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Written & illustrated by JOSEPINE.M WELTENS!!! Click to start.

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Presentation on theme: "Written & illustrated by JOSEPINE.M WELTENS!!! Click to start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written & illustrated by JOSEPINE.M WELTENS!!! Click to start.

2 Josephine Weltens is ten years old and left handed. She is very talented with art and loves to write stories. “if I could do any extra credit work in middle school I would probably join stamp collecting.” she has 3 dogs, 3 birds, 1 cat, 2 fish and a bunny. “My room is a zoo, the bunny, cat and 1 of my dogs sleep with me and the birds sing me awake.” she enjoys volleyball, basketball, swimming, checkers and singing. “I want to inspire people to do their own thing, and dance to the music of life.”

3 Do not read this book straight from beginning to end! These pages contain different adventures that you can take. From time to time you will be asked to make a choice, your decisions may lead to success or disaster.

4 “Brock, your behavior is uncontrollable! You will have to go through with IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION!” your fifth grade teacher screams. “But I just hung up the flag.” you respond. “GO SIT IN THE OFFICE NOW W W W !!!” she thundered. You go inside the building and sit down, when your tummy growls. If you go to the office go to page 6If you go to the office go to page 6. If you go to the office go to page 6 If you go to the cafeteria go to page 5. If you go to the cafeteria go to page 5.

5 You walk to the principals office. He looks VERY MAD. He scolds you for putting the tidy-whites on the flag pole. As you sit in the time out corner you wish that you hadn't come to school today. to begin click here. to begin click here.

6 You go to the cafeteria. The lunch lady growls “Why are you here? I thought you were in …………. You quickly make a save. “ My class just finished lunch, so they sent me to get some GRUB.” “The last class to eat was Ms. Honey’s kinder class.” she grumbled. Picking up a walkie-talkie and reporting you to the office! If you run go to page 7. If you run go to page 7. If you freeze go to page 6. If you freeze go to page 6.

7 You freeze with fear. You want to run but can’t. Dizzy with excitement you faint! When you wake you’re in your mom’s car?! She telling you your rest is best. When you get home you lie on the couch & watch T.V, this is the life!!! Click here to beginClick here to begin. Click here to begin

8 You run as fast as you can, down the halls. You can hear people shouting at you but you keep moving. As soon as you see a little boys room you run inside and lock yourself in a stall. You think about what to do. 1 2.Stay in the restroom until the bell rings 2.Stay in the restroom until the bell rings 3.Go to the office. Sneak out of school while no one is looking. Sneak out of school while no one is looking

9 the bell finally rang. But now what? Maybe you can go home now, Or maybe sneak in the cafeteria and eat the leftovers. You ARE still hungry. You leave after sneaking into your empty class to get your backpack. If you go to the cafeteria click hereIf you go to the cafeteria click here. If you go home click here.

10 You choose plan one, since you don’t hear any noise you sneak outside. There are so many kids on the playground, so you sneak through the crowd. After making it to your house you remember mom’s words, “Today I’m staying home because I need to make some calls, be good Brock!” stumped you go back to school. If you go to the office click here. If you go back to the bathroom click here.

11 You run home ready for dinner. The principal sent your parents an e-mail about their disappearing son. You’re grounded for 2 months! Click to start.

12 You go back to the bathroom. Anyway, you still have two more plans, remember? You can wait until the bell rings or go to the office. If you go to the office click here. If you go home click here.

13 You walk into a dark cafeteria that is all the way empty. You eat your fill and go to the rest room. When you try to leave school the doors are locked! You have to wait until Monday!!! Click to start over.

14 Click to start.

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