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Developing Bioengineering Educational & Research A&T Harvey Borovetz.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Bioengineering Educational & Research A&T Harvey Borovetz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Bioengineering Educational & Research Opportunities @NC A&T Harvey Borovetz

2 Biomedical engineering sustained the largest growth of any discipline at each degree level over the past decade. It now ranks sixth among 21 engineering fields tracked by ASEE in bachelor’s and doctoral degrees granted and ninth in master’s degrees. The Power of Biomedical Engineering Michael Gibbons, ASEE (2011)

3 Enrollment trends indicate the discipline will continue to outpace engineering degree growth overall, which during the decade stood at 17 percent for bachelor’s, 38 percent for master’s, and 51 percent for doctorates. Reported biomedical research expenditures have grown 350% since 2000. The Power of Biomedical Engineering Michael Gibbons, ASEE (2011)

4 Fall, 2010


6 Forecast for Fastest-Growing Occupations by %: 2008-2018* New Jobs% Change Biomedical Engineer72 Network/data System Analysts53 Home Health Aides50 Personal & Home Care Aides46 Financial Examiners41 Medical Scientists40 *USNWR, WSJ

7 In the beginning …

8 One Team … One Dream

9 NC A&T is the first HBCU to be named Engineering Research Center by the National Science Foundation 9-12-2008

10 NSF-ERC for Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials

11 National Impact- Educational Programs NCAT Gatchell, Linsenmeier, 2/07 Total UG Programs ABET Accredited FIRST HBCU AMONG THESE 80+ PROGRAMS UG Bioengineering Programs With U. Pittsburgh guidance, a bioengineering program has been started at NC A&T which offers an undergraduate degree & MS degree – first at any HBCU in the Nation NCAT PhD in bioengineering (pending), adjunct appointments for NCAT faculty, internships & remote course offerings with Pitt (underway), 1 st 4 NCAT bioengineering faculty hired (co- mentored by Pitt)

12 Course Director: –Dr. Partha Roy (Pitt) Campus Directors: –Dr. Devdas Pai (NC A&T) –Dr. Sarah Pixley (UC)) Assessment: –Dr. Robin Liles (NC A&T) Teaching Assistants: –Latisha Taylor (NC A&T) –Aliza Alston (NC A&T) Associated Assignment: –Students attended Bio- medical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Fall ‘09 (Pittsburgh) *Distance Learning Principles of Cell Biology for Engineers I*

13 Extramural Training and Workshops BMES Annual Meeting October 2009 Pittsburgh PA

14 Fundamental Principles of Biodegradable Metallic Alloys* Course Director: –Dr. Prashant N. Kumta (Pitt) Campus Directors: –Dr. Devdas Pai (NC A&T) –Dr. Sarah Pixley (UC)) Assessment: –Dr. Robin Liles (NC A&T) Teaching Assistants: –Satish Singh(Pitt) –Yin Zhangzhang(UC) Associated Assignment: –Students attended the McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine Retreat Spring ’10 * Distance Learning


16 NameTitleInstitution Linsenmeier, Dr. Robert (Board Chair) Professor of Biomedical Engineering Northwestern University Evanston, IL Conley, Dr. Kevin Program Coordinator, Nanotechnology Education Forsyth Technical Community College Winston-Salem, NC Eldridge, Dr. John Regional Superintendent – Enrichment Region Guilford County Schools Greensboro, NC McCann, Dr. Jameson Program Coordinator, Biotechnology & Assistant Professor - Health Technologies Guilford Technical Community College Greensboro, NC Miles, Dr. Linda Family Practice PhysicianScott Community Health Center, Burlington, NC Redfern, Dr. MarkAssociate Dean for Research & Professor of Bioengineering University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Truskey, Dr. George Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering Duke University Durham, NC White, Mr. Leon PhD Student and Chair, ERC Student Leadership Council NC A&T State University Greensboro, NC Williams, Dr. DavidDean, College of EngineeringThe Ohio State University ERC & Bioengineering Program Education Advisory Board Membership

17 In the Immediate Future…  NC A&T participate in Council of Chairs for BioE/BME  NC A&T join AIMBE Academic Council  Professor Sankar nominated for AIMBE Fellowship  NC A&T Bioengineering participate in 2012 BMES Annual Meeting

18 Thanks for Your Invitation & Attention!

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