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Dr. Jeff Cranmore, Ph.D. 940-390-0102.

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1 Dr. Jeff Cranmore, Ph.D. 940-390-0102

2 HB 5 has made several major changes to graduation plans across Texas. While the intent was to allow more flexibility for students, there has been considerable confusion in some aspect of its implementation.

3 AVID Currently AVID classes meet elective requirements but are not a part of any of the specific endorsement pathways. However, AVID focuses on college and career readiness in a way that embodies the spirit of HB5. Thus continuing through the AVID Elective Class throughout High School greatly improves college and career readiness.

4 Speech Requirements The most recent language of the graduation requirements have removed the requirement of a.5 speech credit; however they require that students have the skills associated with the TEKS from Communication Applications/Professional Communications. Many districts are choosing to either keep the speech credit as a local requirement or to embed these TEKS.

5 Embedded AVID Professional Communications/Communication Applications Meets requirements of the law. Offers credits in electives or locally required speech. Professional Communications can serve as part of a career pathway associated with other Endorsements.

6 Embedded AVID Business Information Management Some districts continue to require a CTE or Tech App credit. The Embedded BIM class meets this requirement. Offers elective credit that can meet local policy. Can be used as part of a Endorsement Pathway. See the Administrator’s Guide for Embedding credits for more information (MyAVID).


8 Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, a school district must ensure that each student, on entering ninth grade, indicates in writing an endorsement that the student intends to earn. CTE/Non-CTE Routes for Endorsements. A student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing: curriculum requirements for the endorsement four credits in mathematics four credits in science two additional elective credits

9 Each school district must make available to high school students courses that allow a student to complete the curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement. A school district that offers only one endorsement curriculum must offer the multidisciplinary studies endorsement curriculum. A school district defines advanced courses and determines a coherent sequence of courses for an endorsement area, provided that prerequisites are followed. A course completed as part of the set of four courses needed to satisfy an endorsement requirement may also satisfy a requirement under the foundation high school program, including an elective requirement (ex. Double dipping in Fine Arts).


11 Middle School Counselors are Key Plans are developed in 8 th grade. Important to know the “tricks” PE Credit for Marching Band, Drill Team and ROTC Credit by Exams for World Languages (80 to earn credit ) Health Credit (if required) through Health Science Programs Model Plans That Show AVID as an option Parent/Counselor/Administration Support AVID fits the goal of both college and career readiness

12 Strong academic core is required for college admissions May Still require Algebra II, Advanced Sciences, may not Accept Computer Programming as World Language. Much is still unclear. Texas Schools Private Texas Schools Out of State Schools The 4x4 Curriculum is a proven College Admission Plan 4x4 with AVID meets Several Possible Endorsement Options

13 Endorsements Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary STEM Public Service Business and Industry

14 Important A student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing: curriculum requirements for the endorsement four credits in mathematics four credits in science two additional elective credits. Students must complete an Endorsement to be eligible for the distinguished level of achievement. This is required for top 10% automatic admission.

15 Arts and Humanities (A) A total of five social studies credits (B) four levels of the same language in a language other than English (C) two levels of the same language in a language other than English and two levels of a different language in a language other than English (D) four levels of American sign language (E) a coherent sequence of four credits by selecting courses from one or two categories or disciplines in fine arts or innovative courses approved by the commissioner (F) four English elective credits

16 Arts and Humanities and AVID 5 credits in Social Studies (not Courses) World Geography World History US History Government (.5) Economics (.5) Students on the 4x4 plan would need to only complete one additional social studies credit( AP Human Geography, AP European History, Psychology, etc) to earn this endorsement

17 Arts and Humanities and AVID This endorsement also supports students with multiple language credits, especially native speakers, as well as AVID students participating in Fine Arts or Journalism Four years of a Fine Art; or Four Credits of a single World Language or Two years in two different Languages; or English Electives such as creative writing or journalism

18 Highlights Indicate Possible Endorsement Pathway for Arts & Humanities 9th10th11th12th 1English IEnglish IIEnglish IIIEnglish IV 2Alg IGeomAlg IIMath 3BiologyChemPhyScience 4W. GeoW. HistUS HistGov/Eco 5AVID 6LOTE PE Soc Studies Elective 7Choir

19 Multidisciplinary (A) four advanced courses that prepare a student to enter the workforce successfully or postsecondary education without remediation from within one endorsement area or among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent sequence (B) four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include English IV and chemistry and/or physics B is the 4x4 standard, which is the most useful tract for college aspiring students

20 Multidisciplinary and AVID (C)four credits in advanced placement, International Baccalaureate, or dual credit selected from English, mathematics, science, social studies, economics, languages other than English, or fine arts C supports involvement in AP, IB or Dual Credit programs, all of which align to the purpose of AVID, in getting students involved in rigorous coursework that prepares them for college.

