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Education – the success continuum Don Beggs, President Wichita State University Winston Brooks, Superintendent Wichita Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Education – the success continuum Don Beggs, President Wichita State University Winston Brooks, Superintendent Wichita Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education – the success continuum Don Beggs, President Wichita State University Winston Brooks, Superintendent Wichita Public Schools

2 Statewide & Wichita Public Schools Enrollment is declining slightly (600 to 1000) WPS: up 611 in last five years Poverty is 35% statewide and climbing. WPS: increased 13% in five years to 64% Special education 13% statewide & climbing. WPS: 7023 in 98/99 rising to 8594 02/03 English Language Learners 5.5% statewide. WPS: up 56% in five years to 5111 02/03 10%. (Representing 62 languages !)

3 Trends for “highly qualified” educators  Kansas already has a high percentage of “highly qualified” educators required by NCLB  Yet, there are trends which mask issues: Declining number of people entering teaching High attrition rate in the first five years Increased need for emergency substitutes Increased number of waiver requests

4 Our expectations of education in America have changed over the decades The changing definition of literacy-- 1900Able to write your own name 1930sThree or more years of schooling WWIIFourth-grade education 1947Five or more years of school 1952Six or more years of school 1970Ninth-grade education 2000High-school education plus Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Adult Literacy Survey, September 1993.

5 The data reveals: Kansas does a great job ! Kansas ranks above the national average on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2002 reading test and 2000 math test. Kansas is a national leader on ACT and SAT college entrance exams. Kansas is above the national average for high school graduation and college completion. WPS student achievement is up! A record 22 National Merit Semi-finalists!

6 The data further reveals: Kansas’ standing is in jeopardy. On the 2002 NAEP reading test, Kansas scores rose one point at both 4 th grade and 8 th grade from the 1998 test. Nationally, scores rose four points at 4 th grade and two points at 8 th grade.

7 The data further reveals: Kansas’ standing is in jeopardy. 27 states increased 4 th grade scores more than Kansas. 8 states were equal or lower. (Other states could not be compared.) 18 states increased 8 th grade scores more than Kansas. 14 were equal or lower. (Others could not be compared.)

8 “No Child Left Behind” Proposed by President Bush, adopted with bipartisan support Commits every state to bringing all students to “proficiency” within 12 years. Unprecedented goal - No state or nation has ever accomplished it.

9 “No Child Left Behind” Requires additional student testing and data management. Requires additional state tests Requires all schools to show “adequate yearly progress,” regardless of population Increases standards for teachers Increases standards for para- professionals Congress has not appropriated the funding called for in the original bill

10 The State Board of Education has also raised the bar Increased graduation requirements in math, science and fine arts. Requiring additional staff in areas where shortages already exist (math & science).

11 Getting the job done  Education is everyone’s concern –Parents, community, business, and the legislature  Access to quality early childhood programs –All children should enter school ready to learn  High academic standards for all students –With a focus on closing the achievement gap  Qualified teachers in every classroom –Including funding for strategic staff development training  All high school graduates prepared for successful post-secondary education and career

12 Partnership: the Key to Success  Alternative certification program for teacher candidates changing professions  Professional development school – WSU College of Education students take classes and work in classrooms at Irving and Park  Dean of Education attends WPS executive council meetings  President and Superintendent meet monthly

13 Bond Issue Board relations Labor relations Closing the achievement gap Building on a STRONG FOUNDATION Building on a STRONG FOUNDATION Closing the achievement gap Bond Issue Board relations Labor relations Closing the achievement gap “Leaving a legacy of improved student achievement” “Leaving a legacy of improved student achievement” Building on a STRONG FOUNDATION

14 Partnerships are Key Working to provide the best services to citizens in challenging times Our goals and your goals for our region are similar To work everyday to provide opportunities for individuals and businesses to flourish We want to work in partnership with you to further this cause for South Central Kansas

15 The Environment for Postsecondary Education The 21 st Century economy is KNOWLEDGE 80% of jobs require education past high school Our ability to produce postsecondary- level knowledge is critical to individual economic opportunity and overall economic competitiveness

16 The Environment for Postsecondary Education Demographics of our country continue to change By 2015, college-age population will continue to grow and become increasingly diverse Access will continue to be challenge Geographic Financial Challenging resource issues Funding holds steady or declines while ordinary costs (health insurance, other expenses) continue to increase Similar to the private sector

17 What does this mean for Postsecondary Education? Access will be important for the increasingly diverse student population Responsiveness to industry and citizens needs to be balanced against our financial ability to respond Continued retrenchment to focus on CORE educational missions as resources continue to tighten What do we NOT do in the large sea of needs Identifying administrative overhead relief that assists in reducing the cost of doing business

18 The Changing Nature of our Workforce 195920% of jobs required some college 196756% of jobs required some college 197359% of managers and professionals had some college 199880% of managers and professionals had some college Source: National Governor’s Association. “Economics, Demography, and the Future of Higher Education Policy. Anthony Carnevale and Richard Fry – Educational Testing Service. March 2001.

19 Accountability continues to be Important The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) is entering into performance agreements with each postsecondary institution. These agreements are developed in partnership with the KBOR. Pilot agreements will be submitted for review and approval in April 2004. Allocation of “new dollars” based on achieving the objectives outlined in institutional performance agreements is to be implemented by July 2005. This will take postsecondary education accountability to a new level in our state.

20 We Believe our Focus is Your Focus To provide educational opportunities for individuals with the ultimate goal of wealth creation In spite of our challenges we continue to move forward Produce 30% of engineers at our 4 major aircraft manufacturers Majority of school teachers in Wichita’s public and private schools Aviation research critical to aviation industry The National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) recently named an FAA Advanced Materials Center of Excellence NIAR does approximately 70% of the composite research for the FAA Thank you for all of your support of our efforts

21 Continuing Issues Governance of Wichita Area Technical College Continuing implementation of SB 345 and investments in research – particularly aviation research The continued shifting of financing of state activities to other funding sources Tuition Private foundations Fees

22 Higher Education Financing Policy Options for Leaders Source: Lumina Foundation for Education. “Financing in Sync: Aligning Fiscal Policy with State Objectives.” Dennis Jones. April 2003.

23 Higher Education Financing Policy Options for Leaders

24 We want to be part of the Solution Understand the state’s fiscal dilemma Education (K-Doctorate) is key to the economic future of Kansas It is one of the components which acts as a magnet for business and industry We want to be partners in the difficult choices you will have to make It is our belief investments in education can produce more wealth than they consume Thank you for your time. Questions?

25 Education – the success continuum Don Beggs, President Wichita State University Winston Brooks, Superintendent Wichita Public Schools

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