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Preparing for STAAR: End-of-Course Exams North East ISD Spring 2012 Version 3.1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for STAAR: End-of-Course Exams North East ISD Spring 2012 Version 3.1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for STAAR: End-of-Course Exams North East ISD Spring 2012 Version 3.1 1

2 TEA has yet to finalize several crucial decisions regarding STAAR exams. With the new assessment program, current testing policies, regulations and procedures are being reevaluated and will be modified as necessary to ensure that they fit the new structure and purpose of the STAAR program. Therefore, as the District receives updated information from the Texas Education Agency throughout the school year, specific details concerning the implementation of the EOC exams will be communicated to all students and parents/guardians. 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION

3 What is STAAR? State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR)  Beginning in the 2011-12 school year, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will be launching STAAR to replace the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)  STAAR will include new graduation requirements for first time ninth-grade students in 2011-2012 Based on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) STAAR tests for grades 3-8 and End-of-Course exams for high school-level courses  Students enrolled in high school before 2011-2012 will continue to take TAKS 3

4 Who will take STAAR? First time ninth-grade students entering high school in 2011-2012 and enrolled in EOC courses Other high school students enrolled as a 9 th grader before 2011-2012 are required to pass TAKS to graduate, but may be selected to take an EOC field test for courses in which they are enrolled 4 MathEnglishScience Social Studies Algebra IEnglish IBiology World Geography GeometryEnglish IIChemistry World History Algebra II*English III*PhysicsU.S. History *Must meet additional passing standards for Recommended High School Program and Distinguished Achievement Program ** The English EOCs will include separate reading and writing components **

5 EOC Testing Calendar Mar. 26, 2012: English I Writing; English III Writing Mar. 27, 2012: English I Reading; English III Reading Mar. 28, 2012: English II Writing Mar. 29, 2012: English II Reading May 7 - 18, 2012: Algebra I; Algebra II; Biology; Chemistry; Geometry; Physics; World Geography; World History; U.S. History 5 The assessments commonly taken by ninth-graders are underlined.

6 Greater emphasis on college and career readiness Lengthier and more rigorous assessment 4-hour time limit All ELL students will participate All Special Education students participate Increased Rigor of STAAR 6

7 Emphasis on expository and non-fiction reading and writing English I, II and III administered over two days to assess writing more comprehensively Two essays required in writing Essays limited to 26 lines Greater number of open-ended (griddable) questions in mathematics and science 7 Increased Rigor of STAAR

8 End of Course Exams(EOCs) Students must meet passing standards for 8 to 12 EOCs Minimum High School Program (8 to 12 EOCs) Recommended High School Program (12 EOCs) Distinguished Achievement Program (12 EOCs) EOC tests results must be included as 15% of the student’s final grade for the course Minimum High School Program: It is possible that some students will need to perform satisfactory on as few as eight EOC assessments Recommended High School Program: Students must meet Satisfactory Academic Performance (Level II) in: English III and Algebra II Distinguished Achievement Program: Students must meet Advanced Academic Performance standard (Level III) in: English III and Algebra II Each of the four foundation subjects (Math, Reading/ELA, Social Studies, Science) have a minimum score and a cumulative score requirement Graduation Requirements for students first enrolled in Grade 9 or below in 2011-2012 8 Credits Three Graduation Programs: Minimum High School Program (22 credits) 4 credits of English; 3 math; 2 science; 3 soc. std.; 1 P.E.; 0.5 health(through healthy lifestyles); 0.5 speech; 1 fine arts; 1 academic elective; 6 electives; must see counselor for MHSP Recommended High School Program (26 credits) 4 credits each of English, math, science, soc. std.; 2 credits in other languages; 1 P.E.; 0.5 health (through healthy lifestyles); 0.5 speech; 1 fine arts; 5 elective credits; default graduation program Distinguished High School Program (26 credits) same as RHSP except 3 credits in other languages; 4 elective credits; 4 advanced measures

9 New Student Performance Levels Cumulative Score: # of EOC’s taken in a content area multiplied by a passing score  for example: 3 X 70=210 College Readiness: score in Algebra II and English III EOC that measures a student’s readiness to enroll and succeed in entry level Math or English college courses without remediation Level I Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance Level III Advanced Academic Performance Minimum Score DAP: English III and Algebra II RHSP: English III and Algebra II 9

10 Cumulative Score Requirement – TEA Will Set Standards in April, Not February 10

11 What Does the Law Say About EOCs? The STAAR EOC assessment scores will account for 15% of a student’s final grade in the course. 11

12  85% from teacher Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Biology, Chemistry, Physics English I, English II, English III World Geography, World History and U.S. History  15% from EOC The STAAR EOC assessment scores will account for 15% of the student’s final course grade How Will the Final Course Grade be Distributed ? 12

13 Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade Credit ALG I 70767368721.0 Calculation(70+76)/2*.85 =62.1 (68*.15) =10.2 62.1 + 10.2 =72.3 Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade Credit ALG I 70727160690.0 Calculation(70+72)/2*.85 =60.4 (60*.15) =9.0 60.4 + 9.0 =69.4 Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade Credit ALG I 90949295931.0 Calculation(90+94)/2*.85 =78.2 (95*.15) =14.3 78.2 + 14.3 =92.5 13

14 Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade Credit Eng I 707673 1.0 Reading EOC (68*.075) =5.1 Writing EOC (75*.075) =5.6 Calculation(70+76)/2*.85 =62.1 62.1+5.1 +5.6 =72.8 68 75 14