21 Highlights Indicate Possible Endorsement Pathway for Multidisciplinary 9th10th11th12th 1English IEnglish II AP English IIIEnglish IV 2Alg IGeomAlg IIMath 3BiologyChemPhyAP Science 4W. GeoW. HistAP US HistGov/Eco 5AVID 6LOTE PEAP Art 7Elective AP Psychology

22 STEM (A) a coherent sequence courses for four or more credits in CTE (B) a coherent sequence of four credits in computer science A student may earn a STEM endorsement by completing foundation and general endorsement requirements including Algebra II, chemistry, and physics and: (C) A total of five credits in mathematics by successfully completing Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II and two additional mathematics courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite (D) A total of five credits in science by successfully completing biology, chemistry, physics, and two additional science courses (E) In addition to Algebra II, chemistry, and physics, a coherent sequence of three additional credits from no more than two of the areas listed in (A), (B), (C), and (D)

23 STEM and AVID C Five Math credits total, or two classes beyond Algebra II. Students taking Algebra I in Middle School, and one math each year of high school will qualify for this endorsement. Further any student taking multiple math classes in one school year can reach the 5 total classes. D Five Science credits total, or two classes beyond Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Any student taking multiple science classes in one school year can reach the 5 total classes Students participating the AVID and the CTE Clusters can gain this endorsement.

24 Highlights Indicate Possible Endorsement Pathway for STEM 9th10th11th12th 1English IEnglish IIEnglish IIIEnglish IV 2Alg IGeomAlg IIPre-Cal 3BiologyChemPhyAP Bio 4W. GeoW. HistUS HistGov/Eco 5AVID 6LOTE PEAP Stats 7Elective Fine ArtsAP Chem

25 Public Service (A)a coherent sequence courses for four or more credits in CTE (B) four courses in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)

26 Public Service and AVID Students participating the AVID and the CTE Clusters can gain this endorsement. Students participating the AVID and the JROTC can gain this endorsement. Note JROTC earns PE credit. Further, based on the certification of the instructors, other credits such as Health may be earned (if required by the district)

27 Public Service and AVID The Public Service CTE Courses may come from the following strands: Health Science Education and Training Human Services Law Government

28 Highlights Indicate Possible Endorsement Pathway for Public Service 9th10th11th12th 1English IEnglish IIEnglish IIIEnglish IV 2Alg IGeomAlg IIMath 3BiologyChemPhyScience 4W. GeoW. HistUS HistGov/Eco 5AVID 6LOTE ElectiveFine Art 7JROTC*JROTC *CTE courses may be taken instead of the JROTC

29 Business and Industry (A)a coherent sequence courses for four or more credits in CTE (B) four English elective credits Including Advanced Journalism

30 Business and Industry and AVID Students participating the AVID and the CTE Clusters can gain this endorsement. Note, Embedded AVID classes such as Professional Communications and BIM can be part of these CTE clusters. Refer to the Embedded Guide to correctly build CTE weighted classes. Several advanced English courses are available to meet this Endorsement, for AVID students with an interest in ELA.

31 Highlights Indicate Possible Endorsement Pathway for Business & Industry 9th10th11th12th 1English IEnglish IIEnglish IIIEnglish IV 2Alg IGeomAlg IIMath 3BiologyChemPhyScience 4W. GeoW. HistUS HistGov/Eco 5 AVID/Prof CommAVID/BIMAVID 6LOTE PEFine Art 7Elective CTE* *Students may also choose to complete Four years of Journalism


33 Just as in previous scheduling of the 4x4 planning is essential Summer School Courses for Acceleration Courses earning multiple credits (Marching band and PE) Credit by Exam (Native Speakers) Note: Texas now allows students to earn original credit for any CBE passed with an 80 or above (versus the original 90)

34 4 year plans Must include an initial endorsement choice Build in AVID Work around current 4x4 core courses Remaining courses 1 PE 1 Fine Art 2 World Language District Requirements (Health, Speech, Tech Apps) Student Interest/Passions Even on a 7 period day, most students can be involved in AVID and one other “program” such as athletics, fine arts or CTE

35 Sample 9th10th11th12th 1English IEnglish IIEnglish IIIEnglish IV 2Alg IGeomAlg IIMath 3BiologyChemPhysicsScience 4W. GeoW. HistUS HistGov/Eco 5AVID 6LOTE PEFine Art 7Elective

36 HB 5 Continues to Change Final wording is still not decided Credits vs. Courses New Courses yet undefined Combined World Geography/World History Course Computer Programming Language New CTE Math and Science Courses The State continues to take public comment Course Requirements State Testing

37 Sources of Information TEA Texas Association of School Boards Texas Association of School Administrators Many of these websites offer weekly updates.

38 Contact Information Dr. Jeff Cranmore, School Counselor 940-390-0102 Patrick Briggs, Texas State AVID Director 972-591-2517

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