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Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 1 Effective Interviewing Skills For Recruiters and Job Seekers Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 1 Effective Interviewing Skills For Recruiters and Job Seekers Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 1 Effective Interviewing Skills For Recruiters and Job Seekers Presented by:

2 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Effective Interviewing Skills General Guidelines Ask open-ended questions. Do not settle for generalities…Insist on specific answers. Allow silences…If you get no answer the first time you ask a question either re-ask it or rephrase it. Take notes

3 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Effective Interviewing Skills Never describe the job to the applicant until you have the information you require to make a quality evaluation

4 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 Effective Interviewing Skills Never tour the work place and/or specific workstation until you have the information you require to make a quality evaluation

5 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 Questions Related To: Never tour the work place and/or specific workstation until you have the information you require to make a quality evaluation Questions to ask: Let’s say you are offered the job. It is your first day and you walk up to your workspace for the first time. You have never seen your workspace up to now. What would you like to see? What type of workspace is best for you? When you look up from your work area what do you want to see? What physical conditions do you work best in? (If you have already told the applicant that the workspace is at the bottom of a cold, dark, damp hole, guess what answer you will get to this question?)

6 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 Effective Interviewing Skills Prepare your questions in advance. Ask questions to determine the applicant’s: specific job related skills problem solving skills interpersonal skills priority setting skills integrity

7 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 Effective Interviewing Skills Prepare your questions in advance. Ask questions to determine the applicant’s: specific job related skills [Sample questions for use when interviewing for a training position. Quality criteria include excellent platform skills, ability to connect with participants, and a real client focus] Describe the best workshop you ever delivered. What made it exceptional? Describe how you have dealt with unmotivated or unruly participants. Describe how you prepare for a workshop. Provide examples of how you have incorporated client feedback into your design and/or delivery

8 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Effective Interviewing Skills So, Tell Me a Little Bit About Yourself …

9 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 Effective Interviewing Skills Preparation Read the job description! Research the business –Employer website –News sources –trade journals (, local/university libraries) –Individual who wrote a press release Research the interviewer (company’s site search to query names of hiring manager, any bios, developments in company news) Know the Company

10 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 Effective Interviewing Skills Preparation Be “up” on your field: trends, latest developments Know your own skills –Experience/knowledge –Interpersonal –Personal ANSWER THE QUESTION: how your skills and experience are a match for this company / department / team Know what you bring to the table

11 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 11 Effective Interviewing Skills Preparation Prepare talking points –My skills and experience to do the job –Why I’m a fit for the company and department –My understanding of the company, its purpose, goals, competitors and challenges –I’m motivated for THIS job –Answers to probable interview questions Have a friend ask you several of the following and provide feedback Practice

12 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Effective Interviewing Skills Preparation Tell me about yourself What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Why do you want to work for our firm? What do you see yourself doing in 5/10 years? What is your work style? With what kind of people do you work best? Least well? What was your greatest achievement? Worst moment? Best boss/worst boss What motivates you? Typical Questions

13 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 13 Effective Interviewing Skills Preparation specific job related skills problem solving skills interpersonal skills priority setting skills integrity Behavioral Questions Money Questions Current/last salary Minimum you’ll accept Range you’re hoping for

14 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 Effective Interviewing Skills Execution What to bring –Neat and professional attire (half-notch above company standard – visual impression: you belong) –Briefcase/portfolio/other with up-to-date resume (at least two copies) –Confidence Arrive early Connect with employees (e.g., receptionist) while waiting (helps you calm down, creates positive buzz) Firm handshake (practice this) First Impressions

15 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 15 Effective Interviewing Skills Execution Unlike politicians, ANSWER THE QUESTION ASKED –Be concise and to the point –Ask if they would like more detail, then go further with examples. Message: I have done what you are interested in –Don’t exaggerate; Be honest about shortcomings Listen as much as you talk –Ask informed questions that show knowledge of company and of the role being applied for Monitor/Control Non-Verbals –S-O-L-E-R Remember, this is a “first date” Before leaving, get the next step in process and the overall timeline Interview: Basic

16 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 16 Effective Interviewing Skills Execution “Read” the Interviewer, Meet His/Her Criteria The Bottom Liner –What you will see: quick decision, favorite questions, few details –His Criteria: Are you capable? Will you make an impact? –Tips: Make first impression count, show confidence, talk results, highlight problems solved/opportunities recognized and grabbed The Energizer –What you will see: conversational, seems rambling, informal –His Criteria: Do we connect? Does this person “feel” right? Will this person bring energy? –Tips: Think on feet, be conversational and friendly, show energy and enthusiasm The Accord-ion –What you will see: questions to discover values/feelings & personal characteristics, how you think and react –His Criteria: Are you reliable? Will you really fit in? –Tips: Talk about how your values add to the company, highlight your execution, follow-through and commitment to the team/organization The Analyst –What you will see: detailed questions, note-taking, assessment tools, interest in past work experience) –His Criteria: your qualities that help us achieve excellence –Tips: Talk facts, bring a great (detailed) resume, follow up all assertions with details, do thorough research on the organization Interview: Advanced

17 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 Effective Interviewing Skills Follow Through Handwritten note to the person(s) with whom you spoke –Short and sweet –Professional Follow up call based on established schedule

18 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 18 Copyright © 2008 First Steps Training & Development, Inc. All rights reserved. For more information, or to schedule a workshop, contact: Toll Free: (800) 211-0871 18 Effective Interviewing Skills

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