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Liceul Tehnologic PETROL Moreni Address: 22 DECEMBRIE 1989 bvd, no. 40 135300, Moreni, Db ROMANIA website:

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Presentation on theme: "Liceul Tehnologic PETROL Moreni Address: 22 DECEMBRIE 1989 bvd, no. 40 135300, Moreni, Db ROMANIA website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Liceul Tehnologic PETROL Moreni Address: 22 DECEMBRIE 1989 bvd, no. 40 135300, Moreni, Db ROMANIA e-mail: website:

2 Short history of our school Liceul Tehnologic Petrol Moreni (Technological High School Moreni), European school 2012 - 2015 has evoluate from the former industrial school of Moreni, opened in 1924. Starting with 1943 – 1944 our school operated on two levels:  as a vocational school of 3 years and  an industrial high-school of 4 years. If in 1924 recorded a number of 121 students, in 1961 there were 621 and in the current year 1040 students are attending our courses. We are currently working in a building inaugurated in 1968, which in 1977 was extended with a new wing and a gym. The new library was set up in 1980.

3 Our school

4 Our students The present structure of our high- school is as follows:  First phase of general lower secondary school (Gymnasium) with a vocational profile: sports (1 class per year of study)  High School with four sections:  natural resources and environmental protection  IT  technical  vocational profile, sports  Arts and Trades School, with mechanic profile The number of students varies from 20 to 32 per class.

5 Our champions: football and handball

6 The extracurricular activities Documentation trips Celebrate important international or national days Activities for environment’s protection School festival


8 Our former Comenius projects: “Sustainable Energy” - 2006-2009

9 “Water – the spring of life” - 2009-2011

10 Our project team for 2013 – 2015 RALUCA ANGHELINA -Chemistry teacher Hobbies: -travelling - photography

11 Our project team for 2013 – 2015 ROBERT HARABAGIU -Headmaster, sports teacher Hobbies: - handball - travelling

12 Our project team for 2013 – 2015 MIHAELA DUMITRESCU -French teacher Hobbies: -travelling - music

13 Our project team for 2013 – 2015 ROXANA GEORGESCU -Engineer Hobbies: - cooking - travelling

14 Our project team for 2013 – 2015 CAMELIA STATE -IT teacher Hobbies: -travelling - cooking

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