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York City Schools Site-Based Magnet Model Local Solutions to Meet Local Needs Y.

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Presentation on theme: "York City Schools Site-Based Magnet Model Local Solutions to Meet Local Needs Y."— Presentation transcript:

1 York City Schools Site-Based Magnet Model Local Solutions to Meet Local Needs Y

2 Partnership Members of YCEA have partnered with York City Schools and PSEA to develop the concepts in our proposal. We have worked together to create a dynamic concept that will effect meaningful educational progress, institute solid best practices, while maintaining the community schools that our customers depend on.

3 Emphasis Academic Excellence Safety and Security Financial Stability Ease of Implementation

4 Academic Components

5 Expand Pre-K Program RTI Training Partner to Bring in Full-Service Alternative Education Provider for Grades 5-12 with Spaces Available for County Students Implement Early Elementary Looping Create Ninth Grade Transition Program Implement Magnet School Model Create Academies at William Penn

6 Restructure Report Cards to be Standards- Based for Math and Reading Expand Services for ELL Students Work with Out of School Providers to Implement After School Programs Restructure Special Education to Increase Continuum of Services Create Multi-Age Skill-Based Classrooms for Primary Grades

7 Site-Based Management Local School Councils will be created to determine and implement programs based on the needs of students in each building Councils will be made up of parents, students, support staff, administration and teachers Site-Based management has been successfully in schools and school districts in Minnesota, Virginia, Florida, Colorado, Kentucky, North Carolina and New York

8 Individualized Academic Plans Every student in grades K-8 will have an individualized Academic plan for reading and math based on Common Core Standards Students within a three grade span will be grouped based on skill deficits As they demonstrate proficiency, they will move to a new set of skills in a new classroom Plans will allow students to be remediated in deficient skills, but they will also enable students who are on or above grade level to attain excel and enrich

9 Partnerships Partner with PSEA and local colleges and universities to provide staff development and guidance on best practices Bring local law enforcement into the K-8 buildings several times a year to facilitate positive interactions

10 Partnerships Partner with area colleges and universities to provide professional development based on best practices Create Community Partnerships to Expand Access to Counseling, Peer Mediation, and Conflict and Anger Management

11 Transition Programs for Identified Students Create ninth grade transitional program for students identified as being at risk Remediate students on deficient math and reading skills Teach study skills and time management techniques

12 Creation of Magnet Schools at Elementary Level Magnet schools will be created at two identified buildings during the first year of implementation Enlarge STEM Program at Ferguson Create Performing Arts Charter at Davis Schools will have a lottery system to allocate available positions to students who wish to participate Other buildings will have an opportunity to develop magnet programs if their school council so chooses

13 Creation of Academies at High School Level Create small learning communities with specific academy focus based upon instructional strengths and student surveys Academies could focus on Arts and Humanities, Social Service, Business and Finance, Health and Wellness, and/or STEM depending student interest

14 Safety and Security

15 Partner with Alternative Education Provider to Create Full-Service RTI Model Year One, continue program at Lindberg bringing in full-service provider to meet the needs of up to one hundred students from grades 5-12 Year Two, move program to EFS and expand to meet the needs of up to two hundred district students including opening positions to county schools Year Three, expand program to accommodate three hundred schools

16 Fully Implement SWEBS Program School-wide effective support systems are a proactive approach to teaching, monitoring, and supporting appropriate behavior Each school will fully implement a plan to model, teach, encourage and reward positive behaviors

17 Engage in Evidence-based School Safety and Anti-Bullying Programs The school district will pursue a grant to implement a proven anti-bullying program like the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Comprehensive school-wide programs reduce/prevent bullying, improve social climates of classrooms, reduce truancy and vandalism, and improve peer relations

18 Create School-Based Discipline Committees to Oversee Discipline, Safety and Security School based discipline committees will be created within each building to manage smaller daily discipline issues which will allow the principals to be academic leaders in the buildings

19 Implement Mentoring Program Create partnerships with individuals and community groups to create relationships with positive role models

20 Financial Sustainability

21 Consideration Has Been Given to the Need To Reduce Operating Costs. Some Combination of the Following Will Occur…

22 Realignment of Benefits Exclusion of Qualified Spousal Benefits Elimination of Opt-Out Reduction in Tuition Reimbursement Restructuring of Stipends Restructuring of Salaries and Wages

23 Recycle to Reduce Waste Services Run “Dark Weeks” Over the Summer Reduce/Restructure Administration Lease Vacant Buildings Create Full-Service Alternative Education Program to Accommodate Students From In and Out of the District

24 Implementation

25 Partnership With PSEA To Provide Professional Development The Pennsylvania State Education Association has offered, at no cost, to partner with York City Schools to design and deliver staff development to meet our specific needs as we restructure and redefine our school district

26 Create Steering Committee to Implement Plan The primary responsibility of the steering committee will be to oversee all aspects of finalization of design and implementation of the restructuring plan The steering committee will also be responsible for coordinating all professional development for the 2013-2014 school year The steering committee will give quarterly progress reports to the Board of School Directors and the Superintendent of Schools

27 Ease of Implementation

28 Local Solutions to Meet Local Needs Capability to implement this transformation model currently exists within current district staff Site-based Management and Magnet Schools work within the existing framework of the K-8 school model Site-based Management maximizes community involvement in local schools and therefore increases community support

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