al+Si) 80 ppm  60 ppm HFT (stability)  change method H2S = new ! (what level still questionnable ; 2 ppm?) ignition/combustion characteristic (method ?) + some other minor changes When ? Expected mid-2010 22 22

23 The Sulphur Issue : existing SECA areas
1st SECA = Baltics > August 2006 2nd SECA = North Sea + Channel > August 2007 Le Havre Rotterdam Brunsbuttel Dunkerque Immingham Antwerp %S Global = 4.5%S SEAC = 1.5%S IMO Glossary IMO = UN agency MARPOL handles pollution of ships Marpol Annexe VI handles air pollution SECA = SOx Emission Control Area 23 Total Marine Fuels - COP RF - Mai

24 The Sulphur Issue : before London MEPC 57 meeting april 2008
MARPOL Annex VI – Options Option 1 - (theoretically admits fuel or distillate) 1.00% Sulphur in [2012…?] everywhere 0.50% S in [2015…?] everywhere this option means distillate because there will be not enough low S fuel available (~300 Mt fuel  300 Mt gasoil) Option 2 – (best scenario for oil industry) Global S level unchanged = 4.50% But 0.10% in [2012…?] this option means distillate in SECAs (or scrubbers) Option 3 « intermediate » Global S level lower = 3.00% in [2010…?] SECAs lowered to 1.00% in [2010…?] SECAs lowered to 0.50% in [2015…?] Micro-SECAs (in ports) may be established with 0.10% 24 Total Marine Fuels - COP RF - Mai

25 Cat Fines 1 (Al+Si) on pistons

26 LUBE OIL Functions of lube oil :
Lubricate piston cylinder liner all bearings gears cooling water & lube oil pumps fuel injection pumps

27 Functions of lube oil : Cool piston crown all bearings gears Clean
carbon deposits dirt sulphated deposits

28 Lube oil quality - Deterioration
Oxidation Due to very high temperature increased viscosity thermal cracking deposits in hot zone weak acids - bearing corrosion

29 Lube oil quality - Deterioration
Contamination Soot blow-by sludge in cold zone Fuel decreased flash point Water leakage, condensation, separator malfunctioning

30 Piston Crown Deposits Thickness 0.3 to 2.0 mm

31 Results Interpretation - Elements in LO Analysis
Interpretation of analysis reports by trend monitoring Possible Most Probable


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