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1 Kazakhstan presentation

2 Geography: The Republic of Kazakhstan – a state located in the central Eurasia. The biggest part of it is considered to be in Asia whereas the smallest part in Europe. Situated among the Caspian Sea, the lower Volga river, the Urals, Siberia, China and central Asia. Regarding its territory of 2,724,900 square kilometers, Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world. Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions, 86 cities and also 2 cities which are under republican submission (Astana and Alma-Ata city), 168 districts and 174 villages.

3 Government: The president of Kazakhstan is elected by the adult population of the country and is based on an equal universal decision among residents. The whole process of voting is done secretly. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev. The President’s authority term lasts for 5 years, however, he was an active president of constitution who kept authority for 7 years until the year of On the other hand, back to the 3rd of April ahead of schedule elections, his duties were decreased to two years. As a result of the previous elections, Nursultan Nazarbayev was chosen as a president of Kazakhstan until the year of 2016 for the fourth time. Nursultan Nazarbayev holds his presidential duties from April 24, who irremovably leads Kazakhstan from 22nd of June 1989 (25 years span until the year of 2014). Nursultan Nazarbayev in accordance with the constitutional rules owns special political and leading position: extended security for his family and himself, possibility to perform in front of the Parliament. Head of the Government – Prime Minister Karim Masimov (from April 2, 2014).

4 Population: The population of Kazakhstan reaches people (for September 1st 2014). Regarding the number of population, Kazakhstan is in the 63rd place in the list of the most populated countries. The average population density is slightly more than 6, 3 people for 1km² (184th place in the list of the population density). Women population reaches to 51, 8% and men to 48, 2% respectively. The average salary in Kazakhstan for February 2014 is KZT (237773, 78 RUB) The Republic of Kazakhstan is a typical multiethnic state in which apart from Kazaks, representatives of other nationalities live and manage to keep their native language, history and cultural values. Some of those representatives are: Russians (21, 8%), Ukrainians (1, 8%), Uzbeks (3%), Tatars (1, 2%), Uighurs (1, 4%), and also representatives of other nationalities as well.

5 Transport: Transport in Kazakhstan plays a significant role. Huge territories of the country 2, 7 million square kilometers, low density of population and also remoteness from world markets make the possession of a developed transport system highly necessary for Kazakhstan. The extension of railways in Kazakhstan that exceeds 15 thousand kilometers connects the Kazakhstan railway system with its neighbor countries. Kazakhstan and Russia’s railways are highly interdependent. Within the framework of transport development strategy, in Kazakhstan, 1400 kilometers of new land will be built and electrification of 2700 kilometers of land will take place until the year of 2017. Air transport plays a significant role and doesn’t have any alternatives. There are 22 huge airports in Kazakhstan the 14 of which serve international shipping. “Air Astana” is considered to be the largest airline in Kazakhstan. cars are registered in the territory of Kazakhstan and the road network reaches more than 96 thousand kilometers, while most of them need to be reconstructed and renovated.

6 Economy and Industry: Kazakhstan is known for its mountain developed industry where coal, oil, natural gas, copper ore, uranium ore, nickel ore and a lot of other beneficial fossils are developed. The main source of the country’s income is the exporting of oil and oil products. Kazakhstan owns rich oil fields just like Kashagan, Tengis, Uzen, Karashiganak and others. Kazakhstan’s transit of exportation passes mainly through Russia. The agriculture is not only rich in grain crops, but also in solid wheat varieties. Besides, fodder and technical cultures are grown, such as sunflower, cotton and flax curley. There are also fruit-growing and melon-growing. Animal breeding is presented with woolen meat, meat and milk cattle. Also, camel and horse breeding exists.

7 Economic outlook:

8 Interesting places Во второй половине XIX века, когда был основан Верный (ставший впоследствии Алматы), в нескольких километрах от города, между горных склонов был построен аул. Основателем этого поселения стал уважаемый в городе предприниматель Медеу Пусурманов. Когда он умер, ущелье, в котором находился построенный им аул, получило его имя. Спустя некоторое время в ущелье был построен санаторий, а в 1972 году здесь был открыт спорткомплекс «Медео», заслуживший мировое признание. Выше по ущелью находится селезащитная плотина и горнолыжная база «Чимбулак», так же популярная среди жителей Алматы. Кстати, на плотину ведет лестница, состоящая из ступеней, и на ней часто проводят соревнования по скоростному восхождению.  Возвышающийся над молодой столицей монумент «Астана-Байтерек», поистине стал архитектурным символом Астаны, символом Казахстана. Более того, если в символическом смысле Байтерек – центр мира, то в географическом, он – точный центр Евразии. В году международное жюри присудило Гран-при монументу «Астана- Байтерек» как лучшему проекту и постройке года среди стран СНГ.

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