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Robert Rice, Josephine County Building Safety Director

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1 Robert Rice, Josephine County Building Safety Director
The Value of the Permit Process Robert Rice, Josephine County Building Safety Director

2 Introduction/Welcome
Personal Background: 10 years in Construction/Destruction Returned to College: AAS Manufacturing CAD/CAM - RCC 7 Years in Engineering Firm as a Drafter doing structural, mechanical, electrical & plumbing plans using AutoCAD 3 Years w/ Engineering Firms as a Structural Designer 4 Years as Plans Examiner for Jo Co Building Safety Josephine County Building Safety Director since 2007

3 Certifications State of Oregon A-level Plans Examiner
State of Oregon Residential Plans Examiner State of Oregon Residential Inspector State of Oregon Post-Earthquake Evaluation State of Oregon Manuf. Dwelling Inspector State of Oregon Inspector Certification ICC Residential Inspector ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Residential Plans Examiner ICC Building Official – Legal / Administrative ICC Fire Plans Examiner

4 Other Related Interests/Involvement
RCC Part Time Instructor: AutoCAD, CADkey, DataCAD Blueprint Reading I & II (10 years) President of the Southern Oregon Chapter of the International Code Council (ICC) representing 15 jurisdictions in our region Actively Involved in code changes at the State and National level to help make better codes

5 Topics History of Building Codes Model Code Development
Oregon’s Code Adoption Process Permitting Process Inspections Certificate of Occupancy

6 The History of Building Codes

7 Babylonian Empire of Hammurabi
Oldest know written code pertaining to building construction. Around 2000 B.C. However, it was more about prescribing punishment than how to build.

8 Building Code of Hammurabi
Translations: 228: If a builder has built a house for a man and his work is not strong, and if the house he has built falls in and kills the householder, that builder shall be slain.

9 Building Code of Hammurabi
Translations: 230: If the child of the householder be killed, the child of that builder shall be slain. 231: If the slave of the householder be killed, he shall give slave for slave to the householder

10 Building Code of Hammurabi
Translations: 232: If goods have been destroyed, he shall replace all that has been destroyed…… 233: If a builder has built a house for a man, and his work is not done properly and a wall shifts, then that builder shall make that wall good with his own silver

11 The earliest “Modern” Building codes were a result of tragic catastrophes.
Burning of Rome 64 A.D. The rebuilding of the city, public and private, was closely monitored and controlled.

12 London Fire 1866 5 days/nights 15,000 buildings destroyed Parliament enacted a building code called “London Building Act”

13 Chicago Fire - 1871 2 days/nights 17,000 buildings destroyed
250 lives lost 100,000 homeless due to fire 60 insurance companies went bankrupt

14 Early controls in the United States
Wooden chimneys were forbidden in New York as early as of 1648 and inspectors were appointed. Fire district created in 1766 where “..all buildings shall be made of stone or brick and roofed with tile or slate.”

15 Pre-1994 Legacy Code Groups
BOCA: (Northern and Eastern States) Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. Established 1915 ICBO (Western States) International Conference of Building Officials Established 1922 SBCCI (Southern States) Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI). Established 1940

16 Since the early part of the last century, these nonprofit organizations developed the three separate sets of model codes used throughout the United States.

17 Although regional code development has been effective and responsive to our country’s needs, the time came for a single set of codes. The nation’s three model code groups responded by merging into the International Code Council (ICC) and by developing codes without regional limitations known as the International Codes.

The International Code Council (ICC) was established in 1994 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing a single set of comprehensive and coordinated national model construction codes.

19 ICC Vision Protecting the health, safety, and welfare of people by creating better buildings and safer communities.

20 ICC Mission Providing the highest quality codes, standards, products, and services for all concerned with the safety and performance of the built environment.

