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Alabama Association of School Boards Rise to the Leadership Challenge Larry Jemison, Jr.

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Presentation on theme: "Alabama Association of School Boards Rise to the Leadership Challenge Larry Jemison, Jr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alabama Association of School Boards Rise to the Leadership Challenge Larry Jemison, Jr.

2 Rise to the Leadership Challenge Leader- a person who has commanding authority or influence; (2) something that ranks first. ~Merriam Webster Dictionary - A Boss says “Go” - A Leader says “Let’s Go” Leadership- process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. A leader need not have any formal level of authority, simply a willingness to improve conditions, or excel to the next level.

3 Rise to the Leadership Challenge What does this mean to you? Time for some reflection and analysis What are our goals as individuals and board members? Do they coincide? What steps must we take to have our voices heard? Ultimately, as board members what is our purpose? And how do we find happiness in what we are doing? What is the Pursuit of Happiness?

4 Rise to the Leadership Challenge Involves Overcoming Obstacles: Poor economic conditions Lack of funding (state funding decrease of 1.5B) since 2008 Budget cuts (after school programs, extracurricular programs) Salary cuts (disgruntled teachers & personnel) Layoffs Parents who lack means Poor student performance Why are these Important?


6 Politics in Schools Frightening - The Unknowns Lack of funding Lack of resources Student frustration - Bullying, distractions, loss of focus Student performance level drops Career risks associated Layoffs Health-related issues Risks for the students – lack education, criminal records



9 This little girl will one day be grown. And 15 years from now, she will need the best education, keen knowledge, and continuous desire to learn if she is to compete with her adversaries who are coming to the USA speaking multiple languages, and have a tenacious HUNGER to succeed! But who will make sure she understands the importance of this?

10 Message + Messenger Patrick Henry - “Give me liberty or give me death!” 50 Cent - “Get Rich or Die Trying

11 Rise to the Leadership Challenge Because of AASB, and leaders who dared to dream, people of my socio-economic background, people who the statistics have written off, & people who have faced unyielding challenges have been allowed to not only compete, but achieve in an exponential way, then become valuable, productive members of society. And this my astute colleagues keeps me out of 2 places? Anybody know where those are?

12 Alabama Association of School Boards, the state of Alabama is counting on your efforts, no, the world is counting on your efforts, to achieve the Desired Results, and YOU have what it takes to prove you are right for the JOB! VS.

13 Group Discussion !!

14 Get Excited About Your Success & Contact Us Today! Website: (As featured in Black Enterprise Magazine) Voice Contact: Office 678.522.8212 Email:

15 How to Make It Series (Author of 2 Books) Proprietary Restricted 2011

16 About The Jemison Group, LLC Clients include NFL, AFLAC, Centers for Disease Control American Federation of School Administrators, Georgia State University, & of course Alabama Assn of School Boards 1000’s of presentations around the globe, featured in Money Matters Radio, CBS Radio, Black Enterprise, Paramount Pictures and the Weather Channel Larry Jemison, Jr. & Joe Gibbs Super Bowl Champion and Nascar Racing Owner Larry Jr., Arthur Blank (Founder of Home Depot & Owner ATL Falcons) Larry Jemison Sr. (Mentor and State of Alabama Track Champion)

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