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Old Mill High School PRIDE Period

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1 Old Mill High School PRIDE Period
Creating Your Weekly Schedule

2 New Advisory Schedule Once PRIDE Period begins, Advisory will take place on Monday between 1st and 2nd period. Advisory will now be 18 minutes. The main purpose of advisory will now be to create your weekly advisory schedule. Your advisory teacher will show you a multi-section report of your grades to help you plan your week.

3 Bell Schedule With Advisory - Mondays
Period 1 7:17 – 8:31 Advisory 8:37 – 8:55 Period 2 9:01 – 10:15 PRIDE Period RED BLOCK 10:25 – 10:50 BLUE BLOCK 11:00 – 11:25 Period 3 11:31 – 12:45 Period 4 12:51 – 2:05

4 Setting Up Your Weekly Schedule
Step 1 – Determine the courses in which you need extra help, need to redo a test, need to complete make-up work, etc. The number may vary from week to week! Step 2 – Find those teachers’ schedules. Step 3 – Fill in those slots on your weekly schedule. Step 4 – Fill in your remaining schedule with computer labs, the College and Career Center, incentive areas (if you have all A’s and B’s), the Cafeteria, visits to clubs/extracurricular sponsors, etc. Remember you can only spend one block per day in the Cafeteria! Step 5 – Have your Advisory teacher review your schedule!

5 Your Task…. Using the personal matrix that you made last week, you will practice creating some sample schedules for PRIDE Period. Teachers – Please distribute the teacher matrix that students made last week, the PRIDE Period scenario worksheet, and room location resource sheet. Students – Using your materials, practice creating several sample schedules. Make sure your sample has a plan for each block of time!

6 Use your Teacher Matrix to help you. See example below…
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday R B Period 1A Ragusa Lunch AP Lit Study Hall 3 IB English 2 H English 10 Period 2A Choudhary Child Dev 1 WCL LB Your Finances Nutr Sci/H Col Hosp SS/Math Inter Period 3A Drenning Gym Door Boys 2D1 AP Art History H 2D3/AP Draw Period 4A Illuzzi IB English 1 English 9 Gym Floor 2 English 11

7 Scenario #1 You currently have a 72% in your English class and a 63% in your Science class. You were also absent from an elective course last week and need to get the make up work. You also want to stop by to see the Literary Magazine club. Create your schedule on your scenario worksheet!

8 Scenario #2 You currently have all A’s and B’s in your courses.
You need to get together with your group for your Social Studies project at least twice this week to begin the planning process. You also need to go see Ms. Wenzel to get information about the senior class fundraiser. Create your schedule on your scenario worksheet!

9 Scenario #3 Your math teacher needs you to come see him/her this week to redo the most recent unit test. You also have a 58% in two of your elective courses. You need to finish typing your English paper. Create your schedule on your scenario worksheet!

10 Scenario #4 You are involved in several extracurricular activities (Model UN, SGA, and Key Club) and you need to go speak to each of those advisors this week. You also need to type your Science lab report. You also want to work on your Strength and Conditioning in the Weight Room. Create your schedule on your scenario worksheet!

11 Possible Answers Scenario #1:
- At least one block of time each spent with English, Science, and your elective teachers - Tuesday – Blue Block – Mr. Levy Scenario #2: - At least two blocks spent in the College and Career Center or one of the Study Hall Rooms - Thursday – Red Block – Ms. Wenzel

12 Possible Answers Scenario #3:
- At least one block with math teacher and two elective courses - At least one block in a Computer Lab Scenario #4: - Thursday – Red Block – Mr. Krupski - Monday – Red Block – Ms. Spence - Thursday – Blue Block – Ms. Linnell - At least one block in a Computer lab - NO WEIGHT ROOM – CLOSED AREA!

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