21 So, who are these people that actually writes the codes?

22 Lawmakers in Washington DC ?

23 Lawmakers in Washington DC

Code Development Process

25 13 ICC I-Codes Building: International Building Code (IBC)
International Residential Code (IRC) Fire: International Fire Code (IFC) International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC) Plumbing and Mechanical International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) International Mechanical Code (IMC) International Plumbing (IPC) International Private Sewage Disposal Code (IPSDC)

26 13 ICC I-Codes (cont) Existing Buildings:
International Existing Building Code (IEBC) International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) Specialty: International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) ICC Performance Code for Buildings and Facilities International Zoning Code (IZC)

27 Characteristics of International Codes
Each code is comprehensive All codes are coordinated and compatible with each other All codes are developed according to the same process in the same forum All codes reference consensus national standards


29 Coordination of I-codes
Defined scope of each code Interdependence and reliance on the entire family of codes - cross referencing and duplication of provisions within code scopes Issues resolved in a single and central public forum Single interpretation applies to all codes

30 Development Process Goal
Utilize a process open to all parties with safeguards to avoid domination by proprietary interests. ICC Governmental Consensus Process achieves this with the final vote resting with those enforcing the codes.

31 The players: Code officials Design professionals/consultants
Trade associations Builders/contractors Manufacturers/suppliers Government agencies Property owner/maintenance groups Insurance companies Anyone with an interest

32 National Home Builders Association
Gary Ehrlich National Home Builders Association

33 Cobeen and Associates, Inc
Kelly Cobeen, P.E. Cobeen and Associates, Inc

34 Professor Dan Dolan, P.E. S.E. University of Washington

35 American Plywood Association
Ed Keith, P.E. American Plywood Association

36 Randy Shackleford, P.E. Simpson Strong-Tie

37 Robert Rice Building Official

38 The Process Hearings are according to “Robert’s Rules of Order” where motions are made, discussed and voted on. Open Transparent Balance of Interest Due Process Appeals Process Consensus

39 Public Hearing Results
Code Changes Submitted Code Changes Printed & Distributed Supplement Or New Edition Published Code Development Hearing I-CODE DEVELOPMENT CYCLE Final Action Hearing Public Hearing Results Printed & Distributed Public Comments Printed & Distributed Public Comments Sought on Public Hearing Results


41 Code Development Hearing
13 Code Committees. One for each code, except: IBC 4 Subcommittees IFC & IWUIC combined IPC & IPSDC combined IPMC & IZC combined IRC 2 Subcommittees Anyone can attend and testify. No cost to attend the hearings

42 Code Committees Materially affected interests represented
Not less than 33% of each committee is to be regulators All meetings in public forum All actions and reasons for action published

43 Code Development Hearing (Speaking to the Committee)
Committee action Approval as Submitted (AS) Approval as Modified (AM) Disapproval (D)

44 Code Development Hearing (Speaking to the Committee)
Committee action Approval as Submitted (AS) Approval as Modified (AM) Disapproval (D) Assembly action All members of ICC can vote in response to committee action (e.g. Overturn committee action) Successful assembly action results in an automatic public comment


46 Public Comment Submittal
Allows anyone to submit a comment (“Public Comment”) in response to the results of the Code Development Hearing

47 Public Comment Submittal
Disagree with the committee action Disagree with the assembly action Propose revisions (“modifications”) to the code change. Further revisions proposed in legislative format. Public Comments are then published in the Final Action Agenda


49 Final Action Hearing (Speaking to the Assembly)
Anyone can attend and testify. No cost to attend the hearings. Agenda: Consent agenda: Block vote on all code changes which did not receive a public comment or successful assembly action Individual Consideration Agenda: Vote individually on each code change which received a public comment or successful assembly action

50 Final Action Hearing Final vote on whether or not to change the code rests with the Governmental Member Representatives – those who enforce the code and are charged with the public’s safety Open, fair and objective with no proprietary interest

51 Bill Bryant Moderator - ICC Staff

52 Assembly casts final votes
Final Action Hearing Assembly casts final votes

53 Final vote after support and opposition speakers

54 Results of Code Development
First edition of full family of I-Codes in 2000 Editions follow every 3 years after 2000 Intervening Supplement between Editions

55 Conclusions The ICC remains dedicated to a single family of comprehensive and coordinated model codes. The ICC process allows all interests to participate in the code development process.

