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Attendance Policies Miami Lakes Educational Center 2012-2013.

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1 Attendance Policies Miami Lakes Educational Center 2012-2013


3 Student’s Responsibilities Attend classes one hundred and eighty (180) days each school year Request the make-up assignments for all excused absences/tardiness from teachers upon return to school or class within three days Complete the make-up assignments for classes missed within three (3) days of the return to school Be reported as present for the school day In order to participate in athletic and extracurricular activities. Board Policy 5200 - Attendance

4 Parent’s/Guardian’s Responsibilities Report and explain an absence or tardiness to the school Ensure that the child has requested and completes make- up assignments for all excused absences/tardiness from his/her teachers upon his/her return to school or class Appear before the Attendance Review Committee at the scheduled time to provide information relating to his/her child’s absences and to support prescribed activities. Board Policy 5200 - Attendance

5 Attendance Policy Excused Absences Unexcused Absences Tardies

6 Personal illness of student Medical Appointment Death in immediate family An approved school activity Other absences with prior approval of the Principal Excused Absences

7 Observance of a religious holiday or service Military Connected Students School sponsored event or educational enrichment activity Court appearance of the student, subpoena by law enforcement Excused Absences

8 Any absence that does not fall into one of the above excused absence categories is to be considered an unexcused absence. Unexcused Absences

9  Vacations  Personal services  Local non-school event, program or sporting activity  Older students providing day care services for siblings  Illness of others  Non-compliance with immunization requirements (unless lawfully exempt)

10 Consequences – Excessive Unexcused Absences Student accumulating ten (10) or more class unexcused absences in an annual course or 5 (five) or more class unexcused absences in a designated semester course will have quarterly, semester and final grade(s) withheld pending an administrative screening and completion of assigned interventions by the Attendance Review Committee

11 Consequences (continued)  If a student has accumulated fifteen (15) unexcused absences in a 90 day period, a referral to the Department of Juvenile Justice will be made.

12 1 -2 unexcused tardies - Warning Tardy Policy 3 – 4 unexcused tardies – After School Detention 5 or more unexcused tardies – Administrative Action Unexcused

13 Sun. Mon. Tue. wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. After School Detention 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Building 5 Room 5138

14 1 -4 excused tardies - Warning Tardy Policy 5 or more excused tardies – Administrative Action Excused

15 Remember! Be on time for school! School starts at 7:20 am Attend school everyday!

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