15 STAAR EOCs and Course Credit All EOC courses will be worth 1.0 credit Semester credits for EOC courses are no longer awarded Credit will be awarded based on two factors:  The year average plus the EOC grade equals a passing grade (70% or higher) If a student’s final course grade is less than a 70 after 15% of an EOC score is applied, then the course credit is denied until the student improves the final grade Final course grades and course credits will appear on the student’s transcript 15

16 Sem 1Sem 2 EOCFinal Year Course Grade Case #1 707255 (55*.15)=8. 25 69 (70+72)/2*.85)=60.35 8.25+60.35=68.6 Case #2 755895 (95*.15)=14.25 71 (75+58)/2*.85)=56.53 14.25+56.53=70.78 Case #3 63 95 (95*.15)=14.25 68 (63+63)/2*.85)=53.55 14.25+53.55=67.8 Does the student earn credit for the year? Checking for Understanding 16

17 Yes, STAAR Modified and Alternate tests can be used for 15% Phase in as systems are developed ARD must concur NEISD’s Choice: Will Special Education Options Include 15%? 17

18 Students Taking Credit-awarding High School Courses While in Middle School Required to take the EOC for the course in which the student is enrolled Required that EOC will be averaged as 15% of the final course grade 18

19  Current 8 th and 9 th graders: Continue the current practice of awarding rank points by semesters that are not influenced by EOC exams through high school  Beginning with 9th graders entering high school in 2013-2014 (current 7 th graders): Double the final grade as rank points for the year NEISD’s Recommendation: Class Rank 19

20 Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade ALG I 7076736872 Calculation(70+76)/2*.85 =62.1 (68*.15) =10.2 62.1 + 10.2 =72.3 Rank Points 70+76 = 146 Rank Points NEISD’s Recommendation: Calculating Rank Points Beginning with 9 th Graders entering high school in 2011-2012 (current practice) – EOCs will not impact rank or GPA calculations 20

21 Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade ALG I 7076736872 Calculation(70+76)/2*.85 =62.1 (68*.15) =10.2 62.1 + 10.2 =72.3 Rank Points 72 * 2 = 144 Rank Points NEISD’s Recommendation: Calculating Rank Points Beginning with 9 th Graders entering high school in 2013-2014 21

22 NEISD’s Recommendation Will EOCs be weighted for rank when current 7 th graders start 9 th grade? Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade Eng III AP 9094929092 Calculation(90+94)/2*.85 =78.2 (90*.15) =13.5 78.2 + 13.5 =91.7 100.9 ( 78.2 * 1.29 (course weight) ) + 13.5= 114.4 114.4 * 2 semesters = 228.8 Rank Points Begins when current 7 th graders start 9 th grade in 2013-14 Final Grade on AAR = 92 22

23 Beginning with 9 th Graders entering high school in 2013- 2014 (current 7 th graders) The first score earned counts for rank Subsequent retakes will not impact rank NEISD’s Recommendation: How Many Retakes Count for Rank? 23

24 NEISD’s Recommendation: Ranking the Final 7th Semester for Seniors Senior year rank calculation First semester grades in senior year – calculated without EOC result 24

25 General Rules for STAAR Retakes Students may retest for any reason, but must retake the EOC test if performance does not reach the minimum score A student may not be required to retake a course as a condition of retaking the EOC assessment for that course 25

26 How many times will NEISD calculate EOC retakes into the final course grade?  Until the student earns course credit NEISD’s Recommendation: Retakes for Final Course Grade on Transcript 26

27 NEISD’s Recommendation: Retakes for Final Course grade: Until the student earns course credit Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade Credit ALG I 70646768670.0 Calculation(70+64)/2*.85 =57.0 (68*.15) =10.2 57.0 + 10.2 =67.2 84 70 1.0 90 Retake EOC Exam 27 The 90 earned on the EOC after receiving 1.0 credit can be used for the cumulative total; however, it will not impact the final course grade.

28 NEISD’s Recommendation: Retakes for Final Course grade: Until the student earns course credit Semester 1 Semester 2 Year AverageEOCFinal Course Grade Credit ALG I 70646768670.0 Calculation(70+64)/2*.85 =57.0 (68*.15) =10.2 57.0 + 10.2 =67.2 70 59.5 70 1.0 70 Course Recovery 28

29 Options for Remediation Course recovery Campus-based Summer School (EOC Prep) Regular Summer School Remediation classes the following year Tutoring during the school year Online courses (in planning stage) 29

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31 Our Common Goal To ensure your student graduates high school on time  Parents should stay current on where your student is now on the EOC journey and ask questions along the way.  School will make recommendations to help your student succeed 31

32 NEISD’s Recommendation: Number of End-of-Year Report Cards for 2011-12 Two for all 9 th graders Two for 7 th and 8 th graders in Algebra I or Geometry 32

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35 TENTATIVE Timeline for End-of-Year May 30, 2012 – last day of school May 31, 2012 – teachers enter grades June 1, 2012 – preliminary report cards mailed home June 8, 2012 – EOC results received – final report cards mailed home June 11, 2012 – First day for Elementary and Middle School Summer School June 13, 2012 – First day for Campus-based Summer School  EOC Prep, Course Recovery, TAKS Success June 13, 2012 – High School Summer School begins July 9, 2012 – EOC retakes begin 35

36 Closing Comments 36 Questions Additional information, videos and resources available at

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