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Site Meeting Presentation 2013-14 School Year. Let’s think about Catholic education in the U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Meeting Presentation 2013-14 School Year. Let’s think about Catholic education in the U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Meeting Presentation 2013-14 School Year

2 Let’s think about Catholic education in the U.S.

3  1839 - Request by Father Blasé Raho, Vincentian missionary in La Salle on behalf of Catholics in Peoria  Asked Bishop Joseph Rosati of St. Louis to invite The Sisters of the Visitation or Madames of the Sacred Heart to set up a school  1863 - Sisters of St. Joseph established the first “official” Catholic school in Peoria ---------- Do you know the history and traditions of your school?

4 2011-12 Elementary School Income Elementary School Income (2011-2012) Income SourcesAmount Percent Tuition/Fees$19,997,510 48% Parish Investment$15,050,754 36% Development/Fundraising$3,063,816 7% Extracurricular$379,334 1% Other$3,256,590 8% TOTAL$41,748,004100%

5 Sample School Income Comparison

6 2011-12 Elementary School Expense Elementary School Expenditures (2011-2012) Expenses Amount Percent Salaries/Benefits$31,487,286 76% Instructional Materials $1,003,620 2% Cafeteria $1,411,120 3% Extracurricular $376,777 1% Other $7,365,513 18% TOTAL$41,644,316100%

7 Sample School Expense Comparison

8 We must have a plan….

9 Planning Reporting and Analyzing Stewardship

10  Five-year financial planning strategy combines long-range strategic school objectives with funding alternatives  Driven by the Strategic Plan  What do we want to accomplish?  How much will it cost to…?  How can we afford to….?

11  Funding Model Limited in Potential  All Families Subsidized Regardless of Need  Enrollment Trending Down in the Diocese  Subsidy Levels May Not be Sustainable  Few Schools Have Multi-year Financial Plans

12  Define the Cost of Education  Operate Schools with Efficient Staffing Levels  Increase the Percentage of Tuition Revenue  Shift Part of Parish Subsidy to Financial Aid  Strengthen Development Efforts _________  Schools to Follow Good Business Practices  Increase Diocesan Financial Assistance



15 Project Enrollment Build a Staff Projection Project Expenses – Project Salaries Project Income Parish Support Development and Fundraising Financial Assistance Project Tuition







22 Begin with historical data More than an annual budget Template that incorporates using some “What if…” scenarios Tool to guide decision makers How best can we achieve our goals and realize our dreams?

23  Adjust the variables  What are your options?  Move toward a new funding model

24 School and Parish are a business Financial Statements: Analysis only as good as information provided Consistent reporting Budgeting: Long-range Financial Plan Annual operating budget


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