56 State of Oregon Prior to 1973 the State of Oregon had codes in place for: Electrical Boilers Elevators Mobile Homes Plumbing (But, permits/insp’s not required)

57 State of Oregon Prior to 1973 some communities/cities had adopted other codes such as building and mechanical Unfortunately, this lead to the lack of uniformity across the state

58 State of Oregon In 1973 the state legislature passed a law requiring state-wide specialty codes for structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, etc. A key concept of the legislation was state-wide uniformity

59 State of Oregon Building Codes Division is charged through Statute to adopt and implement codes to ensure safe buildings.

60 State Adoption Process
Process starts with the appropriate “model” code (Typically an ICC code) Any interested person can submit a code change proposal that meets certain criteria defined in statute. The proposals are reviewed by committee. Any person can attend and testify.

61 State Adoption Process (Cont.) The Committee
The committee is made up of industry representatives, Building Officials, Engineers and others. It serves the purpose of reviewing the proposed changes and adoption of each specialty code

62 State Adoption Process (Cont.)
Committee makes recommendation to the appropriate board. Board reviews the proposal and sends recommendation to the Director of BCD for approval or denial.

63 State Adoption Process (Cont.) The Board
The committee is made up of industry representatives, Building Officials, Engineers and others. The Board is permanent and serves the purpose of dealing with all the issues regarding each specialty code.

64 State Adoption Process (Cont.) The end result
Code Changes In the case of the residential code, the 2003 IRC “model” code became our 2005 Oregon Residential Specialty Code

65 Josephine County Through statute, local jurisdictions can establish a building safety department and assume the duties of administering the states codes locally.

66 Scope of the Residential Code
R101.2 Scope. The provisions of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, removal and demolition of detached one- and two-family dwellings ….

67 Purpose of the Residential Code
R101.3 Purpose. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum requirements to safeguard the public safety, health and general welfare through affordability, structural strength, means of egress facilities, stability, sanitation, light and ventilation, energy conservation and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment.

68 The Permitting Process
Application for permit Plan review when required Permit issuance Inspections Certificate of Occupancy (for new construction)

69 The Permit Process Permit Application Plan Review Inspections
Certificate of Occupancy

70 “Value-added” service
Upon completion of permit / inspection process there is assurance that the building meet’s the States minimum code

71 Permits and Inspections Required
R108.4 Work commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences any work on a building or structure before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to an investigation fee equal to the permit fee that shall be in addition to the required permit fees.

72 Permits and Inspections Required
R109.1 Inspections. Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the building official and such construction or work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved………..It shall be the duty of the permit applicant to cause the work to remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes. Neither the building official nor the jurisdiction shall be liable for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material required to allow inspection.

73 Work done without permits
R109.4 Approval required. Work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. …………Any portions that do not comply shall be corrected and such portion shall not be covered or concealed until authorized by the building official.

74 Procedures for work done without permits
Provide a scaled floor plan drawing(s) to the Building Department for plan review the same as for new construction showing; Walls, doors, windows, with dimensions and room name/use. Fire & Life safety information such as smoke detectors, emergency escapes and rescue openings, stair riser heights & tread depths, handrails, etc. After plan review, obtain the necessary permits. Correct/repair any items resulting from the plan review. Request inspections once the work is complete.

75 Obtain a permit for the work and hire an Oregon licensed Plumber to inspect the plumbing system and correct any deficiencies. Once complete, the Plumber is to provide a letter to the Building Department stating that the work done complies with the applicable plumbing code. Obtain a permit and hire an Oregon licensed Electrician to inspect the electrical system and correct any deficiencies. Once complete, the Electrician is to provide a letter to the Building Department stating that the work done complies with the applicable electrical code. Note: The steps outlined above are an attempt to primarily verify, to the extent possible, that fire and life-safety concerns comply with the states minimum code. Items not seen cannot be verified such as footing reinforcement, wall insulation/vapor barrier, framing, etc. Therefore, a “certificate of occupancy” will NOT be issued.

76 The project lacks “Value” when done without permits / inspections

77 “Our challenge is to use the building code as a tool and not an impediment to the construction industry, to adopt appropriate codes and to facilitate the construction of buildings that are safe.”, Mark Long, Director – Building Codes Division




81 For additional information: Oregon Building Codes Division
International Code Council Josephine County Building Safety (Select Building Safety) Oregons Current Codes

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