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Ventura K-6. Ventura Letters, Arts and Sciences albert einstein academy.

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1 Ventura K-6

2 Ventura Letters, Arts and Sciences albert einstein academy


4 Letters, Arts and Sciences Will be a California Charter School Emphasis on Foreign Languages College Preparatory Program Interdisciplinary Curriculum Focus on Leadership & Global Awareness Community of Life-Long Learners Ae a Ventura

5 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences The Einstein Academy seeks to prepare secondary students for 21st century careers and lives as members of a democratic society through an interdisciplinary educational experience that is rich in exposure to the following languages: English, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic. In addition, the academy’s curriculum will provide students with tools to develop their intellectual, artistic, physical, technological, and social competencies, allowing them to graduate with a deep understanding of the relationships among disciplines, and the ability to continuously develop their intellectual integrity and curiosity through a lifelong love of learning. Mission Statement

6 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences SCV Campus

7 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences Food Service Sample Menus

8 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences Visual Arts: Drawing, Painting, Three Dimensional Arts, Graphic DesignCamera: Photography, Filmmaking, Digital Videography Performing Arts: Drama, Theater, Musical Theater Music: Band, Voice, Choir, Guitar, Piano Technology: Computer Science, Web design, Programming Communication: Journalism, Creative Writing, Speech and Debate, Yearbook College Prep: Psychology, Economics, Language, Math, English, Science Electives

9 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences Athletics Clubs: Chess, Snowboard, Poetry, Computer, Spirit, Math… Newspaper, Yearbook, Literary Magazine, School Website… Student Government, JSA (Junior State of America)… Field Trips by grade level and by subject area… Educational Travel… After School Programs: Robotics, Animation, Videogame design, Broadcast Journalism, Filmmaking, Photography… Extracurricular

10 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences WHY UNIFORMS? Builds a sense of school community and esprit de corps Dramatically reduces the cost of school wardrobes Instills students with self-discipline Helps parents and students resist peer pressure Helps students concentrate on school work Helps parents and kids enjoy hassle-free decisions on what to wear Reduces stress at home when it comes time to 'pick what to wear!’ Helps faculty and staff focus on teaching, not on enforcing dress code School Uniforms

11 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences The Albert Einstein Academy will be WASC Accredited Our initial visit will occur in Spring 2011 We follow by preparing a self-study report Three years later we will be visited again Another term of accreditation will be granted depending on our report and visit Western Association of Schools and Colleges WASC

12 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Curricular expansion AP Courses Additional Languages Expanded Arts Program Competitive Athletics Program (CIF) Community Involvement The Future at AEA

13 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences PTO Albert Einstein Parent Association

14 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences “Enrollment Confirmation” Letter Survey Form Enrollment Packet School Events What comes next? You’ve Been Accepted

15 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences Grade-level Retreats Grand Opening Parent Association Summer Events Summer 2010… Upcoming Events

16 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences Website

17 albert einstein academy Letters, Arts and Sciences


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