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Administrative support for outgoing and incoming mobilities St. Petersburg University experience St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Administrative support for outgoing and incoming mobilities St. Petersburg University experience St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrative support for outgoing and incoming mobilities St. Petersburg University experience St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

2 Some Goals of Development Strategy 2020 Increase of foreign students numbers (30% by 2020!) Increase of education quality and attractiveness Increase of graduates’ competitiveness Increase of research quality and outputs SPSU as a world-wide recognized research center St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

3 Question: How to reach those ambitious goals? Answer: Internationalization! International Mobility as a norm in education and research. Practical Solutions: Information availability Equal access rights to available resources Competent and transparent selection procedures Administrative support, advising and tutoring Monitoring of conditions and mobility results St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

4 Outgoing mobilities. Main challenges: Administrative distribution of quotas Non-transparent procedure Unclear results (input to scientific and study process development) St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

5 Outgoing staff mobilities. Goals: Make the mobility programmes available Turn to competitive distribution of quotas Make the procedure transparent Guarantee the correspondence of mobility results with University Development Plan St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

6 Outgoing staff mobilities. Selection Committee Representatives of the academic and administrative departments Special formulas are used Number of winners limited by quotas Financial support is provided University academic reputation is raised Implementation of the Development Plan St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

7 Outgoing student mobilities. Main principles: Open competition Annual Information Seminars Wide range of opportunities (Governmental agreements, Bilateral agreements, Special Mobility Projects) Transparent procedure and results St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

8 Outgoing student mobilities. Application package: Recommendation letter with academic average score Motivation letter Foreign Language Certificate Study Plan to guarantee the recognition of studies partly or fully St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

9 Outgoing student mobilities. Selection Committee Representatives of the academic and administrative departments Special formula is used Motivation is important Courses at Host university in correspondence with Home university Number of winners limited by quotas St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

10 Incoming mobilities. Main challenges: Registration on the territory of RF Language difficulties Cultural difficulties Paperwork St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

11 Orientation meetings: St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

12 Orientation meetings: St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

13 Extracurricular activities: St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

14 Extracurricular activities: St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

15 International mobility management structure St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011 Incoming Mobility Coordinator Outgoing Mobility Coordinator Partner University International Mobility Project International Mobility Projects Coordinator

16 Thank you! Konstantin Platonov St. Petersburg. February 3, 2011

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