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Pioneering Promise. WHAT YOU DID… Boot Scootin’ Recreation, Extracurricular and Exposure Program Fieldtrips (Zoo, museum, symphony, etc.) Camp Sponsorships.

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Presentation on theme: "Pioneering Promise. WHAT YOU DID… Boot Scootin’ Recreation, Extracurricular and Exposure Program Fieldtrips (Zoo, museum, symphony, etc.) Camp Sponsorships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pioneering Promise


3 Boot Scootin’ Recreation, Extracurricular and Exposure Program Fieldtrips (Zoo, museum, symphony, etc.) Camp Sponsorships (Summer and Christian-based) Theater Arts involvement (Music, drama, etc.) Extracurricular sports (Football, baseball, etc.) Civic/Social clubs (Boy/Girl Scouts, 4H, etc.) General hobbies (Arts & Crafts, sewing/quilting, etc.) LKWGA Fundraiser - $55, 254.20 (net)


5 The Gaylord Texan Frosty Ice Sculpture Exhibit Mothers and their children attended… 23 total… None had ever experienced anything like that before!

6 Disney on Ice 5 Women 11 children attended “Tinkerbell was flying!” 4 yr. old “Mickey was wavin’at me!” 6 yr. old “My kids had a great time and so did I!” Mom

7 Recognizing Resilience Workshop Great Wolf Lodge (10 children)

8 Learning to be strong… With new hope & expectation


10 Still to come…. Playground unit - $17,930 Installation - $3,730 Total = $21,660

11 KAA Faith Based Camp: Branson, MO

12 Chickasaw Cultural Center Dallas Museums of Culture, Arts and Sciences Individually sponsored activities and programs on and offsite. College Experience Camps Onsite mini camps NCTC Equine Camp Professional sports outings

13 WHY YOU DID IT… You believe in our Mission Partnership… We work well together


15 Common Questions What is a Child Advocacy Center? Does the State of Texas help with funding? Why do we need one in Cooke County? What happens after the 2nd year? Are there other agencies or entities involved? Will you build a new building?

16 Our continued commitment Transparency – you know exactly where the funds go – 100% of your donated dollars go to where you designate. No employee salaries or administrative costs are deducted from your donation. Abigail’s Arms salaries range from $30-60K. Having a paid staff of 10, 80% of which are degreed professionals, whom operate a shelter that never closes. Executive & Shelter Directors have Master’s degrees. Targeted Funding Goals – 1 agency, you choose the program you fund. Measurable Outcomes – extensive processes to insure your investment yields the most effective return. Develop relevant, creative, and innovative programming.

17 Measurement & Outcomes We measure the effectiveness of the donation by; The visible life changes in the women and children we serve…the sound of children laughing, the tears of a mother’s relief, the warm embrace of a hug, no longer filled with fear We improve the effectiveness of the donation by; Asking you if you like what you see and hear Applying your response to make us better

18 Measurement & Outcomes Tools Multi-leveled, external and internal process; GiftWorks-data base for donor tracking Integrated Tracking System- data base required by the State of Texas ALICE-data base required by federal funders Checks & balances (Board of Directors, Treasurer, ED, Finance Director) Community engagement/involvement Questionnaires, surveys, pre/post tests

19 KXII Channel 12 Interview Domestic Violence Awareness Month October, 2014 To play clip, right click and select “open hyperlink”

20 Lake Kiowa Women’s Golf Association WITH US, Blaze another trail…Pave another path… Pioneer another promise!

21 Supplemental Answers (post-presentation) Q: Regarding the Child Advocacy Center - how was the $55,000 match amount determined? A: This amount was imposed by the Child Advocacy Centers of Texas. This baseline amount was determined in Fiscal Year 2014 and was guided by the legislative appropriations committee. Today, 185 Texas children will be victims of abuse. In one year, more than 65,000 cases of child abuse were confirmed in Texas. 1 in 4 Girls is sexually abused before her 18th birthday. 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before his 18th birthday. A children’s advocacy center is the ONE non-profit to serve as the first stop for children entering the justice system because of suspected sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, and those who have witnessed a violent crime. Last year, almost 40,000 children received critical services at a Texas children’s advocacy center. Of the total number of children served by a CAC last year: 73% were involved in sexual abuse cases 95% knew their perpetrator 26% were not old enough to attend kindergarten

22 This will help better explain the journey of a child sexual assault victim… Double click to activate media clip

23 Supplemental Answers (Continued) Q: How will the $55,000 match amount be spent? A: Supportive Programming – age- appropriate and therapeutically based support groups (curriculums/group materials). Targeted activities (workshops, education/recreation events). Professional Services – Counseling and Play therapy (not salaried employees) SAIF(Sexual Assault Interagency Forensic) Kits – change of clothes, underwear, shoes, stuffed animal, blanket, toiletries and coloring book Travel – transportation to/from forensic interview, Doctors appointments, court appearances and other meetings Shelter Stay – If the child is in an unsafe environment, the family may reside in our 24hr. Emergency shelter

24 Supplemental Answers (Continued) Q: To serve a child in the Advocacy Center, what is the average cost? A: Abigail’s Arms sees 3-4 children and has been as many as 6 who have been sexually assaulted, per month. The average cost per child is $2,500 (supportive programming, professional services, SAIF kit, travel, shelter stay) 3.5 children (per month) = 42 children per year x12 months @ $2,500 per child $105,000 (annually)

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