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Welcome 8 th graders & Parents!. Choosing the Right Classes A Typical Freshman Schedule English I English I Introduction to Social Science/Geography Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 8 th graders & Parents!. Choosing the Right Classes A Typical Freshman Schedule English I English I Introduction to Social Science/Geography Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 8 th graders & Parents!

2 Choosing the Right Classes A Typical Freshman Schedule English I English I Introduction to Social Science/Geography Introduction to Social Science/Geography Physical Education Physical Education Math course Math course Science Course Science Course Keyboarding/Information Processing IOR Keyboarding/Information Processing IOR Health/Driver’s Education/Career Awareness(if old enough) Health/Driver’s Education/Career Awareness(if old enough) Electives (Band, Chorus, Intro. To Ag., Art, Foreign Language, History of Fine Arts) Electives (Band, Chorus, Intro. To Ag., Art, Foreign Language, History of Fine Arts) Study Hall (one only) Study Hall (one only)

3 How do I choose? Think about your interests Consider career goals/college goals If considering college or tech/trade school, you will want to take a rigorous curriculum with at least 2 years of foreign language and additional math and science courses. If considering college or tech/trade school, you will want to take a rigorous curriculum with at least 2 years of foreign language and additional math and science courses. Talk to your parents/guidance counselor Talk to your parents/guidance counselor

4 Graduation Requirements Number of credits needed for graduation: 24 Note: Although number of credits earned to date may be sufficient for graduation, students must meet certain graduation requirements regardless of credits earned. Also, remember that these are graduation requirements, not college requirements. Every college has its own requirements.

5 Required Courses for Graduation 4 credits of English 3 credits of Social Studies (U.S. History, Geography, Intro to S.S., & Government are required plus either Economics, World History, or Contemporary History) 3 credits of Math (Must include Algebra I) 2 credits in Science Resource Management (4 years of Ag. classes or passing the Consumer Ed. Proficiency Exam will waive this requirement) Driver’s Education/Career Awareness HealthKeyboarding 1 credit from Music, Art, Foreign Language, Vocational, or Humanities P.E. each year (exemption only by counselor or principal)

6 Grades are Important! Getting behind early makes high school years difficult Success in high school=Success in college Studies show that students who do poorly in high school have a lesser chance of succeeding in college Studies show that students who do poorly in high school have a lesser chance of succeeding in college Eligibility (No Pass/No Play) Must pass 6 courses for weekly & semester eligiblity Must pass 6 courses for weekly & semester eligiblity Driver’s Education 8 classes in two semester to be eligible (IL law) 8 classes in two semester to be eligible (IL law)

7 Think about your future! Never to early to explore careers/colleges/trade schools Talk with your counselor every year Think about your interests and skills

8 Get Involved! Participate in school activities. Golf, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Cheerleading, Cross Country Golf, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Cheerleading, Cross Country Pep Club, Model U.N., FFA, Chorus, Band, Science Club, Spanish Club, NHS, Student Council, FEA, Saturday Scholars, Musicals, Plays, and much more! Pep Club, Model U.N., FFA, Chorus, Band, Science Club, Spanish Club, NHS, Student Council, FEA, Saturday Scholars, Musicals, Plays, and much more! Volunteer your time in school & the community. Volunteer your time in school & the community.

9 Registration Information Guidance Handbook Registration form Math recommendation Return to Mrs. Karsten by March 23rd Call the office if you have questions/concerns Ext. 205 Guidance Link Information on colleges/careers/ financial aid & copy of the Guidance Handbook

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