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Presentation on theme: "COUNSELING DEPARTMENT NOVEMBER 27, 2012 Prepared For College."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNSELING DEPARTMENT NOVEMBER 27, 2012 Prepared For College

2 Agenda Resources Explain the four college systems and their requirements A-G courses at Beckman Role of the counselor, student and parent.

3 Meet Your Counselor Mr.Schmidt A-He (PSAT, AP, PBIS, Counseling tech advisor) Ms. Ehret Hi-Ol (Scholarships, Leadership Awards) Mr. Guzik On-Z (504 Coordinator for Juniors and Seniors, Crisis Counselor) Ms. Arellano Academic Support (504 Coordinator for Freshmen and Sophomores, English Learner).

4 Resources

5 Four Systems of Higher Education

6 UC SYSTEM Public- 10 campuses 4 year- offer BA, MA, Advanced Degrees (Doctorate) Require A-G courses with a grade of a C or higher Require ACT/SAT exams  ACT Plus Writing or SAT Reasoning Test  Subject Test (not required, but recommended by some UC’s for specific majors) Require personal statement GPA of 3.0 minimum (grades10- 11) Deadline November 30, 2012

7 CSU SYSTEM Public- 23 campuses 4 years- offer BA, MA, Advanced Degrees (Doctorate) Require A-G with a grade of a C or higher Require SAT/ACT GPA of 2.0 (grades 10-11) No letter of recommendation Deadline November 30, 2012

8 The “A-G” course pattern (A) HISTORY/ SOCIAL SCIENCE 2 years minimum Ex.  World History, H, AP  Ancient Civilization H  US History, AP  American Government, AP

9 The “A-G” course pattern (B) English 4 years Ex.  English ELD C  English 1-4,H, AP  English Sheltered

10 The “A-G” course pattern (C) Mathematics 3 years minimum Includes:  Algebra 1  Geometry, H  Intermediate Alg. 2  Algebra 2, H  Pre-calculus, H,  AP Calculus, AB, BC  AP Statistics

11 The “A-G” course pattern (D) Lab Science 2 years minimum At least two in the 3 areas: (one year Life Sci.)  Biology, H, AP  Chemistry, H, AP  Physics, H  Environmental Science AP  Human Body Systems  Principles of Biomedical Sciences

12 The “A-G” course pattern (E) Foreign Language At least 2 years Same language!  Chinese 1-4, AP  French 1-4, AP  Spanish 1-4, AP  Spanish for Native Speakers 2, 3

13 The “A-G” course pattern (F) Visual and Performing Arts 1 year of a single year long class Ex.  Drama  Exploration Art  Concert Orchestra  Digital Video and Production  Graphic Design  Visual Imagery (ROP)  Many options!

14 The “A-G” course pattern (G) Elective courses 1 year (preferable core courses) Ex.  AVID Senior  Additional Lab Science classes (ex. Forensic Sci)  Additional Foreign Language  Advanced Mathematics  Earth Science  Economics, AP  Psychology / Sociology  Psychology AP  Visual and Performing Arts Advanced  Many options!

15 Early College Built into their high school schedule (two periods a day) Meets A-G Gain experience in the college world Get HS credit and college credit Save money

16 Private Universities 70 or more accredited campuses in California  Out of state options 4 years- vary in mission statement and programs Minimum GPA varies SAT/ACT requirement varies. Deadlines vary

17 Community College 110 campuses in California Offer AA, CSU and IGETC certificates and career technical education programs. Do not require ACT/SAT examinations Offer great transfer programs to a university of 4 years.  Ex.TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee)- guarantees admission to any UC (except Berkeley, LA, SD) Provide Honors programs Priority for transfer students Allows you to improve your college readiness and decide on your major  Fresh start to build GPA Early Admission as early as December 1 st

18 Financing higher education (academic year 2011-2012) At homeOff campus On Campus Ca. Community College 1 $12,875$19,330$15,757 Cal State University 2 $16,469$23,561$22,577 University of Ca. 3 $23,362$28,367$31,173 Independent Colleges 4 $36,868$43,161$41,704 Private Career Tech Schools 5 $33,776$40,246N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Average provided by CCC fees in 2011-2012 $36 unit X 12 units X 2 terms 2 provided by chancellor and subject to change 3 Average provided by University of California office of President 4 Average provided on a 9 th month academic year 5 average based on programs from nine to 12 months in length Source: Student Aid Commission

19 What matters most to colleges

20 The Role of the Counselor Plan classes that will prepare you for college admission and success. Your counselor will know what is required for college admission. Review how you are doing in your classes and suggest areas that need improvement. If you need to catch up, your counselor can suggest ways to do that. Find special programs that may help you prepare for college, beyond BHS. This might include weekend, summer programs, internships, college classes (Often free to students who did not go to college). Your counselor will know about college visits or overnight visits to colleges that may be offered. Familiarize yourself with everything you need to know about taking recommended and/or required admission tests. Counselors know how and when to register for tests. They can even help with fee waivers if your family cannot afford to pay for test. Advise you on how to register for required college admission tests.

21 The Role of the Parent Provide a constructive learning environment at home Help strengthen self-esteem and a positive self- image Have conversations with your student about long- term dreams/goals Empower student to take charge of their educational goals Be open to a variety of post-high school options Treat each child as a unique individual who has their own strengths

22 The Role of the Student Take charge of your educational goals Use your resources to stay organized (Agenda, Aeries, Haiku, BHS website) Freshman grades do count If you are struggling, reach out to the teacher early Get involved in school (extracurricular activities and community) Balance your time wisely!


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